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Master Strike Alacrity Fix


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I just wanted to drop a quick "thank you" note to BioWare, even though I know that their reading of the class forums is fairly sparing. The fact that alacrity now hastens Master Strike is extremely nice, and adds an element of planning and skill to the Combat tree.


The danger that I think was not foreseen is that this represents a very significant buff to Combat. The following sequence is now possible (and indeed happens quite regularly):


Precision Slash + Dispatch > Master Strike > Blade Storm


The opener is also now slightly changed (since you're guaranteed a 2.3 second Master Strike):


Precision Slash + Blade Rush > Master Strike > Twin Saber Throw > Precision Slash + Dispatch > Blade Storm > Blade Rush > Blade Rush


If the buff were merely Master Strike going faster, it would be an increase in burst DPS without representing a significant increase to overall DPS. However, because we have discrete damage buff phases in Combat (due to Precision Slash), the reduced channel time has a profound effect on overall DPS and timing.


I'm not going to come out and say that the Master Strike fix was out of line, but I'm concerned that Combat is receiving such a significant buff when it was already ahead of the other two sentinel specs in terms of overall DPS (and even more so on a dummy).

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