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Carnage PVP build


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My newb hasn't hit that high yet. But I gotta ask:


Is overwhelm worth it?


I find myself not using Ravage now, and I almost never see maras or sents use it at 55, except vs bads. Any skill tree spec, I know of a scant few Combat/Carnage spec PvPers at 55 - I've seen one use it once on a healer, and it was while their target was super locked down...and I just interrupted him anyways.


Just curious if it becomes way more viable later on to attempt in PvP, a style/preference thing, or if its two points spent better elsewhere.

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Its a must for pvp IMO. Ravage should idealy be used when they arent expecting it (even harder to avoid now then berserk alacrity effecting it) or with full resolve they're pretty much dead unless they stealth out. (eg op heals). There is no other useful talents anyway the build i linked is the cookie cutter build there isnt much you can change. You don't want to take any in malaice cause your force scream the main yellow attack is auto crit with proc anyways..
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My newb hasn't hit that high yet. But I gotta ask:


Is overwhelm worth it?


I find myself not using Ravage now, and I almost never see maras or sents use it at 55, except vs bads. Any skill tree spec, I know of a scant few Combat/Carnage spec PvPers at 55 - I've seen one use it once on a healer, and it was while their target was super locked down...and I just interrupted him anyways.


Just curious if it becomes way more viable later on to attempt in PvP, a style/preference thing, or if its two points spent better elsewhere.


It's buffed by the alacrity from Berserk, making it a 2.3 cast, instead of 3. So yes, those points are worth it.

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Alright thank you for the answers. Honestly, I'm using predation (and Predation seems to be the best choice for PvP?) with my fury stacks, but I'll start playing with Berserk and Ravage when I get higher in the tree.


I was just debating ditching those two points for a stronger smash (with the CD reduction in there too) as on my Jugg, if I see someone using Ravage or Master strike, I just lolcancel them and beat their faces in.


Total noob question, how long does the Berserk charges last? Like until used, or? I forgot to check that out last night. (Checked it out, question answered. Next 6 abilities)


I'm still trying to figure out when the best time to use Deadly Throw and Crippling Slash is, but that's another topic.


Of note, all of the "best" Maras I see endgame are all Rage monkeys, but I'm really interested in staying with Carnage and figuring out how to make that work, or at least learning both.

Edited by Maelael
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Alright thank you for the answers. Honestly, I'm using predation (and Predation seems to be the best choice for PvP?) with my fury stacks, but I'll start playing with Berserk and Ravage when I get higher in the tree.


I was just debating ditching those two points for a stronger smash (with the CD reduction in there too) as on my Jugg, if I see someone using Ravage or Master strike, I just lolcancel them and beat their faces in.


Total noob question, how long does the Berserk charges last? Like until used, or? I forgot to check that out last night. (Checked it out, question answered. Next 6 abilities)


I'm still trying to figure out when the best time to use Deadly Throw and Crippling Slash is, but that's another topic.


Of note, all of the "best" Maras I see endgame are all Rage monkeys, but I'm really interested in staying with Carnage and figuring out how to make that work, or at least learning both.


I never use Crippling Slash and I don't know another good 55 marauder who does. If you're Carnage, you have 3 different roots and can keep someone in place for 10+ seconds. The slow isn't necessary. I don't know what level you are right now - it might be different. But at 55, you don't use it. Me, I use Deadly Throw usually on an Op healer because those *********** are slippery. Anyone you're chasing, really. Also use it if you're setting up a big burst combo on a healer, since it lowers healing received.


As for your original question about using Ravage, if you don't have Berserk up to lower to channel time to 2.3 seconds, I generally clip my Ravage on purpose after the first 2 ticks if I'm against good players, especially when dueling other sentinels and such. Only do that when you have Execute proc'd and Gore up or during the Gore window - it's for burst. If you're against bads in regs, go full retard. Last week I Charge+Gore+Ravage'd a Sage healer 3 different times in a Hypergate. He stood still every time and it was lolfunny.

