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Jedi Shadow and the Consular storyline


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Most people I know seem to think that the Sage is a better fit for the storyline, due to the fact that "I just don't see a Shadow going around healing Jedi like this. However, having played through it myself, I would say that Shadow makes just as much sense.



1a. The dialogues when you select your AC strongly imply that Sages are first and foremost healers and scholars. For the most part they are not fighters, and unless you accept that Qyzen/Nadia are the ones who are really doing most of the fighting in your place, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, to me, that a Sage would be such an adventurer.

1b. Even if you accept that the Consular is skilled in ranged attacks with the Force and thus more than capable of fending for himself, it still kind of goes against the Jedi philosophy to use Force attacks to the exclusion of your lightsaber. (Yoda: "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.") The Shadow, to me, just FEELS a lot more like a classic Jedi (mixing lightsaber and Force powers).

1c. By contrast, Sorcerer DOES make sense for a Sith Inquisitor, since he eschewed lightsaber training in favor of power at any cost, actively tortures people with lightning, etc.

2. A lot of people have advanced the theory that all the shielding you do in Chapter 1 strongly points to Sage, as a Shadow probably wouldn't be doing that kind of stuff. Remember that you chose your "path" on Coruscant before you even knew about that healing technique, so it kind of ended up falling on you to save those Jedi Masters, regardless of how you otherwise would've served the Order.

3. Many of the missions you go on (especially in Chapter 2 and 3) DO feel a lot like things a Shadow would do (i.e going aboard a ship, taking down some Sith). Don't forget the side missions and RotHC either...

4. There isn't any real explanation as to why Nadia wields a double-bladed lightsaber. My own theory is that if you are a Shadow, you could have instructed her. After all, she certainly seems to see you as a good example...


IMO the only thing that points to a Sage being canonical is the fact that you craft a single-bladed lightsaber at the Forge. It does seem kind of weird that you would go through the trouble of making it, only to ditch it for a double-blade one so *quickly* after deciding you want to be a Shadow one level later.


So what do you think? Do you agree?

Edited by JFrombaugh
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Most people I know seem to think that the Sage is a better fit for the storyline, due to the fact that "I just don't see a Shadow going around healing Jedi like this. However, having played through it myself, I would say that Shadow makes just as much sense.



1a. The dialogues when you select your AC strongly imply that Sages are first and foremost healers and scholars. For the most part they are not fighters, and unless you accept that Qyzen/Nadia are the ones who are really doing most of the fighting in your place, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, to me, that a Sage would be such an adventurer.

Jedi go were they are needed and do what is needed, a sage would go anywere necessary, maybe not as readily as a shadow but they would still go. A lot of Jedi lore was acquired via adventuring, and to expand it Sages will continue to journey.

1b. Even if you accept that the Consular is skilled in ranged attacks with the Force and thus more than capable of fending for himself, it still kind of goes against the Jedi philosophy to use Force attacks to the exclusion of your lightsaber. (Yoda: "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.") The Shadow, to me, just FEELS a lot more like a classic Jedi (mixing lightsaber and Force powers).

Yes, here I agree, sort of, Sages should have more saber skills, and the amount of force attacks is not quite in keeping with the Jedi way. However it should be noted that an aggressive attack is an aggressive attack whether with a weapon or the force, and it's the aggression that leads to the darkside.


Also none of the classes are classic Jedi, first they split the Jedi into Knights and Consulars, were in the books/comics these would have been the same thing, then they split the classes into the advance classes, were in the books/comics they would have been less strictly defined, with characters have abilities from multiple disciplines. The classes in the game are for game mechanics rather than a reflection of the Classic Jedi, well that and for the class stories.


* Although the Sith Iquisitor and it's advance classes are reflections of Classic Sith, not sure about the Marauder/Juggernaut difference for the Sith Warrior though.

1c. By contrast, Sorcerer DOES make sense for a Sith Inquisitor, since he eschewed lightsaber training in favor of power at any cost, actively tortures people with lightning, etc.

Not really about the Jedi, so it doesn't add to your arguement, you should have done this as a sidenote.

2. A lot of people have advanced the theory that all the shielding you do in Chapter 1 strongly points to Sage, as a Shadow probably wouldn't be doing that kind of stuff. Remember that you chose your "path" on Coruscant before you even knew about that healing technique, so it kind of ended up falling on you to save those Jedi Masters, regardless of how you otherwise would've served the Order.

Fair point, but this does make it feel like a Sage story.

3. Many of the missions you go on (especially in Chapter 2 and 3) DO feel a lot like things a Shadow would do (i.e going aboard a ship, taking down some Sith). Don't forget the side missions and RotHC either...

True it is more likely that a shadow would be sent to do these things, but a Sage wouldn't shy away from them either. I feel you are slightly misunderstanding the term Sage, it doesn't mean you are only a scholar, just that you are a scholar, throughout history there have been scholars who have fought (wars, duels, back alley fights, etc) it doesn't disqualify you as a doer of deeds.

4. There isn't any real explanation as to why Nadia wields a double-bladed lightsaber. My own theory is that if you are a Shadow, you could have instructed her. After all, she certainly seems to see you as a good example...

True a Sage weilds a single blade, but both classes could train her, Shadows through knowledge of double sabers, Sages through a vast catalogue of techniques at their disposal. Personally I think she has a double saber because it suits whatever combat training she was given before you recruit her.


IMO the only thing that points to a Sage being canonical is the fact that you craft a single-bladed lightsaber at the Forge. It does seem kind of weird that you would go through the trouble of making it, only to ditch it for a double-blade one so *quickly* after deciding you want to be a Shadow one level later.


So what do you think? Do you agree?

I think the story easily fits both advance classes, certain aspects fit the Sage better and others fit the Shadow better, but overall they don't suit either class more than the other.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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I'm mixed about this one. The quest to shield people and helping the Rift Alliance is suitable as a Sage since they are viewed as diplomats, ambassadors and healers.


But tracking down the Children is more suitable for the Shadow since they are like the secret police for the Jedi Order.

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