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A real expansion


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A real expansion should have had this:


Level cap raised to 60.

At least 3 new planets after Corellia and Ilum (could have included Makeb in the mix).

A 6th companion for each class.

At least 3 new cutscenes for each of the original mainstream companions.

2 new classes with their own 6 mainstream companions for each faction including a new starting planet for ewach faction ((hey even if the recycled some planets and made opposite faction versions i.e. Imperial Coruscant or Republic Hutta).

At least 6 new flashpoints (say 3 around the 50's and 3 at 60) and 2 new operations at launch, more to come in patches.

At least 1 or 2 new pvp arenas.

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New classes, no. We don't need them. What we need that you didn't touch on were new chapters for the individual class stories. It seems, however, that BW will never put out a true expansion and will not continue class stories. That will be the downfall of this game. Mini-expansions like RotHC will not sustain peoples attention after they complete the storyline 3-4 times, twice on each faction. Makeb got boring real fast. I know people who vow never return there after just 3 runs..


As much as players want a real expansion I doubt it will never happen because BW won't put the money into it.

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New classes, no. We don't need them. What we need that you didn't touch on were new chapters for the individual class stories. It seems, however, that BW will never put out a true expansion and will not continue class stories. That will be the downfall of this game. Mini-expansions like RotHC will not sustain peoples attention after they complete the storyline 3-4 times, twice on each faction. Makeb got boring real fast. I know people who vow never return there after just 3 runs..


As much as players want a real expansion I doubt it will never happen because BW won't put the money into it.


Yes you're right. Chapter 4 slipped my mind when I posted that and meant to add it in, including the 6th companion. And why not new classes? That would basically mean new story which we all want.

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New classes, no. We don't need them. What we need that you didn't touch on were new chapters for the individual class stories. It seems, however, that BW will never put out a true expansion and will not continue class stories. That will be the downfall of this game. Mini-expansions like RotHC will not sustain peoples attention after they complete the storyline 3-4 times, twice on each faction. Makeb got boring real fast. I know people who vow never return there after just 3 runs..


As much as players want a real expansion I doubt it will never happen because BW won't put the money into it.


This game hasnt even been out 2 years. Of course there will be a true expansion and not just a DLC with a stat reset. Before the game launched 2 things happened.


1) 2-3 more chapters of a class storyline were written

2) Contracts were issued and signed by the main Voice Actors for more work.


It is impossible to continue without them doing this. Makeb was a platau in the storyline and advanced the story arcof the galaxy with the ending that I do not wish to give away. I would imangine that the event that took place after you finished makeb will be the starting point for the next chapter of your personal storyline. It provides a reason to do more stuff.

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We don't need new classes, ever. there is imperiala rmor for the bh on the cartel market if you want to be an imperial soldier, and SIS looking gear is available for the trooper and smugler if you want to be an "agent".


Otherwise theres no reason for an expansion that you can't handle with what is already here.


Yes, the next expansion will continue the story arcs, they've confirmed this already.

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