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The Love of Family Makes Us Stronger


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Yay! An update! Don't mind waiting as long as I get one eventually! And I enjoyed this one!


LOL! What bad can happen with the girls spying on the boys?! Ya right! LOL! I spell a recipe for disaster! Should be interesting. HAHA!


Great job!

Glad you're enjoying this thread and that waiting isn't too terrible. Oh, you're about to find out exactly what things can happen and hopefully it's interesting! :D



These next couple of parts are cross posted from the SFC thread with a bit of editing/polishing (and in the case of the first part some much needed fleshing out) to make them flow better with the whole story. Since they're both fairly short, I'm putting them both in this post.



Spies Like Us-originally posted 8/14/2013 for the Working Out the Kinks and First Impressions prompts


It was a dark, late autumn night on Dantooine, unusually mild for that time of year but no one was complaining. Taking advantage of the mild weather, six shadowy figures could be seen sneaking across the Lauren farm into the Kalov pastures in the bright moonlight. Some of which were obviously more steady on their feet than others.


Bella had arrived on Dantooine two days ago from Taris, followed by the next Lauren sibling a day later. The girls making a special trip home to attend a last minute, yet very welcomed wedding…their mother was marrying Derek in the morning. Sidra wanted to get married before Lissa and Ros had to leave for Tython and after discussing it with her eldest daughters, chose a date that would accommodate both.


The girls had already been doing a little celebrating that evening, a girls’ night in of sorts and a few decided to keep the party going. The youngest daughter, Kit, and Derek’s niece, Zaryn, had finally gone to bed after two drinks of the potent wine Bella had brought and unbeknownst to their mother they talked the spacer out of their very own bottle. Sidra had turned in as well, looking happy and excited, but needing some time alone and they understood. It was going to be an emotional day for all of them, but their mother the most. Bella, Mallay, Lissa, and Ros knew that their mother was in love with Derek, but that a part of her still missed their father.


Deciding to relocate after Sidra, Kit, and Zaryn went to bed, the rest of the girls, who were all in various states of drunkenness, were walking to Mallay’s house, where they were all staying when Bella had the brilliant idea to see what the guys were doing. The fun loving adventurous Ros was all for it, and after a few minutes, her and Bella managed to talk Lissa and Mallay into coming along after Bella’s savvy business partner, Risha brought up the possibility of some nice views. Bella’s mercenary crewmate, Corso, and Mallay’s squad mate, Aric, were staying at Derek’s ranch house with him, a few of his old military buddies, and the girls’ little brother, Jonah. Seeing that her CO and new friend was on board, Mallay’s new medic, Elara decided to join the spying venture……especially after Risha described what Corso looked like without a shirt on.


The young women were sneaking across the pasture, the bright moonlight allowing them to see without using flashlights, desperately trying to avoid what Risha dubbed ‘stinky land mines’ as they made their way towards their target. Half of the group was making better progress and was several yards ahead of the rest who were trying and failing to contain drunken giggles as they trudged along.


“Oh, damn,” Risha cried, disgust in her tone as she felt her boot sink into something very soft and squishy, “I just found a pile!”


“Shhhhh,” Mallay hissed, glaring back at them in the bright moonlight, “The whole point of sneaking is not to be caught!”


“Don’t worry, Risha,” Bella assured her partner before giving in to a loud hiccup, “It’ll come off……..and don’t mind Mallay, she just really hates getting caught doing something wrong.”


“Yeah, her and Lissa are the good girls,” Ros snorted, rolling those silver eyes and forgetting to use her quiet voice, “I’m shocked that we talked them into this little venture.”


“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Lissa retorted, her words slurring a little, “Just because I don’t try to bend every rule at the Temple doesn’t mean I don’t like or know how to have fun. I’m just a lot better at not getting caught than you are!”


“Speaking of this little venture,” Risha giggled, “What exactly are we going to do when we get to Derek's house?”


“You know,” Bella replied, “I hadn’t actually gotten that far in the planning stages. Let me think…..hey Mallay, hold up a sec.”


“Stars, can you guys possibly make any more noise back there?!” Mallay whispered in exasperation, shooting her older sister a pointed look as she reluctantly complied, “At least Elara knows how to sneak up on people.”


