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My latest attempt at practicing MM rotations - 18 min long parse


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CORRECTION: I posted the wrong spec. The correct one is


36/4/6 http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/skills/sniper#1011123221211122120201322-310-1000032


Corrosive Dart lasts 3 seconds longer. It saves you 2 GCDs before having to use it again on top of the ability to clip it when you have the extra GCDs to extend its duration. My guildie saw a slight DPS increase after swapping to this spec and using clipping Corrosive Dart.


Opener is os - ambush (TA) - ss - ft - cd - sos ft - snipe snipe ft - ambush ft - cd (clipped) - sos - ft and then normal rotation from there (clipping CD when you get the chance). ignore EP for now too. Really curious to know if other people will have good results with this..

Edited by paowee
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I was swapping between my old 36/8/2 and 36/5/5 this morning in an S&V HM run, and honestly I wasn't seeing good results, even on single target fights. I'll have to give 36/4/6 a try next time, as I'm sure that will be a little bit better than 5/5. No parses from this morning to compare it to, but I'll see if I can get something later this week when I run on my other sniper.
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I was swapping between my old 36/8/2 and 36/5/5 this morning in an S&V HM run, and honestly I wasn't seeing good results, even on single target fights. I'll have to give 36/4/6 a try next time, as I'm sure that will be a little bit better than 5/5. No parses from this morning to compare it to, but I'll see if I can get something later this week when I run on my other sniper.


Looking closely at the nature of MM's rotation, which is dishing out as many FT's as possibly by keeping Ambush and SoS on cooldown, the 1pt Lethality talent should be a dps increase since it gives you 2 extra GCDs before you need to reapply your DoT. That means 2 extra GCDs that you can use to maintain the solid flow of your (snipe snipe ft ambush ft sos ft) rotation. I noticed it was a slight DPS increase and even more so when i can clip it (during SV). CD is reapplied while i continue with the MM rotation uninterrupted for another 18 seconds. By the time 18 seconds is down, i'm fairly sure by this time an extra GCD has popped out and i just it to reapply CD again. And that pattern repeats. Just based on feeling, no numbers and math but i think that's the flow of 36/4/6.


Without the talent, Corrosive dart lasts 15 seconds instead of 18. When it runs out either you interrupt your MM rotation and delay your FT to reapply the dot, or you ignore CD and continue another full round of rotation without the DoT ticking. With 18 seconds of CD its easier to avoid these scenarios (tho it will still happen). Either you get an extra 5 energy or you get an 18 second CD.


Re: EP... EP may be worth it especially with EE before the nerf to double 2-pc pvp bonus. But i am more inclined to run 36/4/6 simply because 1) CD is just easier to use compared to EP and 2) this is the first time i was able to hit 3K as MM on a dummy which i've never been able to do with 36/5/5 and 36/8/2. All subjective i know.. but in the end it all boils down to personal preference. I can see 36/8/2 still being strong and a favorite among the Orbital Strike crowd. You also can't go wrong with 36/5/5. But i will personally run around with 36/4/6 for a while to see how it works in raids.

Edited by paowee
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Keep in mind, every time you clip a CD with 3 or more seconds left on it, it's a waste of the talent point. However, if you're putting at least 5 pts in lethality already AND you don't ever have energy problems with 100 or 105 energy, the 1 point in energy tanks isn't doing anything for you anyways and you may as well take the point out. Edited by namesaretough
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Keep in mind, every time you clip a CD with 3 or more seconds left on it, it's a waste of the talent point. However, if you're putting at least 5 pts in lethality already AND you don't ever have energy problems with 100 or 105 energy, the 1 point in energy tanks isn't doing anything for you anyways and you may as well take the point out.
Yeah i guess you are right on that but 3 more seconds on CD is still 3 seconds you use to keep up a steady stream of FTs. I was editing the post i think you read when you replied. xD


