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55 Tank spec vanguard - looking for guild


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Tranquility is looking for a tank for one of our weekly progression raiding teams. Our group runs from 8-11 Eastern US time, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We are working through Hard Mode TFB and S&V at the moment. Please contact myself or one of our guild's officers in-game (Charlz, Bigblockhead, Gobien, Tehito, Aridian) if you are interested in joining.


And now, a little about us:

We are Tranquility, a pre-launch LGBT guild originally from Keller's Void but now here to stay on Jedi Covenant. We are a semi-hardcore guild that manages to balance raid progression, PvP, real life, and dirty jokes to form a fun, friendly community of gay and straight members ranging from 18 to older than dirt (Humpher). If you have any questions feel free to whisper or send an ingame mail to Charlz (our "Illustrious" Guild Leader), or any of the officers (Aridian, Bigblockhead, Gobien/Junnol, Tehito) and we will be happy to answer them for you.

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