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My latest attempt at practicing MM rotations - 18 min long parse


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That is interesting. Sacrifice 50 dps on OS to gain 100 dps on CD. Theoretical it makes sense using it in real boss fight but would it increasing dps on the boss practically? Energy management is easy on the dummy, but every boss fight is different. Loss of energy regen means lower dps.


So again, is that rotation specifically for dummy or real fight?

I can't answer that unfortunately. I am not raiding (have not for several weeks now due to my guild's focus on their NiM TFB 8-man group.


Energy management should be the same in the dummy and the boss fight; i think that is the goal why we practice on the dummy in the first place :). Let me say this though, it may take some practice trying to gauge when and where to put CD and if its safe to use OS, and trying to keep OS on cooldown to the last second, all at the same time without that extra 10 energy.


So yeah regardless of whether you spec into Corrosive Dart or not, I think CD should be used each time the extra GCD comes out. Idk if this already common knowledge among MM Snipers ( i rarely dabble in these MM shenanigans :p) since i'm mostly Engineering spec.

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New parse with a good crit and some minor improvements


B'oarder - Sniper - Marksman 36/3/7 - 3126.53 DPS - 36% Crit - Full UW - 6m 48s



Paowee on this parse did u use full power or have some crit in your gear? And if so how much? Because thats a pretty high crit chance on the parse.

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Paowee on this parse did u use full power or have some crit in your gear? And if so how much? Because thats a pretty high crit chance on the parse.
52 Crit rating only. It is pretty high. My normal average is 33% crit and flat 3000 DPS on the dummy with 36/3/7. Edited by paowee
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Very impressive. I tried the build w/ CD ticking twice and saw around 100 DPS gain. Crit percentage (31%) was the same as my other parses.


I'm still not able to hit the "big numbers" like you guys.


My sniper is fully augmented with cunning augs, Arkanian SA relic, DG Boundless Ages, all 69 high power mods, 69 armorings (belt/bracers are 72), a 72 mainhand barrel and a 69 offhand barrel. My enhancements are all 66, with two of them being 69 Adepts.


This was my most recent parse:




EDIT: Derp. Just realized that parse was 4:45 minutes, not five minutes. I have a stopwatch I use, but I forgot to click it for that fight. Regardless, I'm not worried about the numbers, just my rotation. If someone could take a look through the log and let me know if I'm doing something wrong, I'd appreciate it. I've dug through the logs Paowee has posted and have tried my best to replicate it, but the logs get weird when it says stuff is being activated before it hits the dummy and etc etc.


EDIT 2: Did a fight just over 5 minutes and got 2713 DPS. Only thing I changed up was I exited/re-entered cover during global cooldowns to give me an insta-snipe every now and then.

Edited by ScytheEleven
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Hey scythe! My guildie made this one. The post and download link can be found on post #8



Alright, I just completed this nifty little spreadsheet!


What this does is takes B'oard's 3126 parse and lets you compare any parse to it in terms of frequency of attacks in seconds. If you happened to use an ability more frequently than B'oards parse then that cell will automatically turn green and if you used an ability less frequently it will turn red.


To use this spreadsheet:


1) Download it, I created this in Office 2010 so I'm not sure if it will work in Office 2003 or Office 2013

2) Open the .xlsx file and click "Enable Editing" if that shows up

3) Open up your parse and start inputting the information about your parse in cells C3-C11

4) Enter in your total parse length in seconds

5) To find the total amount of times you cast Orbital Strike simply divide the hits of Orbital Strike by 4 (or 3 if you are NOT using the 2 piece PvP set bonus)

6) To find out the total amount of times you cast Corrosive Dart, go to the "log" section of your Torparse and search (CTRL-F) "Activates Cor".

7) To find out the total amount of times you cast Series of Shots just divide the total amount of hits by 4. I am going to trust that you guys wont clip this one;), but if you do use the process as CD



Let me know what else I could add or if there are any bugs!!!


Attached Files

36-3-7 Sniper Comparison v1.1.xlsx 12.56 KB

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Sadly, it won't let me view the page...says "I do not have sufficient access to this page" Weird.
Ahh >_< Hmm do you have an enjin account? Idk how these websites work but i thot they made it public. Let me check..


edit: try this one http://suckafish.enjin.com/forum/page/1/m/2482819/viewthread/6816258-mm-sniper-rotationsbuilds


edit2: i think maybe you need an enjin.com account :|

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Ahh >_< Hmm do you have an enjin account? Idk how these websites work but i thot they made it public. Let me check..


edit: try this one http://suckafish.enjin.com/forum/page/1/m/2482819/viewthread/6816258-mm-sniper-rotationsbuilds


edit2: i think maybe you need an enjin.com account :|


That is weird...because I have an enjin account. I logged into it, and it still says I can't view the page >_>

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That is weird...because I have an enjin account. I logged into it, and it still says I can't view the page >_>
How bout Join website?


