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My proposition for the story chapters and factions.


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This is what I think could really make the story explode... five factions, now let me explain how such a thing could happen.(this will contain spoilers)


With the Galactic Republic currently winning the war, they failed to notice how the Hutts back-stabbed them on Makeb, at the same time as forcing them into believing the Hutts wanted this treaty, in reality they are in cahoots with the Mandalorians, whom have split away from the Empire, they join forces to create a third unified faction, this new faction will allow Smugglers and Bounty Hunters the choice to abandon their origin faction and join this new faction, as well as unveiling two new classes the Mandalorian Crusader and the Hutt Pirate.


This development forces the Republic war effort to focus on two groups instead of solely on the Empire, the Mandalorian/Hutt Confederacy(or whatever other name) really hammers down on the Republic, the Dark Council seeing this ensue shockingly comes to terms with this new alliance and force a peace treaty, with the Republic losing momentum, the Empire begins to rebuild it's forces at startling speed.


The Republic moves onto the back-foot, waging a war of defence, the Mando-Hutt Confederacy gains a large amount of the galaxy, meanwhile the Sith Empire starts to turn the tide on the Republic and takes a sizeable chunk of mid rim worlds, re-establishing it's dominance, the Empire/Confederacy treaty breaks down and a three faction war ensues across the galaxy, dealing severe damage to all sides, the Empire using the Isotope 5 really starts to dominate in the war, this is the first truly enormous story expansion pack, introducing three faction Open-world PVP based on inner rim worlds.


With the Empire once again the Dominant faction, Darth Malgus returns, claiming that because they followed these foolish traditionalist Dark Council members, the entire Empire was almost destroyed, only the rise of a third powerful faction allowed for the Sith Empire to recoup, Malgus claims they should usurp the throne, remove the traditionalist views on the Empire and allow aliens and the likes to gain higher positions, form alliances with worlds that have seceded from the Republic and remove the enormous amount of Sith dominance that goes on in the Empire.


Many Dark Council members including Darth Jadus whom also returns, as well as many Sith and Imperials join him, the Chiss Ascendancy joins him in it's entirety, the Empire is split. One part is led under Malgus and known as the Imperial Alliance(or whatever other name).


The other half is the Sith Empire led by remaining Dark council members namely Darth Marr, with Pureblood Sith remaining dominant, this throws the Empire into chaos, all Imperial players can decide whether to join this new alliance or remain with the true Sith Empire.


The Republic is also having internal issues, a large amount of the Republic wants to do away with treaties, they want to use super weapons and they want to be rid of the Jedi whom they blame in the first place, this movement is led by Revan, he calls for anyone to join under his banner, to wage a final war to destroy the entire Sith Empire and the Mandalorian/Hutt Confederacy for good.


This also splits the Republic with many secretly Dark Jedi joining his cause, the senate fully supports Revan and the Jedi Order exiles itself from the Galactic Republic, but many in the Republic decide to join the Jedi Order, they believe traditional democracy and the unity between the Republic and the Jedi Order is essential to the continued existence of the Republic itself.


Outraged by this, the senate and now a more homicidal Revan declares this splinter group led by the Jedi Order to be a separatist movement that would seek to 'kneel at the feet of the Sith', many Jedi that refuse to serve under what is basically now a Republic under total control by Revan, whom has gone basically insane are exterminated in a Purge, this opens up an enormous war that splits the Republic entirely, the Republic players can all choose to remain with their original faction now led by Revan or join the Jedi Order and split away.


Now there are five factions, allowing for enormous PvP opportunities and the war will carry on and on destroying nearly all worlds, eventually though all factions but the galactic republic will basically cease to exist, the Sith will be split under different war lords, the Jedi Order will remove itself from the galaxy for hundreds of years, the Republic will rebuild, slowly sc****** along and the galaxy will heal, until the New Sith Wars.



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Pretty good idea. I think it may be pretty difficult for the devs to implement, but it would be well worth it. I think it would also increase the amount of time players (altoholics like myself) into the game. There is also the opportunity for multiple story branches within each faction.


Good idea. :)

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Your total disregard for SW lore or player choice is simply appalling to say the least.


How does this break the lore at all? it would perfectly set the galaxy up for the New Sith Wars and I said in each occasion the player could choose which faction to fight for.

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How does this break the lore at all? it would perfectly set the galaxy up for the New Sith Wars and I said in each occasion the player could choose which faction to fight for.


Had you played the game extensively, you would know some of the stuff you suggest CLEARLY contradicts a lot of stuff, pertaining characters and events. For instance...


