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*** Ebon Hawk 2.2 Endgame PvE Crafting List ***


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my Toon Sleeven (republic side) can craft Advanced Force Wielder Armoring 31, they cost 1 mass manipulator generator and 5 vials of Isotope 5 as well as 5 exotic element equalizers
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Anybody seen or heard from him.

Sent stuff to him for a relic and no hear or see...


Just a future tip, coming from one of the listed crafters on here, you should always send a mail messege ahead of your mats to insure that said crafter is still crafting these items/ has not quit the game. Best at this point for you would be he either comes back and crafts your item, or you have to wait 30days for the mail to bounce back from not being read/retrieved.


Just some friendly advice for the future, when the price for crafting mats gets above 1.5-2mil, you can never ever be too careful, and any crafter that begrudges you that, should immediately raise a red flag.

Edited by EnalisNailo
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Just a future tip, coming from one of the listed crafters on here, you should always send a mail messege ahead of your mats to insure that said crafter is still crafting these items/ has not quit the game. Best at this point for you would be he quit the game and he either comes back and crafts your item, or you have to wait 30days for the mail to bounce back from not being read/retrieved.


Just some friendly advice for the future, when the price for crafting mats gets above 1.5-2mil, you can never ever be too careful, and any crafter that begrudges you that, should immediately raise a red flag.


So he quit the game?

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looks like the guy quit the game.

I tried to send him a tell, says user name not found. Joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just because you sent him a /tell and it said user name not found probably just means he is not online. However, he may have left the game or is just on an extended break. It doesn't really matter you should always confirm with your crafter that they will be able to make the item you desire in the time you desire before sending him mats and complaining about it afterwards. Any one of these crafters can leave for a couple of weeks its not their job to leave an away message stating how long they will be gone or for whatever reason because it is an inconvenience to you.:D

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I did not say that. I am just saying in the future you should always confirm an arrangment ahead of time with the crafter before sending high end mats such as these in the mail.

Oh I will, learned not to do this ever again..

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I did not say that. I am just saying in the future you should always confirm an arrangment ahead of time with the crafter before sending high end mats such as these in the mail.


While I do agree an arrangement should be made ahead of time, i feel like posting in this thread that you are a crafter creates an implied agreement "you send me mat + cost, and i will send you item back in a timely fashion" If you don't want the responsibility of signing in and checking crafting and sending stuff out, then either you shouldn't post on the thread, or let people know you are going MIA.


Conversely, I've gotten in the habit of sending everything as 1cred COD.

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But if the crafter is MIA your crafting mats are still stuck dormant in his/her mailbox for 30 days even with the COD, isn't that right?


COD, last i knew, brings the return time to 1 week. and lets you know if they've checked their mailbox.

Edited by TemptsFate
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While I do agree an arrangement should be made ahead of time, i feel like posting in this thread that you are a crafter creates an implied agreement "you send me mat + cost, and i will send you item back in a timely fashion" If you don't want the responsibility of signing in and checking crafting and sending stuff out, then either you shouldn't post on the thread, or let people know you are going MIA.


Conversely, I've gotten in the habit of sending everything as 1cred COD.


LOL implied agreement- I am not trying to get into a constant argument here but your kidding right? This isn't a bank loan, nor are you buying a house, this is a game not people whole lives. So the next time I am going out of town I should let all of yall know my plans and for how long. Get out of here with that junk Also, what is to say that the guy had to go on an emergency, but I am sure his/her first thought was oh wait I need to let people in SWTOR know that im going to be gone for a month when it could be lets say a birth, surgery, death in the family.

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LOL implied agreement- I am not trying to get into a constant argument here but your kidding right? This isn't a bank loan, nor are you buying a house, this is a game not people whole lives. So the next time I am going out of town I should let all of yall know my plans and for how long. Get out of here with that junk Also, what is to say that the guy had to go on an emergency, but I am sure his/her first thought was oh wait I need to let people in SWTOR know that im going to be gone for a month when it could be lets say a birth, surgery, death in the family.


I'm not saying it is a bank loan, and if you don't want to be a crafter....don't be. And i'm not saying we need all details of your life and schedule, but if you are quitting the game, or unsubbing, or taking an extended break a "heads-up" seems like the respectable thing to do.

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I'm not saying it is a bank loan, and if you don't want to be a crafter....don't be. And i'm not saying we need all details of your life and schedule, but if you are quitting the game, or unsubbing, or taking an extended break a "heads-up" seems like the respectable thing to do.


But guess what your opinion is not a rule set forth by SWTOR... You solve this whole issue by just sending a message or /whisper to your crafter to verify that they are still in game and crafting. It is not their responsibility to inform people .

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I'm Kenden/Draegas.


I've had some ugly stuff going on and haven't logged in the game for a couple of weeks. I'm on right now and crafting all of the relics for which people already sent me materials.


I'm not sure what my activity is going to be like for the next week or two, so if you want me to craft you one of these relics please contact me in game and confirm I'm available before you send materials.


If you've already sent me a mail in-game but I haven't got back to you, I will try to get through those and return mails after I get caught up on relics that I already have materials for... I logged in to almost 50 in-game mails between the two characters. :eek:

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I'm not saying it is a bank loan, and if you don't want to be a crafter....don't be. And i'm not saying we need all details of your life and schedule, but if you are quitting the game, or unsubbing, or taking an extended break a "heads-up" seems like the respectable thing to do.


When things go bad in your real life, the last thing you care about is a video game.


Sorry if you find it disrespectful that I didn't come here to post about it, but it didn't even cross my mind.

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Does anyone know where Stew is?


He's been rather inactive lately.


Anger Management has dissolved. Stew is still around, but has been less active as part of all that turmoil. I doubt he's going to up and leave though. Stew also occasionally has RL issues which crop up and prevent him from spending as much time in game. There may have been a convergence here, I don't know.

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