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Master Jun Seros, TOTAL *******


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The BH killed a Jedi Master, in a war he/she had no part of, nor any relation to (the BH wasn't a Mando), for nothing more than sport/money.


You bring hired killers to justice. Of course the story is written as it is, because they don't want the BH looking like the villain. :p


Let's go with, "This is war" you mean the line were the BH says "This isn't my war" sooo, we go back to BH is a hired killer. Might be a hired killer that requires contracts first, and may even decide if the target is worth it for whatever reason (money, challenge, fame, what have you), but the Jedi Master the BH kills was not a killer, was not evil, was infact a defender of innocents, but the one's hurting the innocents happened to be Mandos.

Again we are changing the facts based on our own player perspective. Case in point: I don't recall my BH ever saying 'this isn't my war' in fact from my perspective this is his war, he has a vested interest in the Empire winning the conflict. In fact, my BH says as much at the end of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. In the end he works for the Empire, not the Republic.


He is on their side. If the Imperials attempted to arrest him for killing Moff whoever they might have a point, but this is the enemy we are talking about. What right do they have to lecture me on justice, when I an well within my rights to shoot them right between the eyes? Given that we are at war?


Regardless of that, the BH whether it was for glory of riches, took on a contract from the Mandalorians who are allies of the Empire and enemies of the Republic. Essentially he was fulfilling a contract in aid of the Mandalorian and Imperial war effort. These are no grounds for a campaign of justice against him, when the BH is merely doing what Jun Seros himself has done on countless occasions. No laws or code of conduct have been violated, yet Jun Seros has violated both Republic laws and the Jedi Code. He is more in the wrong than the BH.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Pretty much everything Beniboybling said. Well done, sir!


Look, for those of you who want to be an apologist for all Jedi, light, dark, or gray, no matter what they do, we can't stop you. Jedi are Jedi because they are supposed to rise above things like anger and revenge. They are trained for years and years and years to detach from these feelings, because if you indulge them, given the powers at your disposal, you end up acting like a Sith. Nomen Carr from the SW story is a perfect example, as is Master Seros. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and both had good intentions.


As for the BH, he/she is what he is. He's a hired killer, with a marginal allegiance to the Empire (moreso after Makeb, but that comes later), and possibly a Mandalorian if that's what you chose. Yes, even LS BH; at one point you are essentially called out by Mako AND Blizz for the work you do.



I actually had no problem with Seros wanting him arrested. He's a bad, dangerous guy, and possibly an asset to the Empire. The ambush on Quesh? The BH and team should have been WAY smarter, and if Seros had succeeded in capturing him, well, them's the breaks. But he didn't.


Anything Seros did after that was him acting out his personal revenge fantasy, and that makes him a fallen Jedi, period. The massacre of the Black List is a perfect example of how far the guy has fallen. Sugar coat it all you want. It is what it is. In fact, had he not been so hell bent on revenge and not thinking clearly, he could have waited I dunno, what, TEN minutes to see if the BH actually appeared on Nar Shadda before instructing his team to start killing unarmed people? Yes, they were all hired killers themselves, & the Jedi Commander is overheard telling Seros "they wouldn't cooperate" as the BH enters. Really? Jedi execute prisoners who won't cooperate with no due process? Since when? The only reason (presumably) the BH got out of there was he had a chance to arm himself when he saw one of the Black List shot in the back. But that's what happens when you take emotions into the battlefield, you get sloppy. And what did Seros achieve? Not a damn thing except another dead team. Just imagine how enraged he was. So he took the only tactic left available to him; he made up some terrible sh*t and roped the Supreme Chancellor into his Vendetta. If he wasn't a fallen Jedi before the Black List incident, he sure as sh*t was after.


So why didn't the Jedi Council reign Seros in? Same reason they were fooled by Carr. They were in the middle of fighting a war and losing, and their attentions were elsewhere. And apparently he was a personal friend of the Chancellor. As we find out later, bad for the Chancellor. Also, it bears noting that Seros's party on Nar Shadda drew the attention of who? Mandalore the Vindicated, who (at least in my story) raged in an email about the honor-less butchering of his friends. We'll never know for sure, but Seros may have been single-handedly responsible for drawing the Mandalorians proper into the war, on the Empire's side. Good job, fallen Jedi! For the Republic! :confused:



This all plays into future chapters of the game. With a new warmongering Supreme Chancellor at the helm, the Republic is going to run into big problems, in the form of "how much do they have to become like the enemy to fight the enemy and prevail?" Or, if some Jedi choose to fight the Sith on their terms, are they still Jedi? The answer is, not really. And thanks to Seros, the beginning of the falling dominoes, the Hunter is now working along side the Dark Council, and the bloodshed continues.


So please, stop saying "but, but they were KILLERS!." That's irrelevant. The Jedi are supposed to be better than that, and Seros wasn't. Case closed.


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