“Thank you, sir” Elara beamed, then quickly covered her mouth as a loud hiccup erupted from it.


“Am I the only one relatively sober?!” Mallay sighed, then turned to Havoc’s newest member, “Elara, I’ve told you several times already that you don’t have to call me ‘sir’ when we’re not on duty. Certainly not when we’re with my family…..”


“Or when we’re all three sheets to the wind,” Ros giggled, slinging her arm across Mallay’s shoulder as she grinned at Elara, having heard the conversation as she caught up to them.


“Definitely not then,” Mallay agreed, a smile curving her lips as she thought about how silly this last minute little mission of Bella’s was.


“Sorry, sir….uh….Mallay,” Elara murmured, “It’s just been so long since I’ve been out with anyone I serve with. I haven’t exactly made many friends since I defected.”


“Well, you have us!“ Lissa hugged Elara, both women unsteady on their feet, “Even if we just met earlier today. You’re a good soul and I hate to see it sad.”


“Thanks, Lissa,” Elara smiled, “You’ve all been so kind and welcoming. I’m so glad Mallay wanted me in Havoc and included me in your family’s celebration!”


“Think nothing of it, Elara,” Mallay held up her hand, “You helped me on Taris when no one else would. That’s not something I’ll forget and just because you serve under me, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”


“We’re glad to have you here, Elara! Now, Risha on the other hand,” Lissa snorted as those silver eyes tried to focus on the brunette approaching with her oldest sister, “I can definitely see her and Bella getting along!”


“Hey,” Risha snickered, slurring a little, as they finally caught up to Mallay, Elara, and Lissa, “How is it that all of the good girls were up front in this little unconventional spying venture?”


“Well, Mallay’s not that good,” Bella corrected her partner as she studied the ranch house, trying to figure out how to get in without alerting the guys, “after all, she did get suspended from school once.”


“Really?” Elara raised a brow at her CO.


“Yeah, she kicked the crap out of Mitch Davies,” Ros confirmed, smirking at Mallay, “I think Derek still has a copy of the footage.”


“Wait, you don’t mean the Mitch Davies?!” Risha choked, “As in Huttball superstar Mitch Davies……do you?”


“The very same,” Bella admitted with pride as she grinned at Mallay, “He was bullying Mallay’s friend Krista so she decided to teach him a lesson.”


“Wow, even I know who that is,” Elara’s eyes widened as she hiccupped again, impressed that her tiny CO was able to take that huge man down. “No offence, but how did you manage that? I mean, he’s huge!”


“He was huge back then, too. Mallay may be small, but she’s always been strong and athletic,” Bella grinned slyly, “and she’s not afraid to fight dirty. After kicking him in the junk and tripping him after, Mallay had him pinned and begging.”


“Stars, he was such a jerk back then and he definitely had that coming,” Mallay sighed as she remembered that first school year on Dantooine. Then a wicked smirk curved her lips as she nodded at her sister, “Bella took him down another few pegs after I was done with him though.”


“Really Captain, this I gotta hear,” Risha prodded, “What did you do?”


“I told him that I couldn’t go out with someone who’d gotten the crap kicked out of him by my little sister,” Bella laughed as she recalled that conversation. “Stars I think he hated us for a long time after that!”


“Hey, Mallay,” Elara piped up suddenly, pointing to the top of the ranch house, “Is that window open?”


Mallay looked to where her medic was pointing and sure enough, the upstairs window was open, “Looks like it……nice job spotting that.”


“Hey, I know…..” Bella whispered excitedly as she nodded at the large tree next to the house, “Mallay, Ros…..you feeling limber?”


“I think I can get up the tree, but I’m not so sure about getting to that window,” Ros admitted, looking a little sheepish, “I’m not as sober as I’d like to be to attempt that…….and even if I was, I’m not as graceful as Mallay. Plus that’s a pretty small branch……..”


“Not to mention you can rarely do quiet,” Lissa gave a snort at her twin that ended up in a hiccup.




Mallay looked at the slender branch that came within a couple feet of the open window, “It’s pretty small, but think I can make it if I’m quick enough.”


“Can you do quick right now?” Lissa asked, her tone dubious. “We’ve all been drinking.”


