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The fate of ahsoka

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She'd be exempt from Order 66 but not the Great Jedi Purge which targeted all Force sensitives. However that still gives her an improved chance of survival, it all depends on were she chooses to hide and if Vader chooses to track her down. TBH I can see Vader turning a blind eye to Ashoka. That said I'd rather not see her in Ep7. I feel to many Jedi survived the Purge when Luke was literally meant to be the last of them. An apperance in Rebels? I'd welcome it. No appearance at all? Suits me.


Vader could turn a blind eye perhaps(though I dunno...about that), but not the Empire.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Well.. After Order 66 it's afaik Canon that Vader was the Empires chief Jedi hunter, only in the EU there were inquisitors etc.

Vader spared Obi-Wan, either by choice or because Obi-Wan knew that Anakin would never go near Tatooine, so he would be safe there.

No reason Ahsoka did the same or something similar. I'm quite sure we either get to her demise in the expanded season "6" of TSW, or perhaps she shows on in the new tv show.


If I really have something to hope for it would be the first trailer of Ep. 7 starting with a familiar Togruta form and 2 lightsabers igniting.. She would be what? 35ish in New Hope, so 60-something and quite powerful in Ep.7.. Being a powerful mentor they find to get the Jedi back on track - but as we know her training was heavily influenced by Anakin.....

If not that.. Then PLEASE a movie with her.. She is one of my favourite SW characters right up there with Han, Anakin, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Luke.

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Vader spared Obi-Wan, either by choice or because Obi-Wan knew that Anakin would never go near Tatooine, so he would be safe there.



Vader didn't spare Obi-Wan, he was looking for him throughout the Purge, he didn't know where he was.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Vader didn't spare Obi-Wan, he was looking for him throughout the Purge, he didn't know where he was.
This, a group of Jedi set a trap for him using Obi-Wan as bait. His reaction was:



Shadday: "Not here, Sith. His name baited your trap."

Vader: "The first one to tell me where to find him lives. The rest of you die."


He wanted Obi-Wan dead. That said, Obi-Wan cut of his limbs and left him to burn alive. Ashoka on the other hand has been notihing other than a light in his life, I can't see him personally hunting her down. That said that won't stop the rest of the Empire's minions (well it might as he controls them) however its highly possible she could survive.

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This, a group of Jedi set a trap for him using Obi-Wan as bait. His reaction was:


Vader: "The first one to tell me where to find him lives. The rest of you die."


He wanted Obi-Wan dead. That said, Obi-Wan cut of his limbs and left him to burn alive. Ashoka on the other hand has been notihing other than a light in his life, I can't see him personally hunting her down. That said that won't stop the rest of the Empire's minions (well it might as he controls them) however its highly possible she could survive.


Boss line.


Though he doesn't have control over all, some just directly take orders from the Emperor himself. Like the Emperor's Hand, Shadow Guard and so forth. In fact actually, it would be a rather interesting way to introduce a new character that hunts down Ahsoka as per the Emperor's orders so that she wouldn't interfere with trying to reason with Vader or some such noise, perhaps in a comic series.


I wouldn't mind seeing a new Emperor's Hand character being introduced, or Inquisitor or Imperial Shadow Guardsman(we haven't seen any name worthy Shadow Guards, those guys are boss) or some such from another Imperial branch. Always a good thing to have different and a variety of characters.


Anyway best to just wait I suppose.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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He wanted Obi-Wan dead. That said, Obi-Wan cut of his limbs and left him to burn alive. Ashoka on the other hand has been notihing other than a light in his life, I can't see him personally hunting her down. That said that won't stop the rest of the Empire's minions (well it might as he controls them) however its highly possible she could survive.


It's not like the Emperor really cares. I'm sure he'd find a way to kill Ahsoka just to bug Vader. Better yet, find a way to use her to keep Vader in line.

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vader may be able to turn a blind eye but could she?


Sure he left the order but i doubt she could sit by, even if palp sent vader after her and he was reluctant to kill her would she not try to destroy him and what he has become?

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Even if Vader wanted to spare her, Palpatine would definately want her dead, in his eyes she could potentially try to redeem him, making her a threat. Besides once Anakin/Vader comitted himself to the Sith he had to re-evaluate his past, which would definately put Ahsoka in danger.


