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Forming a new Guild


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A new Guild





If you're reading this and are interested in helping me form a new Guild, thank you. When forming a new Guild there is a lot to cover like, a name for your Guild, the type of Guild you want, funds to help run your Guild, a fair ranking system that members can work their way through and a Guild Bank. Sometimes this can be hard to do all on your own. I'm looking for someone to help me run the Guild, a 'right hand man'. They must be mature and at least 18 years of age and they must be able to speak and type in perfect English. I'm also trying to enlist members with this thread as well. I've put some credits a side for a Guild Bank and I've got an idea of a ranking system for the Guild, too. There is a list of possible Guild names on my computer and I'm currently looking into the possibility of building a Guild website and forum.



If you're interested in helping or becoming a member just leave a comment on this thread and thank you.







As Rykko kindly stated, I forgot to mention which faction I was creating it on. I thought my avatar would of explained enough, but ok. It will be an Empire Guild.

Edited by BennettWHU
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