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Marauder = Glass Cannon ???

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I am leveling A Sith Marauder (Carnage), at lvl40 atm, i am doing a very good DPS but my HP goes down very hard and very quick. With a pack of 4 or 5 normal mobs my drops down under 20% very fast.

Is it just normal for this class or am i doing anything wrong?

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Your AoE DPS will be lacking at that level, not a lot you can do about that yet.


Once you get dual-sabre throw it gets a lot better as DST + Leap/Smash will kill most normal mobs.


Before we had DST, I tended to use Leap/Smash/Intimidating Roar. The three second stun gives you time to kill 1-2 enemies (and normally HK will have killed one as well) leaving you with more manageable numbers.


That's with good gear though, while leveling Quinn is probably best - I certainly used him up until 50.

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Use cloak of pain before you jump into a pack and use saber ward when you notice yourself taking a lot of dmg. It sounds like you arent using your defensive cds enough. The mara class can actually take a fair amount of punishment if you use these at the right time. If you use cloak of pain before engaging a pack of mobs it will be up during the entire encounter thats 20% dmg reduction for basically the entire duration of the fight. Edited by AngusFTW
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For early-ish leveling i suggest using the Rage spec. It has this really underused talent called Cloak of Rage, Which makes Cloak of Pain last 10 seconds instead of 6 (and it boosts Cloak of Pain's damage by a bit) I use and abuse Cloak of Pain when soloing. Combine the Cloak of Rage, Annilation, and Carnage talents and Cloak of Pain becomes pretty close to the BEST defence CD out there (one note dont take Cloak of Annilation for PvP, it does not proc enough to be usefull) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100ZGRMZfrMkbGkRffz.3 that's the build i use for PvP when i run Rage, and http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100MZGRZfrMkbGkRffz.3 is the build i use for PvE when i run Rage solo PvE (group PvE i use my PvP build). Rage spec is probably the least "glass cannon" of the 3 specs. Anni's Bleeds are really nice for Ops and Heroics but Carnage is really nice for Flashpoints. so pick your poison and spam that Cloak of Pain.
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