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I think Assassin/Shadow needs a real "Jump To" ability


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It's a melee class first and foremost. Sure it has 10m skills, but look at the other melee or pseudo melee classes in comparison.


The pseudo melee Vang/PT can at the very least shoot a 30m basic attack to start a fight from 30m, and has a couple other long ranged attacks from the base class. This provides easy agro generation from the start of fights as well since they don't need to peel mobs/bosses of a ranged dps who starts the fight. Vagn/PT get an actual jump ability but it's only in one of the trees, and they get a pull to ability as a base class ability. Both of these classes can get enemies into their 10m optimal range or put themselves into the 10m range.


The full melee Knight/Warrior mirrors can start a fight from 10 to 30m with their jump and get into their damage dealing melee zone easily every 15 seconds.


What does Shadow/Assassin get? Force Speed which requires actually running and aiming, doesn't go over low obstacles, lasts only 2 seconds, and has a cooldown of 20 seconds. In the tanking tree they can also earn a pull to ability, which is good but only in the tank tree. On my Assassin DPS it's extremely frustrating to almost not be able to help during regular fights because people start fights and I have to walk to each target even though I myself haven't started hitting things. I very often get there only see one enemy left or getting killed just as I'm about to attack. I have great DPS but I can't help the party if stuff dies from either the other DPS or the other party members mauling it before I get there. It makes me feel useless. I need to get into melee range to deal damage (The 10m abilities are not really the main damage dealing abilities), and by the time I do stuff is dead or dieing.


This is extremely frustrating and Assassin/Shadow needs a Jump To IMHO to bridge the gap into melee range at least every other fight. Please?

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It's a melee class first and foremost. Sure it has 10m skills, but look at the other melee or pseudo melee classes in comparison.


The pseudo melee Vang/PT can at the very least shoot a 30m basic attack to start a fight from 30m, and has a couple other long ranged attacks from the base class. This provides easy agro generation from the start of fights as well since they don't need to peel mobs/bosses of a ranged dps who starts the fight. Vagn/PT get an actual jump ability but it's only in one of the trees, and they get a pull to ability as a base class ability. Both of these classes can get enemies into their 10m optimal range or put themselves into the 10m range.


The full melee Knight/Warrior mirrors can start a fight from 10 to 30m with their jump and get into their damage dealing melee zone easily every 15 seconds.


What does Shadow/Assassin get? Force Speed which requires actually running and aiming, doesn't go over low obstacles, lasts only 2 seconds, and has a cooldown of 20 seconds. In the tanking tree they can also earn a pull to ability, which is good but only in the tank tree. On my Assassin DPS it's extremely frustrating to almost not be able to help during regular fights because people start fights and I have to walk to each target even though I myself haven't started hitting things. I very often get there only see one enemy left or getting killed just as I'm about to attack. I have great DPS but I can't help the party if stuff dies from either the other DPS or the other party members mauling it before I get there. It makes me feel useless. I need to get into melee range to deal damage (The 10m abilities are not really the main damage dealing abilities), and by the time I do stuff is dead or dieing.


This is extremely frustrating and Assassin/Shadow needs a Jump To IMHO to bridge the gap into melee range at least every other fight. Please?


I can honestly say you do not need a charge. The Sin/Shadow is VERY mobile if played correctly. I've seen a lot of damn good Sins/Shadows in my time that are very capable at staying mobile.


Honestly because you do in fact have Force Speed, it is just as useful as a charge. Sure, it doesn't have the instant effect here and now. But it would unbalance the class to a severe point in PvP in particular to have Speed AND a charge. Not to mention the pull in tank spec. Truly you don't need it, it can feel like you do at times, having played one from 1-50 back in last expac. But you really don't. Just learn to save your Speed for when you need to actually use it.


To the argument of the PT/VG having a charge, yes we have one, but like you said, it is in the tank spec. We have a pull as well, but adding both together makes for only 2 major gap closers. Putting in a Charge for Sin/Shadow would make for 3 majors. Hold the Line/Overrides are also extremely helpful as PT/VG, but not to the degree of using Force Shroud/Resil and hitting your Speed. (Though I will say, it is fun having that now.)


To the subject of having to move and aim, I've always liked that about Force Speed. It gives you a lot of control over where you're going, as to where you charge and it may or may not put you in an AoE hazard by placement of where you land. It's amazing what you actually can do with Speed if used properly.


Just watch your timing on uses of Speed, and you'll be fine.

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Why must you quote my entire post? /cry


So what I got out of your post is "don't suck and this becomes not needed" but what if I do suck? I played my Sin THEN my Jugg (Not reverse as you might guess since this is about jumps and people who want jumps might be used to a Warrior), and I found the Jugg about 10x easier to get into combat to start dealing damage/getting agro than the Sin who was left trying to get to places to slash things.


Come on, not everybody is as awesome as you. I really think this is needed.


Oh and did I mention I don't give a you know what about PVP balance? Don't PVP, never will, hate it. I always look at things from a PVE perspective, and the melee based Asassin/Shadow getting late to the party frustrates me.

Edited by Bronislav
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