“Mallay didn’t drink as much as the rest of us,” Bella pointed out, thankful her lightweight sister decided to take it easy that evening, “Ok, sis, you get in the house and find a hiding spot. We’ll hang out here until you give us a signal. In the meantime, try to snag a couple pics if you see anything good.”


“Here, take this,” Ros handed Mallay her camera, “Power button is on th-“


“Shhh,” Mallay hissed, suddenly on alert, “The lights just went out…….be quiet dammit.”


“Can’t you use your vision enhancement?” Bella whispered.


“I’d rather not,” Mallay whispered, anxiously looking around as she tried to hear anything unusual, “Even though I didn’t have much to drink, it was probably enough for the disorientation to make me sick.”


“I’m not sensing anyone,” Lissa scoffed, swaying a little.


“Yeah, but you’re drunk!” Ros giggled at her twin, “You probably couldn’t sense the nerf in the pasture!”


Lissa looked sheepish as she hiccupped again, “Okay you got me there.”


“Seriously be quiet you guys, I heard something!” Mallay glared at them, uneasy that she couldn’t see anything, but certain she heard a twig snap not that far away, “You know…….let’s just call this quits and start heading back to my house.”


“Stars, Mallay,” Bella slurred, “Derek is probably all distracted and giddy like Mom is, Jonah most likely has been in bed for hours, and the rest of those guys are probably too drunk to know or even care if anyone is near the house.”


“We’re not that drunk, Captain,” Corso’s voice called out as Bella was grabbed from behind. Even a little tipsy, Bella’s reflexes were quick and the Mantellian nearly took a knee to a sensitive part of his anatomy before getting a tighter hold on his captain.


“I guess I should’ve expected that,” he groaned, thankful she missed and keenly embarrassed that his body was responding so rapidly to Bella’s movements as she wriggled against him in an attempt to get free. Corso didn’t know how much more he could take before either letting her go or doing something really stupid like kiss her until they were both senseless, something that had been in the back of his mind ever since that night on Taris when they were in a similar position. His eyes traveled to those full lips that were curved upwards in a teasing smile, and his heart lurched as it dawned on him, she knows what she's doing to me!


“Get those girls!” another male voice bellowed good naturedly from the twins’ direction, distracting Corso just as he was about to give in.


“Sh*t! They’ve got karking stealth generators!” Mallay hollered as soon as she heard a telltale pop to her left, “Scatter and run dammit!”


The rest of the girls bolted for Mallay’s orchard, most of them staggering a little and laughing a lot, leaving a now giggling Bella to her fate. Mallay had just decided to follow when she heard someone behind her. She took off at a sprint across the pasture, but she wasn’t fast enough and a few seconds later felt a strong arm snake around her waist.


“Busted!” Aric’s voice chuckled in her ear as gathered her to him. Then with a pop he came out of stealth and a second later Mallay found herself looking up at her squad mate, his face less than an inch from hers. She swallowed hard, her heart starting beat a little faster and that fluttery feeling was back in her tummy. Thoughts she had no business having entered her head and Mallay was stunned to realize just how badly she wanted Aric to kiss her right then. Before she even knew what she was doing, her eyelids began to drift shut as her lips parted slightly.


His adrenaline surging from the chase and a little buzzed from the alcohol, Aric was sorely tempted to close the slight distance and explore that tempting mouth of hers……something he’d fanaticized more than once about on Taris after discovering that alluring little lip biting habit she had whenever she was focusing deeply on something. Then those lips parted in invitation and he was a goner. However before he could act on the impulse, Aric heard someone stumbling around and they both turned to see a tall figure limping towards them.


“You alright?” Aric called out roughly, reigning in his heated thoughts as he recognized Derek’s military buddy Brent.


“Yeah……one of the twins got me,” he shook his head, “I’d just got that cute brunette by the jacket when all the sudden I was thrown back and I hit the ground hard. My butt landed on a rock and the impact knocked the wind outta me. By the time I got back up, they were too far away for me to catch.”


“That would be Ros,” Mallay murmured, still trying to collect herself and starting to wonder if she’d been imagining things between her and Aric just a moment ago, “Serves you right going after us.”


“HA!” Brent snorted, “Who’s the trespasser here eh?”