So essentially she's under threat from both of them, and has little or no resources to avoid them.

Or Palpatine might feel that pushing Vader to kill his hold apprentice may simply prompt his rebellion, his loyalty was shaky enough as it was once the Emperor could no longer hold the offer of keeping Padme alive over him. The fact is assigning motives like this gets us no where. We know the purge primarily targeted active members of the order even after the initial Order 66. We know Ahsoka was one of the very few people whom Anakin genuinely loved. With Obi Wan now his enemy and Padme left that puts her in a unique position.


If she keeps her head down it is quite likelyshe survives. Even ignoring the fact that if they were going to kill her off they should have done it in the show in which she starred.

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Explain how, exacly, Ahsoka Tano making an appearance in Ep7 would ruin the EU? I would love to hear how you think this would ruin anything. The deaths of Chewie and Mara Jade didn't ruin the EU. Jacen becoming Sith didn't ruin anything. Hell, not even the novel The Crystal Star (the worst novel written) ruined the EU. So exactly how would Ahsoka ruin anything?:rolleyes:


How about the fact Ahsoka's appearance in the clone wars, and when episode 7 would take place, she would probably be very old ?

Vader without his helmet on in 6 looks at least 50 or 60 years old...

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How about the fact Ahsoka's appearance in the clone wars, and when episode 7 would take place, she would probably be very old ?

Vader without his helmet on in 6 looks at least 50 or 60 years old...


Because he is? Though Ahsoka isn't that old in TCW, so she wouldn't be very old if she appeared.

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a non-force sensitive human lives to 100, a force sensitive human could live up to 800 (which was very rare), a non-force sensitive togruta lives up to 94, and i would predict that a force sensitive togruta can live up to around 500-700 maybe?


I wouldn't go that high really..but seeing as we don't know, who knows.

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How about the fact Ahsoka's appearance in the clone wars, and when episode 7 would take place, she would probably be very old ?

Vader without his helmet on in 6 looks at least 50 or 60 years old...


This was before the Prequels, given that he is about 26-28 when Luke and Leia are born, and timeline wise Luke is supposed to be about 26ish in Return of the Jedi (18 ontattooine, + 6 years to TESB, and supposedly a year or two until ROTJ) then Vader should be about 54, however in the original Trilogy the intention was that he was 60+ which is why the original Force Ghost looked so old (well that and the fact that was about how old the Actor was).

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She ain't dead yet. Weither or not it stays that way, is for the future to decide.


Whether she is dead or not.


But I disagree, she is either dead or alive and it's already fixed, it's just a matter of us finding out which. Personally I think she is one with the Force.

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Or Palpatine might feel that pushing Vader to kill his hold apprentice may simply prompt his rebellion, his loyalty was shaky enough as it was once the Emperor could no longer hold the offer of keeping Padme alive over him. The fact is assigning motives like this gets us no where. We know the purge primarily targeted active members of the order even after the initial Order 66. We know Ahsoka was one of the very few people whom Anakin genuinely loved. With Obi Wan now his enemy and Padme left that puts her in a unique position.


If she keeps her head down it is quite likelyshe survives. Even ignoring the fact that if they were going to kill her off they should have done it in the show in which she starred.


I get what you are saying, but I think the Emperor would want to remove her for two reasons, the first I've already said, but he would also want to prevent Vader developing any allies outside the Imperial sphere of influence, Bobba Fett and other bounty hunters are ok, since they are primarily loyal to money. But Ahsoka even if she didn't try to redeam him, would be an ally Palpatine could not permit.


As for killing her off in The Clone Wars cartoon, I think you underestimate the backlash that would create, especially as it's supposed to be kiddy friendly.

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I get what you are saying, but I think the Emperor would want to remove her for two reasons, the first I've already said, but he would also want to prevent Vader developing any allies outside the Imperial sphere of influence, Bobba Fett and other bounty hunters are ok, since they are primarily loyal to money. But Ahsoka even if she didn't try to redeam him, would be an ally Palpatine could not permit.


As for killing her off in The Clone Wars cartoon, I think you underestimate the backlash that would create, especially as it's supposed to be kiddy friendly.


Well the show did show some Jedi dying and other characters...:p but I see your point, fans would rage.

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