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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Adding bowcasters again? Really?


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What gave you the idea to bring back bowcasters? Did people whine enough for you to give in and basically make recycled weapons?


You know those bowcasters you got in the Chevin event? You know how unique you feel now that you were part of a one time event and received one time rewards from that one time event?


Well its over, because now everyone will have another chance to run around with bowcasters and now when you use a bowcaster people aren't going to wonder or ask you where you obtained it because they will automatically assume you got it from the new bounty hunting event.


"Oh you've been playing in this game since release, you got a bowcaster from one of those unique events? Well guess what, I've been playing for 2 weeks and I already have a bowcaster"


Why does Bioware want to destroy uniqueness in the game?


If you have UNIQUE EVENTS, you should keep the rewards UNIQUE. And let me guess, this new event will occur over and over and over?


And an ewok with a bowcaster? for real bioware? "What should we add to this bounty hunting event? Hmm i know, an Ewok! And uhhh...let him use a bowcaster! YAY! "


Your life must be very difficult.

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Personally, I do not care who has what item or how many people have the same things I have. I do, however, recognize, that other people DO care.


I also find it ironic that the people who want bowcasters make statements like "Bottom line is that your special things are special to you, but no one else really gives a crap that you have them". If those people weren't concerned so about someone else having virtual pixels they do not have, then no one would be worried about not having a bowcaster.


Huh?? I don't even know what a bowcaster is and have no desire to have one. You're leaping to conclusions there, bud, making up stuff you can then turn around and criticize. now THAT'S ironic.


P.S. It's called a "straw man argument" and completely illogical.

Edited by MSchuyler
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