“It’s not trespassing really,” Mallay countered as embarrassment crept in with self-doubt and she tried to wiggle out of Aric’s grip.


“Oh no?” Brent chuckled, “Let’s just hear what Derek has to say about that.”


“Good call,” Aric agreed, dragging a reluctant Mallay along with him as they turned towards the ranch house.


“I’d rather just go home,” Mallay insisted, managing to reach a hand inside his jacket and a second later Aric growled when she pinched him sharply.


“Hey now……..kark you really are a feisty little thing sometimes…...ouch dammit,” he growled when she pinched him again, “okay, enough of that.”


“You better watch it,” Brent grinned as the Cathar hoisted the petite young woman over his shoulder, “I’ve heard stories about this one.”


“They’re probably all true,” Aric grunted as Mallay started kicking.


“I see you managed to catch one of the little spies,” a jovial voice called out as the trio reached the house.


“Aric did,” Brent replied, “I came up empty thanks to one of those Jedi in training.” Then he nodded at Bella, “Did you find out what they were up to?”


“Not yet. Bella’s not talking and Aiden sorta came up empty too,” Corso explained, earning a few snickers from Derek and Bella as the Mirialan blushed a little.


“I couldn’t help it,” Aiden muttered, “It just hit me……I didn’t want to chase them anymore, I just wanted to come back here.”


“Lissa must’ve been sober enough to mess with his head,” Bella giggled as Aiden’s cheeks reddened further, “He came wandering back a couple minutes looking a little dazed and confused. He kept sa-”


“Hey…….is that a holocamera?” Corso interrupted, pointing at the cord hanging out of Mallay’s jacket pocket.


“What exactly were you girls hoping to see?!” Aric taunted, a smug look on his face as he unceremoniously plopped his fighting CO down next to Corso and Derek.


“I’d like to know that myself,” Derek chuckled, a broad grin on the Zabrak’s face. “On second thought…..it’s probably best that we don’t know, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was either Bella or Ros’s idea.”


“Both,” Mallay muttered, still annoyed at having been caught.


“Thanks for telling on me, sis,” Bella giggled. “Anyways, we just wanted to see what you were up to and maybe……we might’ve……uh…..pulled a prank or two…..”


“What were you gonna have Mallay do once she got in the house?” Corso wondered.


“Heard that part did ya?” Bella smirked, “Well Farm Boy, that’s for me to know and you to wonder.”


“Well, you girls really need to work on your spying skills,” Aric snickered, “We heard you coming a while ago.”


“And some of you were louder than others,” Corso nodded as the seven of them sat on Derek’s porch, “we opened a window when we heard someone, Risha I think, step in a nerf pile.”


“I told them to be quiet,” Mallay snorted, “I just knew we were going to get caught.”


Aric dug into the cooler and handed the girls each a beer, “Obviously they didn’t listen to their brave and noble leader.”


“Stars, you’re such an annoying turd sometimes!” Mallay shot back, “and no they didn’t.”


“Well, I don’t think a group of intoxicated young women is the best squad for a spying mission. However, we enjoyed it,” Derek grinned, “Anyways, how’s Sidra?”


“Excited,” Bella assured him, “She wanted some time alone when Kit and Zaryn went to bed, so the rest of us were headed back to Mallay’s house when I started to wonder what you all were up to.”


“And she and Ros decided to talk the rest of us into this little spying debacle.” Mallay finished, then smiled at Derek, “We’re glad you are marrying Mom. I know I haven’t seen her this happy since Dad died.”


“Thanks, Mallay,” Derek hugged her, “and the two of you should get home and get some sleep, unless you planned on staying here with your boyfriends.”


“Really not funny, Derek!” Mallay rolled her eyes as she took a deep drink.


“Awww, I’m crushed,” Aric teased, “Was it something I did?” Then they all laughed when Mallay flashed him the middle finger salute.


A yawning Bella got up and hugged Derek, “You’ve been so good to us these past few years and I’m so happy for both you and Mom.”


Bella and Mallay left a few minutes later with beers in hand, both girls happy as they walked through the pasture towards Mallay’s orchard. They passed the pond that the center of all three properties and decided to sit there for a little while on their way to Mallay’s house. It was such a beautiful night and the sisters wanted to enjoy it since it might be their last for a while.



