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What a great Storytelling experience.


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I have a lot more to explore in this game. But I just wanted to stop and say that the story for both my Sith Juggernaut and my Vanguard Trooper has been absolutely wonderful. Before character creation, I had a set idea of whether I would be dark side or light side. At first, my choices felt artificial. Like for a Light side choice, I was saying stuff that was TOO positive or way too chipper. But after a while, as I got into the game, the choices and dialogue options felt natural. I don't know when or how that transition occured.


*spoiler alert*Spoiler-involving Trooper storyline*****


Even though, Havoc squad consists of Me and my companion, I carry on as if I am leading a legion of soldiers. At first it was silly, but after a while I was like, Yeah! I AM HAVOC SQUAD! Hoo-ah!



I feel like a hero and as the story unfolds, I look forward to coming across as a Paragon of virtue even though I thought it would be corny. Same for my Sith character. On that toon, I've totally given into my feelings of hate and anger in some spots while keeping a soft spot for Vette. On both toons, I'm watching a story that is naturally unfolding as a direct results of my actions and the storyline, so far, has reasonably reflected and reacted to those choices.


So anyone on the fence with regards to this game as I was, I highly recommend diving in!

Edited by Malvicus
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Couldn't agree more and thanks for the post. I wasn't planning on playing jedi knight, but when some pals started on python, I wanted to be with them and rolled him on a whim. I didn't dig Tython much, but now that its far behind me, I love my companions, my story, and most of all, I have become really attached to my character! Thanks bioware for the awesome game!
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my experiance has also been positive, I was playing the other day, and was going to log off in 15 minutes, did not realize it was 2.5 hours later when I finally logged off. I have always maintained that if the story line is compelling and the game plays well, we can forgive graphics and the odd quirk.


I don't think there is a game on the market that is a WOW killer, lets face it SWTOR is nothing new in terms of game play, go to a guy with a mark over his head, get a quest. (through I don't think we need a cut scene for every quest, the main quest only). Go out smack some x mob or get y items, or deliver z package, or save the girl, whatever, the keys are the same like every other game.


What the game is to me is higly playable, fun to fight, without the worry of am I not contributing enough DPS, or have some 12 year old WOW player in Tier infinety gear laugh at my stuff. Not everyone has the time to invest in games with end game content that requires you to play 7 days aweek for 6 - 8 hours a day.


Kudos for Bioware, for putting out a good solid game that will grow and add features over the coming months. I am sure that LFG tool will be around. But for now, I have had no problem with PUGs.

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the story is a great element, i really enjoy it.


the problem with it is that I see little motivation gear/reward wise to choose light/dark options without specifically attempting to min/max one or the other if you want to stay on par with those that do; with the story being such a huge focal point, and so well done, it sucks that it's indirectly also tied to stats if you're not rewarded equally for remaining neutral.


I have a backpack full of relics that i can't use because i choose story options that intrique me without worrying about light/dark. That just seems counter-intuitive to the whole point of an immersive story.

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