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New to PVP


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I just made my first pvp toon on a pvp server and have NO clue what I'm getting myself in to. I have 5 toons at 50-55 on a PVE server, but have heard lots of gripes and praises for pve. I watched a few vids of PVP ops though and it looks like friggin fun! Sooo what's the secret? I made a warrior, may take her dps or tank not sure yet, but any advice would be appreciated since SWtOR is my first MMO and I have NO clue what I'm in for.
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Best bet is to post in the jug forums for specifics with the class. I know there are some great jug vids posted there from PvP as well.


Are you asking for WZ tips? There are a few threads around here about what basic things people should do and don't around here that would seem to be common sense. Take a look for those threads as there is a lot of good info in there.

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You said that you're going to start a warrior and may want to tank or dps, so first obvious thing is you'd probably want to take Juggernaut AC (Marauder's fun too, but you are restricted to dps don't get the option to tank) so that you get the option to change. Rage spec is effective and easy to learn for both.


Second obvious thing to take care of is that you don't have to be on a PvP server to play a PvP warzone. All servers have them, just click the little faction symbol beside your minimap to queue up. PVP servers just allow you to attack or be attacked by the opposition faction while out roaming around in areas both can access. Can be fun, but also leads to ganking of people who are trying to go about PvE stuff like class quests.


Before starting, realise that unlike PvE, you are going to die horribly and often embarrasingly. A lot. And lose a lot. And that's if you're good. If you are average, it'd be about 50% of the time - and if you're just starting, well you're not even average yet. All those NPCs who told you how great you were in your class quests? Well they were basically your mother telling you how unique and wonderful you are. But if you learn your class, the maps, and the other classes' abilities then you'll become a better player.


Learn the resolve system that controls how you're stunned (many threads describing in this forum), remember that this is an objective-oriented game where communication and team play beats Rambo.


PvP is a lot of fun, enjoy.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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I just made my first pvp toon on a pvp server and have NO clue what I'm getting myself in to. I have 5 toons at 50-55 on a PVE server, but have heard lots of gripes and praises for pve. I watched a few vids of PVP ops though and it looks like friggin fun! Sooo what's the secret? I made a warrior, may take her dps or tank not sure yet, but any advice would be appreciated since SWtOR is my first MMO and I have NO clue what I'm in for.


So you never did a single warzone on your PvE server? The only difference between PvP and PvE server is that you can be attacked any time on a mixed faction planet?!

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So you never did a single warzone on your PvE server? The only difference between PvP and PvE server is that you can be attacked any time on a mixed faction planet?!


The few mass PvP events are things that a PvE server rarely have because the duelist e-peen has grown to EPIC proportions.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So you never did a single warzone on your PvE server? The only difference between PvP and PvE server is that you can be attacked any time on a mixed faction planet?!


No I never have. I've only been playing this game since October and have had people bemoaning PvP and getting jumped from all sides and how annoying that can be. Though I've been watching more and more and wanting to dabble my toes in it. :)

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Might want to peruse the Warrior forum too. PVP build and rotation guides, and other sorts of useful info. in there. Good place for specific Q & A too.


Marauder's fun and effective but like someone else said, go Jugg if you want option to tank.

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No I never have. I've only been playing this game since October and have had people bemoaning PvP and getting jumped from all sides and how annoying that can be. Though I've been watching more and more and wanting to dabble my toes in it. :)


Wait, you originally posted over 2 weeks ago, and you *STILL* haven't tried out a warzone? Stop being afraid, and stop thinking in terms of toe dabbling - just jump in already! :D


And heed what someone else already said above - unlike PvE, in PvP warzones you will die, and die and die and die. It's normal. And it doesn't degrade your gear, like it does in PvE. So don't worry about it when it happens.


[Edit: And if you really want to start a toon on a PvP planet, don't let the "oh, I can be attacked anywhere!?" thing worry you either. I've been on PvP planets since the start, I think I can count the number of times I've been jumped while questing on one hand. Bioware went out of their way to make fairly hard to find the other side in the questing areas - can be done, but you have to go looking (except maybe on Tattoine(sp?).]

Edited by Banderal
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I just made my first pvp toon on a pvp server and have NO clue what I'm getting myself in to. I have 5 toons at 50-55 on a PVE server, but have heard lots of gripes and praises for pve. I watched a few vids of PVP ops though and it looks like friggin fun! Sooo what's the secret? I made a warrior, may take her dps or tank not sure yet, but any advice would be appreciated since SWtOR is my first MMO and I have NO clue what I'm in for.


Just run away and never look back. I was once too a happy go lucky PvE player. Thought Id give PvP a try. Now I'm a crazy person who cares about things like bad resolve mechanics, broken back filling, and noobs who double guard a pylon when you only have one.

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Wait, you originally posted over 2 weeks ago, and you *STILL* haven't tried out a warzone? Stop being afraid, and stop thinking in terms of toe dabbling - just jump in already! :D


And heed what someone else already said above - unlike PvE, in PvP warzones you will die, and die and die and die. It's normal. And it doesn't degrade your gear, like it does in PvE. So don't worry about it when it happens.


[Edit: And if you really want to start a toon on a PvP planet, don't let the "oh, I can be attacked anywhere!?" thing worry you either. I've been on PvP planets since the start, I think I can count the number of times I've been jumped while questing on one hand. Bioware went out of their way to make fairly hard to find the other side in the questing areas - can be done, but you have to go looking (except maybe on Tattoine(sp?).]


*lol* I kinda got distracted with double xp and trying to get my knight on shadowlands to 50.. but back to playing my warrior and almost done with korriban. Read a few guides and wanting to at least try one wz today!


As to the running away now while I can. *lol* The rest of your sentence was greek to me, but I'm sure I will figure it out!


Thank you very much for all your advice... Time to get aela off korriban and try to get stuff done. If any of ya wanna jingle, I'm aeladarkheart on Pot5. :)

Edited by AelaSunjammer
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