Without the talent, Corrosive dart lasts 15 seconds instead of 18. When it runs out either you interrupt your MM rotation and delay your FT to reapply the dot, or you ignore CD and continue another full round of rotation without the DoT ticking. With 18 seconds of CD its easier to avoid these scenarios (tho it will still happen). Either you get an extra 5 energy or you get this benefit by having an 18 second CD, or you get EE. Not a fan of it as MM since the double 2-pc pvp set bonus nerf.
That's just me though.. i've never been successful with EE/EP spec. I tried a CD spec and i was confused at how well it turned out (as well as being easier on the energy because i don't feel the need to use EP anymore). Edited by paowee
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Doing SNV SM tonight with 36/3/7, seems alright. I noticed i cant do os - snipe - snipe - ft right off the bat otherwise ill dipbelow energy levels. single target rotation seems to be good with minor adjustments (better cd management) when orbital is up due to a smaller energy pool.
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Doing SNV SM tonight with 36/3/7, seems alright. I noticed i cant do os - snipe - snipe - ft right off the bat otherwise ill dipbelow energy levels. single target rotation seems to be good with minor adjustments (better cd management) when orbital is up due to a smaller energy pool.

Have you had a look at my suggested rotation for the 36/3/7 spec (link in signature)? Curious to know how it plays for you / if you have any suggestions for improvement.

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Have you had a look at my suggested rotation for the 36/3/7 spec (link in signature)? Curious to know how it plays for you / if you have any suggestions for improvement.


You have:

Priority List


Speed Shot


XS Freighter Flyby

Vital Shot

Aimed Shot

Charged Burst


My preference would be to move Vital Shot to tiers down so that its below Aimed Shot and Charged Burst. I feel that keeping FT on cooldown is > than keeping Vital Shot up. I'll do a comparison parse later when i get home from work. Basically:


~10 minutes of

1st parse               vs               2nd parse              
Trickshot                                              Trickshot
Speed Shot                                          Speed Shot
Vital Shot                                              Aimed Shot
Aimed Shot                                           Charged Burst
Charged Burst                                      Vital Shot

2nd parse means i will only use VS during extra GCDs and not attempt to force it into the single target rotation. I'll also use the 12.5% chance talent along with extra 3 seconds on CD / VS.

Edited by paowee
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Hey paowee, thanks for all those great tips, really helpful.


I have a question, not unrelated, one an expert dps as yourself might be able to answer : while fighting 50-55 ennemies, weak, strong elites and bosses, I have noticed that the flytext infos indicate damages lower than what I should expect by reading the abiliy's description.


Example : Snipe's description states that it should hit for 3215-3393 weapon damage, but fighting one of Makeb's elite 52 hover tank, I hit around 2600 dmg, without crits.


Same for followthrough or Takedown : 3315-3498 announced for FT, but I hit 2800, 2900 at best.


Can you give me any advices or explain how does the calculations work ?


Thanks !

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Expanding on Sokee's slightly lacking response, tooltip damage is assuming no armor, so you're always going to hit less because all your enemies have some armor to mitigate damage with. You'll notice carnage marauders / combat sentinels can do tooltip damage with gore / precision slash up because they get 100% armor penetration.
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Further testing the Corrosive Dart / Vital Shot spec and Roovin confirming it as well through his own parses... i think we have been using the wrong MM spec all along...


36/3/7 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400rsbbdRkRrfkzzZ0cZG0b.3

Full UW gear / UW BA+SA relics



3126.53 DPS - 6m 48s - 36% crit


3098 DPS - 5m 7s - 33.6% crit


3092 DPS - 5m 3s - 32.5% crit


3084 DPS - 5m 1s - 33.4% crit


3019 DPS - 5m 1s - 34.6%




3072 - 5 min 4 seconds - 34.5% crit


3087 DPS - 5 min 1 seconds - 34.7% crit



Ditch 36/5/5! 36/8/2 may be good for AoE intensive fights tho

Edited by paowee
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was that refreshing corrosive dart ahead of ambush and snipe in priority, or just during that extra gcd?


Extra GCD afaik. As long as you are casting 12 Corrosive Darts / Vital Shots in a 5 min parse I think that is good. It's nice when you see your DoT double proc...and even nicer when both of them crit -__-.


Edit: i did clip corrosive dart as well. in one 5min parse i did 15 CDs. On my other 5 min parse i used it during extra GCD's only and it came out at 12 Corrosive Darts. Roovin's 5 min parses also had 12 Corrosive Darts that he only casts when the extra GCD pops up.

Edited by paowee
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That is interesting. Sacrifice 50 dps on OS to gain 100 dps on CD. Theoretical it makes sense using it in real boss fight but would it increasing dps on the boss practically? Energy management is easy on the dummy, but every boss fight is different. Loss of energy regen means lower dps.


So again, is that rotation specifically for dummy or real fight?

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