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Lore-friendly character history questions.


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Hi there comunity :)


As I recently (read, aprox. 1 hour ago) decided to return to SWTOR I came up with a decision of writing a background story for my characters. I play on the english RP server and it would be most welcome to have a more complex tale to tell. But what first seemed easy soon turned out to be more complex. I have some questions regarding the SW lore which I do not fully grasp.


First of all, I watched all the movies but played the Jedi Academy and both Force Unleashed. I am not familiar with any Knights of the Old Republic games or any books that were writen in the meantime.


So my questions regarding races:


1. Is it possible to cross races offspring?

- What race will it belong to?

- Will it be healthy?

- What physical features will it inherit?



2. About Twi'leks and/or Zabrak:

- Can they have twins?

- Will children (twins) have same skin colour?

- If there is only one child, which parents skin colour it will inherit?



3. About Sith pureblood:

- Will the children (twins) have same skin colour as well as facial structure?

- What races can the pureblood cross with?

- Will the offspring be always of pureblood?



That's for a soft start. If I encounter any other dificulties I will write some more questions. I read through some of the topic on SW wiki as well as Wookiepedia, but they don't explain all that's necessary. If there exist any lore wiki I can use and missed can you post a link to it?

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Hi there comunity :)

So my questions regarding races:


1. Is it possible to cross races offspring?

- What race will it belong to?

- Will it be healthy?

- What physical features will it inherit?

Any cross species offspring will belong to both species, as they will be half of each, provided the species can breed with each other. The health of the child will depend on many factors, including what genes it inherits, degree of cross-breedability (how well the two species can interbreed), and health of the parents. Again what features it inherits depends on the two species involved, ie Zabrak-ratataki hybrids would probably be pale with headspikes (provided they can actually cross-breed)


2. About Twi'leks and/or Zabrak:

- Can they have twins?

- Will children (twins) have same skin colour?

- If there is only one child, which parents skin colour it will inherit?

Twileks can have twins, and I beleive Zabrak can too. The colour they inherit depends on which colour is dominant genetically.


3. About Sith pureblood:

- Will the children (twins) have same skin colour as well as facial structure?

- What races can the pureblood cross with?

- Will the offspring be always of pureblood?

The facial structures might vary a great deal between generations, or they might not, it rather depends on what genes the parents pass on. Purebloods can breed with Humans, and presumably can breed with any species Humans can. Strangely two Pureblood parents can produce a Non-Pureblood child, due to the amount of Human genes in the population, essentially most Purebloods are humans with some Sith DNA, but a few are still mostly Sith genetically.

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So even if I try to create a lore-friendly set of characters I will bo forced to set most of them as "Adopted Childs" due to the fact the game does not provide an option to have hybrid characters.


As for the skin colour, will the children have same color as one of the parents or can it be a little off? For example a light-blue mother can give birth to dark-blue doughter? Or a red skinned to pink skinned? Or will one of the parent's skin color dominate the other's?



Another question, or at least a need of clarification:


As you stated, Sith can give birth to non-Sith child. So if a human woman is carrying a sith offspring and gives birth to twins (not from the same egg cell), one can be human and the other can be sith? If yes then that could be a start to my history.



For all those who have similar doubts I found this site. Appart from Wookipedia it prooved most usefull to me.

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As for the skin colour, will the children have same color as one of the parents or can it be a little off? For example a light-blue mother can give birth to dark-blue doughter? Or a red skinned to pink skinned? Or will one of the parent's skin color dominate the other's?

Could be the same, could be slightly different, could even be completely different, like how one blond parent and one brunette parent is most likely to produce a Red-Headed Child in Humans (50% probabilty blond/brunette 25% each). In short who knows?


Another question, or at least a need of clarification:


As you stated, Sith can give birth to non-Sith child. So if a human woman is carrying a sith offspring and gives birth to twins (not from the same egg cell), one can be human and the other can be sith? If yes then that could be a start to my history.

Yes, quite easily, fraternal twins could easily be different species under these circumstances.

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So after reading through the pages I still have some questions.


The Sith are described as too genetically diferent from humans to cross-breed, unless some alchemy is used. I imagine this refares to the pure Sith species, not the Sith Purebloods in the game, as those are already a mix.