Is this thread private? "I do not have sufficient access to this page"

I'm fairly positive that you only need to have an Enjin account and then just join this website in order to view these class forums.

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Hey, that's pretty sweet!


I ended up clicking "Join Website" and it let me in (sorry about that).


The biggest difference was the frequency at which I used Corrosive Dart. Everything else was pretty close, so it looks like I need to sharpen up re-applying Corrosive Dart.


Thanks man :D

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Hey, that's pretty sweet!


I ended up clicking "Join Website" and it let me in (sorry about that).


The biggest difference was the frequency at which I used Corrosive Dart. Everything else was pretty close, so it looks like I need to sharpen up re-applying Corrosive Dart.


Thanks man :D

Roovin mentioned i was using 2 Corrosive Darts per 1 Orbital Strike

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Hello again! Thanks for keeping this thread updated with lots of useful information, it's helping me to vastly improve my DPS. I was wondering if you could help me answer a question.


While our gear is very similar, you seem to parse far above me despite similarities in our rotation and priority. The main difference in gear is that I'm still using a Arkanian Boundless Ages to your Underworld, but other than that we're fairly equal.


First, your crit chance is substantially higher than mine. I struggle to get over 30% despite my Crit chance only being .34% behind yours.


Here is my most recent parse in 36/4/6: 2824.03 DPS compared to your 3126.53 DPS in 36/3/7


With the same duration (409 seconds), I compared it to the Google Doc you shared. The only differences is that I had 6 less CDs, 1 less Ambush, no EPs, No Rifles Shots, 2 less OS, 2 extra SoS, and the rest were identical amounts. Our APM was almost identical between the two parses (I was 01.26 slower).


My only conclusion is that the lack of OSs and CDs in my parse is what makes the difference, but it still seems massive to me. I'll run a few more parses and see if I can't close the gap. If you look it over and find anything that I'm missing please feel free to speak up. I was never great at Sharpshooter, more of a Saboteur fan, but I would like to be more proficient at it as it seems tailored to many of the new encounters.

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With the same duration (409 seconds), I compared it to the Google Doc you shared. The only differences is that I had 6 less CDs, 1 less Ambush, no EPs, No Rifles Shots, 2 less OS, 2 extra SoS

That is huge O_O; It only takes missing one ability to go from 3k to the 2900s. Especially OS and SoS. Also our spec is different so its a bad comparison. You want the 25% chance for CD / VS to tick twice. Here are some other parses with lower crit chance:


5min 3 seconds 3092 32.5% crit http://www.torparse.com/a/304422/time/1372035756/1372036059/0/Overview

5 min 0 seconds 3019 34.5% crit http://www.torparse.com/a/304439/time/1372036778/1372037078/0/Overview

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That is huge O_O; It only takes missing one ability to go from 3k to the 2900s. Especially OS and SoS. Also our spec is different so its a bad comparison. You want the 25% chance for CD / VS to tick twice. Here are some other parses with lower crit chance:


5min 3 seconds 3092 32.5% crit http://www.torparse.com/a/304422/time/1372035756/1372036059/0/Overview

5 min 0 seconds 3019 34.5% crit http://www.torparse.com/a/304439/time/1372036778/1372037078/0/Overview

Okay, I guess I should figure out what's wrong with my computer/game then. Part way into each parse my computer coughs and my framerate drops to ~15 FPS for around 10 seconds which forces me to slow down. Not sure what's causing the sudden performance drop as it has only been happening with TOR since NiM TFB came out. I've run a few parses since I posted and pushed it up to 2.9k, but I've has the FPS drop in each one.


Good to know that you are going 2/2 in Corrosive Microbes, thought you were still investing a point in Lethal Injectors. I'l make sure to try that out as well. Thanks for the tips!

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Good to know that you are going 2/2 in Corrosive Microbes, thought you were still investing a point in Lethal Injectors. I'l make sure to try that out as well. Thanks for the tips!


I've pondering about this option as well, going to try it next raid to see if it is an improvement. I'm usually on Add duty though..


Great parses, paowee! :D

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I've pondering about this option as well, going to try it next raid to see if it is an improvement. I'm usually on Add duty though..


Great parses, paowee! :D

Thanks :D! Remember and 2 CDs/VS for every 1 OS/Flyby. That's the only thing that changed and everything else is the same. 36/3/7

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Paowee -


At what point does it become beneficial to take crit rating for a MM sniper?


I have 0 crit rating right now, but won an Arkanian Earpiece last night. I can either get a Power/Surge, or Accuracy/Crit. Whatever my choice, I lose my Black Market Accuracy/Power that I got from a drop.


My plan is to get both Arkanian Implants (Accuracy/Power) so I don't have to worry about getting those hard-to-acquire Initiative Enhancements. If I get the Accuracy/Crit earpiece, that's one less Initiative Enhancement I have to worry about (can get an Adept power/surge instead).


