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55 pvp :'(


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I mentioned before even if all the mainstream PVP guilds left the server would still have a higher population than others and it's true. No one is going to miss good pvpers on an RP server other than the other people who pvp on a regular basis.


I wasn't on this weekend but over the course of the prior week In the games I played the pugs were terrible died faster than you could heal them they stood there while pylons/bases were capped had no awareness.


Myself and Sabrina played a Hutball where Sabrina intercepted 5-6 throws that were in our end zone, we even burnt down a ball carrier a step from our goal line, we probably had 3-4 fire pit kills between the two of as well and barely won the game 4-5. We went above and beyond normal play to win that and we had to because we were getting no help other than semi moving targets for the other team to score kills on.


I know last week we didn't have a high number of people online normally 4 to 7 with 2-3 being lowbie alts.


I actually was playing DC Universe Online over the weekend .


I think it's going to take a little time for any sort of ranked PVP to really take hold at this point and can see the pvp community on this server kind of turning into the the casual pugs we've been seeing. Pvpers will likely end up moving to the PVP servers or stop playing all together.


Cross Server WZ's would have kept a lot of people in our PVP Circle here but the server transfers really had a bigger impact then most thought it would. If they would have added transfers after I still they would have made money off the deal but obviously doing it first would make them more. If they eventually release cross server warzones it would be cool to see some old faces again but would also make it to where you wouldn't get the same pre made game after game. It would really fix a lot of with regular wz's and make ranked more fun as well.


MVP who may be one of the best pvp guilds in the game even mentioned they will likely move on to a new game in the near future because of lack of pvp updates. The transfers likely will only hold people over so long so August had better be cross server and not just 4v4 ranked. I don't think 4v4 ranked will solve anything except allow larger guilds to play vs themselves. They need cross server warzones period.


Lastly let's be honest the only reason a lot of us are here is the state of mmo's is bad at the moment if anything good came out a lot of people would jump ship from Wow and here. Swtor has a chance to make some big moves and really keep and add to there player base.

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I have seen an influx of new players onto the server with the AIPAC transfers and server transfers in general and while I readily admit the quality of the PUG scene in reg WZs has gone down, maybe the more experienced PVPers should help the new players with WZ tactics and how to focus fire. The less shouting at new recruits the more likely they are going to learn


Before Infamous premades we had ITK, Retal, GD, Ascension, FS etc.... over time each group will naturally recruit the best PVPers from each side (assuming the players are not committed to a guild). This allows a premade of 3-4 players the ability to dominate the server.


I know over the weekend me and a couple of guildies won far more WZs than we should of by just knowing the tactics and knowing when to call for help. Most PUGs don't comprehend when to call for inc or not to over commit. This takes time and practice.


The current WZ scene reminds me of back in 1.2 when GD was starting to swell it's ranks and was able to dominate the PVP scene.


Unfortunately, I personally don't have time to teach people the nuances of each WZ (not that I am that good at them myself). However, if anyone needs help with a sniper or sorc healer I am usually on doing early bird stuff and could help them out.


Lets try not to scare too many of the new WZ players off as this is what killed the PVP pops before the server transfers as everyone was afraid to queue so you were going against the same pool of 30-40 players. Personally I like the new blood and it will just take a couple of weeks/months for them to find a PVP home.

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Everyday I try. But, these new IMPs aren't making me wanna stay.

I'm starting to take count of my win/losses... so far its even on imp side... but pub side I'm undefeated


This. So much this. I just said screw it and leveled another toon all weekend instead of "Whoever has the least amount of derp, wins in a faceroll" queing all weekend.


It's boring. It's not the fault of Infamous, they're just playing. Still boring.


So far, some of the newbs are receptive to advice on the Imp side though. I think the rest don't care or don't speak english. But it's old and boring to be on the top of the scoreboard for your team with 150k damage and 250k protection - and the healers and dps barely breaking 100k heal or damage. At 55.


Kinda hoping someone with the time to be a leader does get some of the PvP leftovers together to help out the imp side. Ah well.

Edited by Maelael
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So far, some of the newbs are receptive to advice on the Imp side though. I think the rest don't care or don't speak english. But it's old and boring to be on the top of the scoreboard for your team with 150k damage and 250k protection - and the healers and dps barely breaking 100k heal or damage. At 55.


Kinda hoping someone with the time to be a leader does get some of the PvP leftovers together to help out the imp side. Ah well.


I think there needs be a big change in how people are "advised" in WZs. In the "heat" of battle people have to type fast and come off terse. I think people understand that. Though it is hard to not notice how many still take extra time to add the unnecessary profanity, slurs and general nastiness when doling out the "advice".


Not directing this at anyone in particular, certainly not the poster I quoted, but I think its something that the community needs to change if they really want to improve PvP on this server. Give advice and people listen. Insult them and they /ignore.

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We'll see how I feel about it after a good break and what PvE content we get at the end of Aug. :) Maybe I'll be back. Ya never know. :)


Sorry to see you are on a break, one of the few quality players on this server. Will miss the cookies :)

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maybe the more experienced PVPers should help the new players with WZ tactics and how to focus fire. The less shouting at new recruits the more likely they are going to learn.


