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Stat targets


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Hi guys,


Typically in the past I've used noxxic to determine what stats I should be chasing as a healer, however I've recently heard a lot of criticusm about noxxic and strong suggestions not to use it. Can anyone link me to a site or resource that gives me clear and current indications on just exactly what stat targets I should be chasing?


Cheers Guys.

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According to the GIANT theory rafting thread in this forum, you want to go for:


Mods: All high power

Enhancements: 6x power/alacrity, 4x power/surge


According to that thread, yes, you do not want crit on any item you have equipped. Checking other threads & the replies to those original posts can really help with questions like this.

Edited by adiwantinova
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I've found less Alac to be preferred personally. I have only 4 pieces with Alac atm I believe, full 69's, and a couple of 72's. I tend to stay at 5% Activation speed. I've tinkered with having more, but it seemed to throw my timing off for when stuff is ready, as well as having a lot less surge for smaller critical heals.
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This is all good advice if you are planing to heal.


If you plan to DPS then Accuracy up to 110% > Willpower > Power > Surge to about 200 > Alacrity.


For more details read nibbons theory crafting. Surge and alacrity vary by spec.

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For a link to BIS gear recommendations for PVE and PVP, as well as advice on skills and the most detailed and accurate Sorcerer healing model, please see my guide for Sorcerer healing: http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/thread-1199.html.


In a nutshell, Willpower > Power > Surge to about 250 > Alacrity. In BIS gear, you'll have 500 or more points in Alacrity. No points in Critical from gear is generally optimal.

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I have a different opinion than most it seems for stat targets when it comes to healing on a Sage. It is my belief that after buffs, stims, datacrons, and willpower augments that you want : 30% crit chance, @450 surge rating, and then dump the rest into alacrity. While the math on the spreadsheets is correct, healing doesn't happen in a vacuum and is subject to a lot of variables, which in my opinion makes the spreadsheet models mostly insignificant when talking about actually healing an encounter.
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I found high Alacrity performed better for me than Critical and high Surge when healing. I later created a model that supports with theory what my experience has been. My model is driven by actual healing data (i.e., by the real experience of healing that Ariss suggests a model can't take into account). Your experience may differ from mine, from Ariss', or from both of ours. But, as a healer, I stand by my recommendation, which happily was also my model's recommendation. Edited by Orderken
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