The Republic moves onto the back-foot, waging a war of defence, the Mando-Hutt Confederacy gains a large amount of the galaxy, meanwhile the Sith Empire starts to turn the tide on the Republic and takes a sizeable chunk of mid rim worlds, re-establishing it's dominance, the Empire/Confederacy treaty breaks down and a three faction war ensues across the galaxy, dealing severe damage to all sides, the Empire using the Isotope 5 really starts to dominate in the war, this is the first truly enormous story expansion pack, introducing three faction Open-world PVP based on inner rim worlds.


Have you even played Makeb? Marr says at the end that he intends to use Isotope-5 for the Empire's defenses, NOT to go on the offensive. Have you forgotten how weakened the Empire is, due to Sith in-fighting, not to mention some other things? He predicts that if the Empire is not successful in Makeb, the all Empire may crumble in less than a year(!!!).


With the Empire once again the Dominant faction, Darth Malgus returns, claiming that because they followed these foolish traditionalist Dark Council members, the entire Empire was almost destroyed, only the rise of a third powerful faction allowed for the Sith Empire to recoup, Malgus claims they should usurp the throne, remove the traditionalist views on the Empire and allow aliens and the likes to gain higher positions, form alliances with worlds that have seceded from the Republic and remove the enormous amount of Sith dominance that goes on in the Empire.


How is this any different, concerning the stuff we've seen already?


Many Dark Council members including Darth Jadus whom also returns, as well as many Sith and Imperials join him, the Chiss Ascendancy joins him in it's entirety, the Empire is split. One part is led under Malgus and known as the Imperial Alliance(or whatever other name).


Player choice doesn't mean that much to you I assume, not to mention that the idea of the Chiss Ascendancy actually joining Jadus is absurd, since despite having collaborated with the Empire, their role in the outgoing war is MINIMAL, when it comes to risking their assets.


The other half is the Sith Empire led by remaining Dark council members namely Darth Marr, with Pureblood Sith remaining dominant, this throws the Empire into chaos, all Imperial players can decide whether to join this new alliance or remain with the true Sith Empire.


You could have mentioned Ravage or Mortis when it comes to the ideal of Pureblood supremacy, since it has been established in-game and in the EU that they're not fond of aliens but instead, you go for Marr, one of the FEW who is actually in favor(!!!) of recruiting alien species.


- - - -


Again, too many contradictions in this one, I see. Not to mention that if eight class storylines is no doable nowadays, five separate factions is a fool's errand.

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Have you even played Makeb? Marr says at the end that he intends to use Isotope-5 for the Empire's defenses, NOT to go on the offensive. Have you forgotten how weakened the Empire is, due to Sith in-fighting, not to mention some other things? He predicts that if the Empire is not successful in Makeb, the all Empire may crumble in less than a year(!!!).




Player choice doesn't mean that much to you I assume, not to mention that the idea of the Chiss Ascendancy actually joining Jadus is absurd, since despite having collaborated with the Empire, their role in the outgoing war is MINIMAL, when it comes to risking their assets.




You could have mentioned Ravage or Mortis when it comes to the ideal of Pureblood supremacy, since it has been established in-game and in the EU that they're not fond of aliens but instead, you go for Marr, one of the FEW who is actually in favor(!!!) of recruiting alien species.


- - - -


Again, too many contradictions in this one, I see. Not to mention that if eight class storylines is no doable nowadays, five separate factions is a fool's errand.


Did I not mention the rebuilding of the Empire? apparently such a thing is impossible.


Jadus' death is not confirmed in any of the endings for his character, did you forget the whole he can teleport thing? oh and if you had actually paid attention to a Chiss Agent play-through, they have been pushing for larger roles in the Empire for years.


Darth Marr has been confirmed as a staunch traditionalist and a faithful believer in the Emperor, as basically the senior of the Dark Council, he was told directly by the Hands that the Emperor was not dead.


Oh and I didn't say it would be easy, but if BiOWare wants to go for the big leagues they need to make some big time expansions in some way, this was merely a proposition.


But hey go ahead and give us your surely superior and clearly more relevant to lore version of future chapters.

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Let me preface this by saying... I only read a little more than half of the first post and skimmed the rest.


That said, I can't find myself getting behind this idea. While I do like the notion of another faction (something neutral might be nice that can interact with both the republic and empire based on player tastes) what you've proposed as a suggestion seems, for lack is a better phrase: far fetched. I mean no offense when I say this, but parts of it almost sound too fanfiction-y with too much of the so-and-so coming back (which I honestly think has happened more than enough in what we already have in game - namely Revan) stuff just to advance an idea. There are better ways, imo, to reach goals in a story than simply making the same character(s) "immortal" and using them over and over again.


