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PT - want to be a great tank!


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Hello there!


I have few question for old PT players or experienced players.

1. Best build for pve tank PT. (I'm not looking for leveling build, only end game tank build 2.2)

2. Primary stats: Endurance > Aim > Def > Absorb > Shield?

3. Skill Rotation


I hope PT is still good tank, i never played as bounty hunter, but i heard a lot of good things about PT. So I will be waiting for your answers guys, thanks :)

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Use the search bar, lots of good stuff floating around if you look for it. Generally the vanguard forums are a good place for bounty hunter tanking info. For general tanking and theorycrafting, check out the tanking forum under classes>roles.



And this for gearing: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779

Edited by Marb
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As for build, i'm actually running a 35/11/0 build. Standard tank tree, but didn't get heat blast to get retractable blade, for that extra dot, to help proc rail shot, and it's nice aoe explosion from ion gas cylinder.


As for stats, should go endurance, aim, shield, absorb, defense. Some say aim over endurance, some say otherwise, so it's pretty much a personal preference there. I'm not fully geared yet, so Idk what to tell you there.


As for rotation, on groups I like opening with death from above (dfa), then run in with flame sweep, then retractable blade, rail shot, electro dart, flamethrower. But rotation is all about what works best for you so...still, personal preference. Single target, also like leading with dfs, just cuz of the huge damage and builds a lot of threat fast. then jet charge to boss, and go from there.

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Just my two cents here, but not taking heat blast is a HUGE mistake. Not only is the 25% absorb boost that is gives disgustingly good, but it also vents heat and is off the GCD. RB is an alright talent when spec'd into the higher skills, but losing heat blast for RB is not a good trade off, at least for end game PVE. I dont know much about pvp, and I'm sure it would fair ok for soloing and dailies, but in FP's/Ops, there is no contest between the two abilities.


Heat blast is waaaay to good to pass up

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