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Combat PvP Build


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And what exactly is wrong about the sentinel information on noxxic? :confused:

For starters, the stat section:

Expertise > Strength >= Accuracy (105%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%)


BiS for Combat PvP is 106% Accuracy (0 rating, all of it comes from Ataru/skill tree), 76% surge, and about 17.5% crit (0 rating). Quotes like "The value of Critical Rating decreases above 25% Critical Chance." offer no explanation at all and are simply incorrect. There is a similar quote about Surge, also incorrect.


Next is the Item Modification bit, which advises people to use lettered mods, specifically Potent Mod 28AX and Deft Mod 28AX. Not only is Deft the only mod that should ever be considered for Combat (as 0 crit rating is optimal), but lettered mods sacrifice 21 power to gain 13 strength, a terrible tradeoff. Finally, recommended augments listed are Might or Fortitude, when Overkill augments are in fact better than either of these.


The talent build is alright, 1% accuracy vs 0.5s longer root on Leap is hardly a game changer.



Bottom line, Noxxic is awful and should be avoided in general.

Edited by Gondolindhrim
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