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Jung Ma server, needs characters for story arc: republic and sith


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Looking for supporting characters for a story arc. Need major and minor roles filled, all with different jobs. Any level is okay but you have to at least be able to go to tatooine. Anyways, the story so far goes like this:



The two main characters (my character and another) were separated on taris after being assaulted by a group of sith. My character (jedi knight more along the lines of a gray jedi) was captured and tortured. After escaping and returning to tython, he reveals a sith holocron containing an old sith lord that reveals a prophecy about an ancient and powerful lord capable of devouring whole worlds. The two characters are about to travel to tatooine and learn their roles in the story, because the sith holocron refuses to reveal all the details all at once. There is where the story will start to arc.


Roles needed:

A professional pilot (must be republic)

A few members to play worshippers of a cult

A lorekeeper that helps reveal the prophecy

Leader of said evil cult

Someone to play as a military strategist -OR- sworn bodyguard to the main character (the one that's not mine. Must be republic)

The world eating bad guy


Feel free to message me here or in game, my character's name is Arterius. Once I have the roles filled, I can set up times for everyone to play their parts. You can roleplay how you want, but you do have a role first and foremost. If the lorekeeper decides to join the cult, or ally with the main character, is their choice. Anyways, thanks for your time.

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I am the leader of the Seyugi dervishes, I am interested in your proposal and can provide said cult members from my guild. Look up Seyugi dervishes, if you like the lore add me, Balisk on the empire Jung ma server., we can coordinate through xfire or anything you prefer.
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