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one time password issues?


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Might be helpful if folks gave some information. A quick read of the thread shows only 1 person doing so.


Mentioning at least who you're using for a email provider would be helpful as well as if you're checking the spam folder.

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The address I'd been using since the launch of TOR stopped getting one-time password mails. I get those ever so often due to dynamic IP. It's annoying but I've gotten used to it. I gave it a day or so to see if there'd be any change and switched to my gmail account via the EA help site.


Pretty annoying to suddenly have stuff stop working.

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I have two static IPs and I'm used to getting a one-time PW request when I move between them. That, I understand.


What I don't understand is why I've received 12 in a row since 2.8 on the same IP without moving between them. Every. SIngle. Time.


My time is limited, and this is time I'd like to spend having fun playing a game I enjoy. Instead I'm accused of being an identity thief and have to spend it proving I'm not. Again and again. Thanks for that.


That's without the other well-documented 2.8 problems. Those appear to be fixed, this apparently isn't even being investigated any more. These annoyances are really starting to add up for me.

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I have had enough of this ****.


Stopped playing last time because of this half-arsed "security" measure. And yes last time I switched my email from outlook.com to gmail - and that took about 4 days to sort out.


I logged in today to play. Instead (now that I've waited nearly half an hour and on my second stupid code to login), I am logging in to cancel.


No thanks to your stupid, rigid, acess-blocker.



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I used to get the OTP every time I logged in. Almost unsubbed because of it - I quit Rift because of a similar mechanic.


This time I just did the security key and thankfully no more OTP's although I do need to enter a code as well as my password every time I login, at least I don't have to wait 3 hours before I can get a OTP to play each night.


They seriously need to get this sorted - its just really poor atm. We need a BW guarantee that the password will arrive at the absolute outside, 15 mins after requesting.

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Pretty BS. Brand new player, and this is the stupidest, most frustrating "feature" ever.


Judging by how long this thread has been up (and others like it) fixing this is no priority; forcing people to buy your authenticator or what?


Does buying the stupid thing prevent the "one time" email/password BS?

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