That would be fine if they just needed a little coaching, but there's a few problems.


- When you have a Gunslinger end a full match with 17k damage there's more to be said than "please focus saber".

- People actually have to listen. In the middle of a sap cap, I'm a second away from getting the pylon and somebody shoots the mezzed enemy who stops my cap. I say "when somebody is capping, please don't attack the mezzed enemy". Later in the match the same person did it again.

- Some of the people we got in the transfers don't even speak english. We've lost matches because we couldn't communicate with the other people in our group.

- etc


When groups before would always have 1 or 2 people who were really bad (and I'm sorry, but if you're an operative that uses nothing but diagnostic scan, or a dps that can't break 100k damage in a full warzone despite bolster covering your undergeared ***, or you AFK and only do something when the kick vote goes up... you're not casual, you're terrible), we now have 3 or more every time. I consider myself a pretty average player, but I've solo queued and won warzones almost completely by myself simply because the other 15 people had no clue what they were doing. I love the community at BC, but if character transfers wouldn't be so expensive (I'm not paying $80 to transfer 4 toons), I would be gone.

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A lot of it is PVP Awareness and some people just don't have it and may never have. I can't count the times I have looked back and see 2 people guarding a pylon know that a 2 cap will criple our score and 5 seconds later the other team has a two cap. This is due to one person simply capping while two others are so zommed in or afk they let the person cap under their nose.


Even in Novaire being on my assasin I have seen other stealers just go in and cap on an enemy team with players just standing there. In Novaire especially Iit makes a very unique sound when someone is capping which allows you to play off the node and pay attention to visables while your ears guard against the stealth cap.


You can heal for a million damage for a million and spend the game running to each trouble spot there is and still lose. Sometimes your just going to get bads and there is nothing you can do but call things out give a little direction at the start and play your best sometimes you win it sometimes you work your butt off and lose.

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I think there needs be a big change in how people are "advised" in WZs. In the "heat" of battle people have to type fast and come off terse. I think people understand that. Though it is hard to not notice how many still take extra time to add the unnecessary profanity, slurs and general nastiness when doling out the "advice".


Not directing this at anyone in particular, certainly not the poster I quoted, but I think its something that the community needs to change if they really want to improve PvP on this server. Give advice and people listen. Insult them and they /ignore.


Also, try whispers. People tend to take whispers better than ops, as it feels like public humiliation to them. And you are correct, lose the profanity and 1337 speak and it goes even further.


Also if someone improved and did well, thank them for it in Ops as opposed to the "gg" everyone does. Has anyone else noticed a lack of "gg" on both sides, and just sort of rage-leaving on losses?


But all this carebear crap requires that people a: not be (bleep)holes and actually want to see their side improve outside of themselves, or b: realize they themselves aren't good. As much flak as you people give Deyvon, I've gotten more help and positive/constructive feedback from him than anyone else on the server. (Sorry to ruin the boy rep Deyvon).


<snip, see above>


I'm seriously starting to think its a combination of people who don't understand how to work with and utilize CCs (or care to know) and people who don't speak english. I told some Sin 3 times in a row how to gank the pylon with me blocking - they never responded, and each time didnt cap and instead tried to help me kill the people I was blocking. Even to the point they interrupted mez. That makes me think all the profanity and 1337 speak hate is deserved, but I doubt it would shame them into not being fail or staying out of Warzones.


I'd say its nice when you're fighting the derp instead of having to team up with the derp, but when you rack up 40 kills (with 3 solo kills...), 0 deaths on a Defense Guardian, that goes from fun to boring faceroll.

Edited by Maelael
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I do know the feeling of being on bad teams, when I am in tank spec and can out damage all the dpsers on our side it does get silly. Even as my healer I had to quietly laugh a couple of times at the DPS. When people see a big blue line coming out of someone and not realizing it is a cap is frustrating.


However, I am trying to be positive and putting this in the light of server transfers and an influx of new people that maybe have never PVPed before or know their classes (sorc healer in green aim gear I am looking at you). I just know if we want a better PVP experience we need to help people learn their classes, tactics, etc... as said beforehand if language is the issue there is not much we can do about that as this is a West Coast US Server and most peoples first language will be English (or Merikan depending on where your from)

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LOL I remember that match Dashara. 5 intercepts in a single huttball was a PR for me. :p


Anyways, we had a string of 10+ wins Sunday evening when we got some more guildies together. I remember one HB when we had a group of four versus 8 pubs and we won (goes to show how much of an impact playing team deathmatch has in HB :rolleyes:) We need at least four to carry bads these days; we won't be able to do it with just two or three like we used to when the overall player quality was better.

Edited by Shinwon
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I told Deyvon a few times when he applies himself in game he makes a big difference and some of the games he's left early because he didn't feel the group that was there would win we actually did just that. Some games there isn't much you can do but then their are the ones where a premade doesn't realize they ran across someone who likes to play spoiler. :rolleyes::p
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