EDIT: I realize this a bit off-topic, but I am trying to match your damage output :D

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I believe 0-52 crit rating is the given for MM/SS right now.

Also I was looking at my 3126 parse and i clipped CD/VS a lot it looks like. I think i had 15 or 18 "activate Corrosive Darts" there.


3126 DPS is a lucky parse and is quite difficult to duplicate in 72 gear. Here are other parses i've done over the past weeks...a bit more realistic but still boardering on the high end:

3098 DPS 5m+ http://www.torparse.com/a/302344/time/1371969524/1371969832/0/Damage+Dealt

3092 DPS 5m+ http://www.torparse.com/a/304422/time/1372035756/1372036059/0/Damage+Dealt

3084 DPS 5m+ http://www.torparse.com/a/302344/time/1371969524/1371969826/0/Damage+Dealt

3087 DPS 5m+ http://www.torparse.com/a/289775/time/1371351746/1371352046/0/Damage+Dealt


Really long parses:

3001 DPS 18m~ http://www.torparse.com/a/289775/time/1371351493/1371352534/0/Damage+Dealt

3014 DPS 17m~ http://www.torparse.com/a/289775/time/1371351493/1371352501/0/Damage+Dealt


Lucky parses:

3103 DPS 4m 28s http://www.torparse.com/a/288190/time/1371282900/1371283169/0/Damage+Dealt

3126 DPS 5m+ http://www.torparse.com/a/302905/time/1371933185/1371933594/0/Damage+Dealt

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Thank you Paowee.


I've been running your 36/3/7 build in operations (SV/TFB SM mostly, my sniper is not the toon I get to bring for the HM content). I run a 4 piece PVE set-bonus on him, and I've noticed that when Takedown becomes available, energy management gets pretty hairy. Even with my reduction on Takedown's energy, I still find myself hovering right over the energy threshold, sometimes dipping below.


I imagine with you not running a 4-piece PVE set bonus it is probably worse. What are your thoughts on using Takedown on CD with 36/3/7?

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Thank you Paowee.


I've been running your 36/3/7 build in operations (SV/TFB SM mostly, my sniper is not the toon I get to bring for the HM content). I run a 4 piece PVE set-bonus on him, and I've noticed that when Takedown becomes available, energy management gets pretty hairy. Even with my reduction on Takedown's energy, I still find myself hovering right over the energy threshold, sometimes dipping below.


I imagine with you not running a 4-piece PVE set bonus it is probably worse. What are your thoughts on using Takedown on CD with 36/3/7?


I've never had any issues with TD on cd with 36/3/7. As long as you never dip, even by just 1 energy, below the optimal energy regen bracket, you should be able to sustain your rotation no problem. Takes some practice to get used to it though. I suggest using fewer CD's if you are having energy problems too

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Paowee, two questions I'd like to ask:


1) Could you elaborate in a bit more detail when exactly in your rotation you are firing Corrosive Dart? Seeing how the base building block of the rotation is


SoS - FT - SN- SN - FT - AB - FT - <free gcd> - Repeat


the <free gcd> would seem like the best choice, as every other spot would mean fewer FT, and noone wants that. :) Only if you apply CD every time the <free gcd> comes up you will clip, as the above takes roughly 12,3 seconds. If you only do so every other time there is a lot of downtime on CD.


2) With "only" 100 energy aren't you running a big risk of dipping too low energy wise for Orbital Strike unless you have either Target Acquired or Adrenaline Probe available? Or is there some other trick I am missing?

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Paowee, two questions I'd like to ask:


1) Could you elaborate in a bit more detail when exactly in your rotation you are firing Corrosive Dart? Seeing how the base building block of the rotation is


SoS - FT - SN- SN - FT - AB - FT - <free gcd> - Repeat


the <free gcd> would seem like the best choice, as every other spot would mean fewer FT, and noone wants that. :) Only if you apply CD every time the <free gcd> comes up you will clip, as the above takes roughly 12,3 seconds. If you only do so every other time there is a lot of downtime on CD.


2) With "only" 100 energy aren't you running a big risk of dipping too low energy wise for Orbital Strike unless you have either Target Acquired or Adrenaline Probe available? Or is there some other trick I am missing?

1) Free GCD can be at any point in your rotation apart from between two snipes as you're always going to be limited by the cooldown on ambush, which is the reason for the free GCD. Clipping CD is less of an issue than having major downtime on it; I run 3 CD for every OS and this is going to maximise your output from CD, easily above 250 DPS.


2) No. Target Acquired is useful with the extra energy but the main use is the increased accuracy and armor penetration. Adrenaline Probe is always going to be there when you need it. If you're consistently running low on energy then you have major problems with the rotation which need to be addressed.

Thank you Paowee.


I've been running your 36/3/7 build

I think you mean my 36/3/7 build ;)

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