Just my 2c -shrug-

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Did I not mention the rebuilding of the Empire? apparently such a thing is impossible.


Again, you did mention the use of Isotope-5 for the Empire to go on the offensive. In the ending for Makeb, Marr suggests he'll use it for the Empire's defenses. Major oversight as far as I'm concerned, since as I also said, the Empire may crumble within a year if not for a successful operation in Makeb.


Jadus' death is not confirmed in any of the endings for his character, did you forget the whole he can teleport thing? oh and if you had actually paid attention to a Chiss Agent play-through, they have been pushing for larger roles in the Empire for years.


There's a difference between Chiss operatives being accepted into Imperial Intelligence or Military and actually expecting them to commit their assets to a full-scale war. Had you payed more attention the a Chiss Agent play-through, you'd know that their base of operations on Hoth was actually a secret one, as in, hidden from both Republic and the Empire, the latter being their ally.


Darth Marr has been confirmed as a staunch traditionalist and a faithful believer in the Emperor, as basically the senior of the Dark Council, he was told directly by the Hands that the Emperor was not dead.


You gotta be kidding me; What do you call this?



And I quote


(...) The Emperor is gone, dying if not, no matter what our propagandists say. He will not be mourned. (...)


Sounds like a true believer to me, not to mention that had you read the novel Annihilation, you would know that Marr favors the inclusion of alien species, including within the Dark Council, since he's the one that pushes for Kharrid, who is a falleen.


Oh and I didn't say it would be easy, but if BiOWare wants to go for the big leagues they need to make some big time expansions in some way, this was merely a proposition.


Care to tell me other MMO's in the market where you have eight fully voiced class storylines, not to mention the two separate factions? Because I'm honestly interested in what you define as "big leagues".


But hey go ahead and give us your surely superior and clearly more relevant to lore version of future chapters


I have my ideas but in theory, they would be far more doable than this fool's errand, who runs over established lore in every step of the way.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Now I don't know that much of Star Wars Lore as many others do probably, but I do agree that Darth Marr is an absolute wrong choice.


The video previously posted shows that very well, and in the book "Annihiliation" you clearly see that Marr is the progressive member of the Dark Council (with the situation of him trying to get Darth Karrid in and the other traditionalists choosing for Gravus).


This is what Woekieepedia sais in short (I have red the book mind you):


he Sith Lord understood that the Empire needed to evolve in order to survive, and he was frustrated by his fellow Councilors' bigotry and the way that they clung to the old anti-alien philosophies even after the Empire began opening its ranks to alien species following the defeat of the traitorous Darth Malgus at the Battle of Ilum.[2] Marr was also aware that the continuing of backstabbing and infighting would destroy the Empire and tried to keep it under control in the Emperor's absence. Marr was disappointed when Karrid chose to destroy Gravus for her own ends, which made her a Dark Councilor, but made the Empire more vulnerable.


Honnestly when I saw the aliens on Makeb the first thought that occured to me was... "This happens around the time if not after the Annihilation book... Marr is doing work here! :p "


Marr is quite progressive, and he also shows no interest in leading.


You can blame Marr in the last Makeb cutscene for "making a play for the throne". He responds to that "Let someone else claim the throne, my place is on the battlefield."


This allows you to play with possibilties for Sith (especially the inquisitors).


I do think Marr should, and probably will, play an important part in the upcoming stories. However, it will be as a progressive person, trying to unite the empire as he knows they'll need all the support they can get if they want to defeat the republic.


Other than that, I prefer the dead being left dead, and nothing should conflict with any kind of player choices.

The empire is on the verge of collapse, in my eyes (personal opinion here of course) the story should go towards uniting the empire. You can have somewhat of a struggle between tradition and progression... but... y'know...


We saw what happened to Darth Thanaton ey...



What I do like however is the republic kind of splitting... be careful what you do with Jedi though (turning against them reminds me just a tad too much of the 3rd movie.


Other than that I want to say that this is all meanth politely. You did put a lot of work in thinking this all out :)


And I express again I don't know that much about the SW lore, other than the game itself and most of the "SWTOR books".

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I do think Marr should, and probably will, play an important part in the upcoming stories. However, it will be as a progressive person, trying to unite the empire as he knows they'll need all the support they can get if they want to defeat the republic.


If you take into account the ending for Makeb, it's fairly obvious. The Republic ending features the player character looking outside the window of this huge ship, while the Empire ending features Marr overseeing his fleet, while you have this huge shot of half a dozen imperial ships.


IMO, Marr IS the Empire right now or at least, what all should aspire to, when it comes to its ideology.

