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How to find the right Guild(s)?


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I'm looking for a guild for my characters. I currently have one Marauder, one Sniper, one Sage and one Smuggler. They have a somewhat complex relationship, but that's for another time... Anyway, I'm looking for a Guild with the following:

- Always IC, but not hard-core. (You can run through the Carrick station, without being expelled for bad RP.)

- Plenty of members on The Progenitor.

- Members who like FP and Heroic missions.

- Know where I can pick up good-looking clothing/armor.


The best would be to find two Guilds, one for my Empire characters and one for my Republic charactgers.


So, any suggestions?

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Oh, and I forgot:

I'm not in need of a guild where everybody is packed with customized gear, level 55 and all the cool stuff you can find.

I am in need of a guild where I can RP while slowly levelling up perhaps 8-12 hours a week.

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