Wish Upon a Star-originally posted 8/14/2013 for the Wishes prompt.



“Oh look, sis!” Bella gasped, pointing at the sky, “Did you see it?”


“I did,” Mallay nodded. Then she smiled at her older sister, “We get to make wishes now!”


“We sure do,” Bella agreed, “better make it count…..who knows when we’ll see another falling star.”


The girls were both quiet for a moment, thinking about what they wanted to wish for. They were sitting out on deck chairs at the family pond, enjoying a beer together while watching the starry sky. It was peaceful with the soft chirping of insects and the occasional bellow from a frog. Every once in a while, the water would ripple as a fish broke the surface to catch an insect, but other than that, the night was still and serene. Even Bella, who’d craved adventure and excitement for as long as she could remember, missed peaceful nights like this. Mallay found herself relaxing contentedly for the first time in months and part of her wished she didn’t have to leave again so soon.


“So, what did you come up with, sis?” Mallay asked after a few minutes.


“I wished I could let myself fall in love,” Bella finally admitted, sadness apparent on her lovely face as she turned to her sister, “Derek and Mom look so happy. I want that Mallay, and I hate Jackson so much for making me afraid to trust myself enough to love a man.”


“Maybe it’s time to let that go, sis.” Mallay suggested, hoping Bella wouldn’t take it the wrong way, “It’s been more than eight years and you aren’t that sixteen year old girl anymore. Besides, anyone who spends ten minutes with Corso can tell isn’t like Jackson at all.” Then she reached out and gave her sister’s hand a squeeze, “I really think you can trust him with your heart, Bella.”


Bella nodded, not even trying to deny that was who she was thinking of, “I know that in here, Mallay,” she pointed to her heart, “but I can’t seem to get the fear out of my mind. I guess I conditioned myself a little too well not to fall in love.”


“Just give it time,” Mallay gently insisted, “Corso seems like such a kind, patient man, and if he likes you as much as I suspect he does, he’ll wait.”


“What about you, little sister?” Bella asked, wanting to change the subject, but curious since she had her own suspicions, “What do you wish for?”


“The same thing, actually,” Mallay admitted softly, ignoring the sting of tears, “I want to find love like Mom and Derek have……..that Mom and Dad had……” she trailed off as she shook her head, “I just don’t think it’ll ever happen.”


“Why not, sis?” Bella studied her younger sister.


“Well, for one thing, I’m a total idiot about men,” Mallay sighed, “Saying I’m not good at flirting would be a gross understatement since I get shy and clam up around attractive men that show the slightest bit of interest.” Then she looked Bella square in the eye and smiled, “I wish I was more like you. You always know what to do and say around men. You usually have most of them eating out of your hand within minutes.”


“You were an idiot about clothes and fashion, too," Bella smirked, "but I was able to help you with that."


“Yeah, but I don’t think you can fix this,” Mallay replied as she scooped up a handful of pebbles, knowing it was a lost cause, “Besides, I’m not exactly the type that men are attracted to.”


“That’s nonsense, Mallay,” Bella scolded, “You only think you’re unattractive, but that's not the case at all. I would love to have that lithe little body of yours and as for your scars…….well anyone who’s worth your time won’t care about them!”


“I don’t know, sis.” Mallay sighed, tossing a pebble into the pond. She watched the rings ripple outward for a moment before going on. “I just don’t think I’ll ever find a man who is attracted to a short, skinny, scarred woman who babbles or stammers like an idiot if he happens to be good looking and shows some interest.”


“You never know………there someone in particular you’re wishing is attracted to you?” Bella asked not so innocently as she flashed her sister a knowing grin.


“No, not really,” Mallay answered a little too quickly, avoiding eye contact as she tossed another pebble. She wasn’t quite ready to admit that a certain annoying, and somewhat grouchy Cathar had been occupying her thoughts a little too frequently lately.


Oh Mallay, you’re not fooling me one bit, Bella mused, both amused and happy, “Well, I’m certain that there’s someone out there for you if you’d open yourself up to the possibility.”


“Eh,” Mallay shrugged, too tired to argue, “It’s getting late…..we probably should get back to my house and try to get some sleep before the wedding.”


Edited by alaurin
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