Edited by Aetrus
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I never use Crippling Slash and I don't know another good 55 marauder who does. If you're Carnage, you have 3 different roots and can keep someone in place for 10+ seconds. The slow isn't necessary. I don't know what level you are right now - it might be different. But at 55, you don't use it. Me, I use Deadly Throw usually on an Op healer because those *********** are slippery. Anyone you're chasing, really. Also use it if you're setting up a big burst combo on a healer, since it lowers healing received.


As for your original question about using Ravage, if you don't have Berserk up to lower to channel time to 2.3 seconds, I generally clip my Ravage on purpose after the first 2 ticks if I'm against good players, especially when dueling other sentinels and such. Only do that when you have Execute proc'd and Gore up or during the Gore window - it's for burst. If you're against bads in regs, go full retard. Last week I Charge+Gore+Ravage'd a Sage healer 3 different times in a Hypergate. He stood still every time and it was lolfunny.


Went from 33-50 this weekend.


Yea I'm starting to notice the lack of need for crippling slash, I've found a need to use it twice outta the 20 or so warzones I did, and mostly for chasing people who also have run skills. I'm just trying to pair down my skills so I have less shift+key selections to do (preferred: none at all). I kinda hate that its 4m AND costs rage - but then again I don't have twin sabre throw yet so that might make the difference.


Deadly throw I've been selective with. Been using it on healers, or people who keep getting healed, but I'm wondering if I should mouse button it and make it more of a priority, or leave it more of a "When I think of it" on the G key. I may switch that from G to F (F is currently crippling slash, which I may ditch). Its tempting to mouse button given its a 10m skill tho. I'm having a hard time justifying it for 3 rage though.


On Ravage, okay I like the root on it. I've been trying to time it better with gore. But yea, even vs not-so-bads it's pretty hoss with or without gore. I'm horrible at timing it with Berserk as Im usually blowing that on Predation (so many kiters), and yea Ive been finding myself doing cancelling it after the second tick for other stuff.


Funny you say that - even at 38 I was making sorcs/sages rage in /say. Literally got all the mvp votes but one due to that in a Voidstar on Friday. Kinda fun, but I notice myself harassing Sorcs/Sages more than I should due to that :)

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At these low levels, at least before 45-50 or so I use BA as a timer when I am ready to proc the next train of attacks. My simple rotation of


FC - BA - (check for casting, then toss interrupt) - Rupture - Gore - (check for Execute if not proceed to Ravage) - FS. This is something I have followed since acquiring Gore in the Tree. I am taking lessons from my geared 55 Sent. If I think he is a runner (the healer) Deadly throw comes out there somewhere. If I can get a DT in the Gore window with FS, thats money. As far as Berserk, its the full train. BA - Interrupt - Gore - Ravage - FS - Vicious Slash x 2. - Force Choke. Upon acquiring Massacre, Vicious Slash comes off the bar.


On any class that has a KB I try not to FC in beginning, save it. Come at them in Force Camo if needed, you'll want that leap for their KB. Its imperative to get Obfuscate off on a Ranged Class.


Just my .02



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Of note, all of the "best" Maras I see endgame are all Rage monkeys, but I'm really interested in staying with Carnage and figuring out how to make that work, or at least learning both.


false. when i play my marauder i mostly play carnage, but i swap depending on the match and what my team's comp is. for rateds most teams will prefer to take 2 smash marauders, but at least one should be very good in carnage because it does have great benefits. bur for regs i run carnage 99% of the time.

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false. when i play my marauder i mostly play carnage, but i swap depending on the match and what my team's comp is. for rateds most teams will prefer to take 2 smash marauders, but at least one should be very good in carnage because it does have great benefits. bur for regs i run carnage 99% of the time.


Yea it's just what I see on a regular basis on BC. I actually finally switched over to Rage/Focus for a full try last night (12 warzones instead of the off 1-3) - it's exceedingly easy to play, and produces great numbers.


I can't burn people down 1v1 as fast like I can with Carnage/Combat though. Both definitely have their strengths. I think when I have Rage/Focus down and Im comfortable playing it I may go back to Carnage/Combat. Given the 55 queue on my server is even more bad, I guess I'll see how well I do when I get there.

Edited by Maelael
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