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Targeting Arrow bugged!


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nearly everytime i do a Warzone the Targeting Arrow disappears and is really making it difficult to see who i have targeted.

this has only just started around 2.1 came out but seems to be more frequent lately.

Edited by Bad-Wolf
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I don't think this is exclusive to Warzones.


I've had it happen numerous times when changing instances within a planet as well.


The strange thing is, it doesn't always happen. I haven't figured out how exactly to reproduce it (I have a theory, I'll try to remember to test it when I'm online tonight).

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I get this bug, along with a bug that glitches out my HP/resolve bar on my nameplate (it shows either always full or always empty).


I've deleted the cachearena file and I've restarted both my computer and my game multiple times.


I saw that someone else had the same problem and they moved forward in their quest line and that solved it. I turned in some quests and I got it working again after that for a little while.


Then I entered a warzone while only on about 75% HP and my HP bar glitched and my targeting arrows were gone again.


I'm currently re-installing to see if that helps.

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