So for future referance, from the species currently in the game:


1. Humans can cross-breed with:

- Zabrak, Sith, Chiss, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki;


2. Sith Purebloods* (as near-human) can cross-breed with:

- Zabrak, Humans, Chiss, Miraluka, Rattataki;

* it's same for any near-human species;


3. Twi'leks can cross-breed with:

- Humans, Sith, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki;



The list is my own creation and therfore can be partially wrong. If there are any big mistakes pls let me know. I am in the process of creating my characters history and would be a shame to rewrite everything.

Edited by Schanez
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So after reading through the pages I still have some questions.


The Sith are described as too genetically diferent from humans to cross-breed, unless some alchemy is used. I imagine this refares to the pure Sith species, not the Sith Purebloods in the game, as those are already a mix.


So for future referance, from the species currently in the game:


1. Humans can cross-breed with:

- Zabrak, Sith, Chiss, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki;


2. Sith Purebloods* (as near-human) can cross-breed with:

- Zabrak, Humans, Chiss, Miraluka, Rattataki;

* it's same for any near-human species;


3. Twi'leks can cross-breed with:

- Humans, Sith, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki;



The list is my own creation and therfore can be partially wrong. If there are any big mistakes pls let me know. I am in the process of creating my characters history and would be a shame to rewrite everything.


Last I recall Twi'leks couldn't cross breed with humans, and the one twi'lek people point to was actually adopted not cross bred.


As for your question, if science is the way it is now, they're either fraternal or identical.


Twi'lek skin color is likely a lot like human hair. Just because the parents are blue and yellow skinned, doesn't mean the child will be blue or yellow, but does make it more likely.


As for what traits a hybrid would take, that's something you get to figure out.


My half human, half miraluka was rolled as a Cyborg. The cybernetic implants taking care of the blindness (born with eyes though) and deafness that came with her pairing. Some of it you just have to roll with.

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The Human species was able to interbreed with the Coynite, [1] Echani,[2] Ferroan,[3] Hamadryas,[4] Kiffar,[5] Miraluka,[6] Nagai,[7] Theelin,[8] Twi'lek species.[9] When Humans bred with the Kalai, the resulting offspring were known as Lethagoe[10] and with the Zabrak the Dathomirians.[11]


From this site.


Also check this little guy.

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Last I recall Twi'leks couldn't cross breed with humans, and the one twi'lek people point to was actually adopted not cross bred.


er, according to the websites Twileks and Humans can crossbreed, not common but they can do it. In fact I seem to remember someone saying that Humans are the only species Twileks can breed with (although this probably includes Sith Purebloods with sufficient Human Genes).

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er, according to the websites Twileks and Humans can crossbreed, not common but they can do it. In fact I seem to remember someone saying that Humans are the only species Twileks can breed with (although this probably includes Sith Purebloods with sufficient Human Genes).


And what about all those near-human species? They are similar enought to humans to cross breed with them but not Twi'leks? Sith Purebloods are now considered a near-human, so if they can is some cases I gues the others could also.

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And what about all those near-human species? They are similar enought to humans to cross breed with them but not Twi'leks? Sith Purebloods are now considered a near-human, so if they can is some cases I guess the others could also.


Probably, the definition of near-human is rather vague, you would probably have to say case by case lore-wise, but unless someone actually says that this species can't breed with that species (and can provide evidence in star wars lore) then assume you can, obviously the exceptions mentioned in wookiepedia are exceptions.

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I have another problem. What is the diference between a human with implants and a cyborg? Where lies the border between them?


As an example let's use two NPCs which I gues both are cyborgs.


1. Darth Skotia

2. Mako


The first one is obviously a cyborg. He has robotic arms (at least they look like it) and a lot of things attached. As for Mako she has only some implants on her face. So is she really a cyborg? According to the story:

Darth Skotia is at least 40-50% a machine.



So where exactly lies the border between both species?

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I have another problem. What is the diference between a human with implants and a cyborg? Where lies the border between them?


As an example let's use two NPCs which I gues both are cyborgs.


1. Darth Skotia

2. Mako


The first one is obviously a cyborg. He has robotic arms (at least they look like it) and a lot of things attached. As for Mako she has only some implants on her face. So is she really a cyborg? According to the story:

Darth Skotia is at least 40-50% a machine.



So where exactly lies the border between both species?


For TOR, the difference is, if it's a cybernetic implant that doesn't change your appearance (you slot it in your gear) you stay your race. If you get a cybernetic that someone can actually see, you're a brand new race! :p

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