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Now I don't know that much of Star Wars Lore as many others do probably, but I do agree that Darth Marr is an absolute wrong choice.


The video previously posted shows that very well, and in the book "Annihiliation" you clearly see that Marr is the progressive member of the Dark Council (with the situation of him trying to get Darth Karrid in and the other traditionalists choosing for Gravus).


This is what Woekieepedia sais in short (I have red the book mind you):


he Sith Lord understood that the Empire needed to evolve in order to survive, and he was frustrated by his fellow Councilors' bigotry and the way that they clung to the old anti-alien philosophies even after the Empire began opening its ranks to alien species following the defeat of the traitorous Darth Malgus at the Battle of Ilum.[2] Marr was also aware that the continuing of backstabbing and infighting would destroy the Empire and tried to keep it under control in the Emperor's absence. Marr was disappointed when Karrid chose to destroy Gravus for her own ends, which made her a Dark Councilor, but made the Empire more vulnerable.


Honnestly when I saw the aliens on Makeb the first thought that occured to me was... "This happens around the time if not after the Annihilation book... Marr is doing work here! :p "


Marr is quite progressive, and he also shows no interest in leading.


You can blame Marr in the last Makeb cutscene for "making a play for the throne". He responds to that "Let someone else claim the throne, my place is on the battlefield."


This allows you to play with possibilties for Sith (especially the inquisitors).


I do think Marr should, and probably will, play an important part in the upcoming stories. However, it will be as a progressive person, trying to unite the empire as he knows they'll need all the support they can get if they want to defeat the republic.


Other than that, I prefer the dead being left dead, and nothing should conflict with any kind of player choices.

The empire is on the verge of collapse, in my eyes (personal opinion here of course) the story should go towards uniting the empire. You can have somewhat of a struggle between tradition and progression... but... y'know...


We saw what happened to Darth Thanaton ey...



What I do like however is the republic kind of splitting... be careful what you do with Jedi though (turning against them reminds me just a tad too much of the 3rd movie.


Other than that I want to say that this is all meanth politely. You did put a lot of work in thinking this all out :)


And I express again I don't know that much about the SW lore, other than the game itself and most of the "SWTOR books".


Thank you for not outright attacking me for a mistake and thanks for the politeness.


I do agree I probably should not have picked Marr, but considering the SWTOR Encyclopedia says that Marr was basically the Emperor's favourite pet on the council I thought that favouritism would be reciprocated apparently not.


I also thought it would go right up BiOWare's alley to make a certain few characters reappear, they do it quite a lot, others could of course take their place though.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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This is a good idea but I think that we only need the Mando/Hutt faction since the other two factions would create too much confusion lore wise and requires the resurrection of 2 characters that are presumed dead at the moment (they have recently patched Malgus to be killable without throwing him in the pit which may be a bad sign for his future) but would likely be used by the devs in an operation (personally I think Revan and Malgus will show up in the final op surrounding the dread masters as twisted versions of themselves (like kephess except more recognizable)). Also I think the idea of smugglers and bounty hunters choosing to join a different faction is awesome...but also confusing in my mind it would make more sense to have these classes have different versions that come with individual stories. It would be more like the Zabrak race before legacy came along where one faction has a different look than the other but are the same species. That being said the bounty hunters and smugglers in the new Hutt/ Mando faction should get new Armor looks so that they are not total gameplay copies of their Pub/Imp.
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I could see the third Faction but not 5. I think the last two parts would be storyline chnages only and the Repbulic and Imperials factions would go the way of their choosing based on how their characters story progressed.


Some nice thoughts though.

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Thank you for not outright attacking me for a mistake and thanks for the politeness.


I do agree I probably should not have picked Marr, but considering the SWTOR Encyclopedia says that Marr was basically the Emperor's favourite pet on the council I thought that favouritism would be reciprocated apparently not.


I also thought it would go right up BiOWare's alley to make a certain few characters reappear, they do it quite a lot, others could of course take their place though.


Last I checked, no one attacked you. The only attack seen in thread thus far was yours, by ramming over the game's Lore repeatedly.


Also, I have the TOR Encyclopedia and I can't find where it is ever stated or implied that Marr was the "Emperor's favorite pet on the council" as you call him.

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Last I checked, no one attacked you. The only attack seen in thread thus far was yours, by ramming over the game's Lore repeatedly.


You have repeatedly attacked my thread and practically attacked me for what you seem to be deeming a blasphemous attempt on my part to create a story that could prolong the Second Great Galactic War for a considerable time.


Just leave my thread, if you want to start a verbal assault the QQ General Discussion section is right there for you to attack pointlessly in, I for one will not be dragged into defending against some childish attempt at a veiled attack.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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