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sage looking for a casual raiding guild


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55 sage in the middle of getting geared now, looking for a casual raiding guild available 8-11 at best , would rather see raids on a weekend. for the right guild willing to transfer over. Can be reached on this server on the toon jonmasters level 2 jedi sentinel.


Serious offers only



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Light\Dark Holiday is the guild you are looking for. We are a mature guild with members in both factions. We have an active voice server for operations, events, PVP, PVE, flash points, dailies, or just talking and socializing in general. We are filled with helpful members, have a useful and informative website, and most importantly have a great social gaming attitude.


For operations, we currently have a casual operations group and a soon a hardcore operations group. We have multiple nights of operations (including the weekends) but you only need to sign up with the ones you wish to do. We do have a minimum gear requirement to keep wiping to a minimum on the harder operations. You can bring any character you wish and when you sign up you can assign the role you want.


Take a look at our website or look up us in game. You can find us at Light/Dark Holiday or in game “/who Holiday “and feel free to chat with any of our members.


We are about having fun, being successful and allowing everyone the chance to run an operation, PVP or whatever other event you wish to do.

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GAF (Gaming Age Forum, at least officially) is recruiting good republic players of all levels and classes to join the ranks! We have two 55 ops teams, one tackling the NM's with HM on farm, and one just hitting HM. We also do regular guild pug runs twice weekly as long as we can get the people, plus lots of random pick-ups, sometimes with our sister guild Legendary Guild and other friends. We've also been known to take on some more creative challenges - we've two-manned Toth & Zorn, and done several rounds of EV/KP with about 4 people. Some of our members do run PVP, but we are a PVE focused guild.


We have no gear requirements - that we can get you. Just looking for talent (and an openness to parse, learn, and improve) with a positive attitude (of course complaining is allowed, extreme negativity and rudeness is not). F2P and lack of expansion are both okay, though we admit you'll have less to do. You'll still benefit from our 10% rep and xp boosts, plus good company and people who can guide you through the tough stuff.


You can reach us and learn more from our website http://www.torgaf.com (we also have Facebook groups and a TeamSpeak server for members). In-game, you can contact Carterr/Carterii/Qarterr/Karterr, Makavelli/Makguyver/Cincinnatikid/Sirmaksalot, or Jasma'n/Etara/Snohe/Thrëë. Most guild ops begin at 8 eastern so you're most likely to find us from then on. Hope to hear from you soon!

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