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How pacification works?


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Im new to sents and I need a little help with that skill. Can someone explain against what exactly pacification works . It seems that it doenst works against force lightning or guardians force push so how that skill works technically?

(I was suprised to see no answer then I realised my mistake, i mean pacify, pacification is in french sorry ^^).

Edited by ytrezapoiuyt
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Pacify reduces a targets RANGED and MELEE accuracy for a short time by 90%


So it works to make RANGED and MELEE attacks only 10% likely to hit you.


But FORCE and ELEMENTAL and TECH attacks will not be affected cuz they are not classified as RANGE or MELEE.


RANGE and MELEE is the WHITE damage. Pacify has no effect on yellow damage.


Force lightning and force push are...Force attacks.


There ya go.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Four attack types: Force, Tech, Ranged, Melee


Pacify stops melee and ranged. Since base accuracy is 90% for ranged and melee, people can only hit you for as much accuracy as they have over 90%. So if people don't have any accuracy on their gear it's impossible for them to hit.

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Four attack types: Force, Tech, Ranged, Melee


Pacify stops melee and ranged. Since base accuracy is 90% for ranged and melee, people can only hit you for as much accuracy as they have over 90%. So if people don't have any accuracy on their gear it's impossible for them to hit.


That's a simplification.

Only the most basic attack (in Knight's case, Strike) has 90% base accuracy. Other abilities called "special melee/ranged attacks" (for Knights, they're Slash, Master Strike...) have 100% base accuracy. So if they don't have accuracy on they're gear, they have still a slight chance to hit. Small chances, but yet real chances.

(100% accuracy minus 90% from Pacify, minus your 5% base defense chance leaves 5% chances to hit)

Edited by Altheran
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That's a simplification.

Only the most basic attack (in Knight's case, Strike) has 90% base accuracy. Other abilities called "special melee/ranged attacks" (for Knights, they're Slash, Master Strike...) have 100% base accuracy. So if they don't have accuracy on they're gear, they have still a slight chance to hit. Small chances, but yet real chances.

(100% accuracy minus 90% from Pacify, minus your 5% base defense chance leaves 5% chances to hit)


Melee/ranged accuracy under character sheet shows as 90%. Are you saying this does not apply to all melee/ranged moves?

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Melee/ranged accuracy under character sheet shows as 90%. Are you saying this does not apply to all melee/ranged moves?



Mousing over will say it is 90% but with special attack at 100%. However, according to database all attacks are "special" but the basic attack from level 1 that has no cost (the ones that are sometimes called "auto-attack", Strike for Knight, Saber attack for Consulars, Hammer shots for Troopers, Furry of Bolts for Smugglers, Assault for Warriors and so on...)

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