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LoneStarCon 3 (aka World Sci Fi Con)


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I am wondering whether Star Wars the Old Republic (or Star Wars in general) will have a booth or be represented at LoneStarCon 3 (aka the 2013 World Science Fiction Convention, aka the 71st WorldCon). The reason I ask is because I will likely be attending LoneStarCon 3, and would very much like to see a booth or something representing Star Wars the Old Republic at this convention. What would be even cooler is if there was a Cantina Tour event held at the WorldCon.


Is any of this possible or happening?


P.S. for those who are interested LoneStarCon is occurring at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio TX, USA. It occurs from August 28th through September 2nd, 2013.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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