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Helemts under hoods?


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Just curious what helmets would work under the agent renown hood. I have a marauder one atm and Revan's works. Ive seen the Belsavis planetary token ones worked under the hood before, and there is a same skin polyplast ultramesh one but they don't work under the hood now. did some thing change?
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Just curious what helmets would work under the agent renown hood. I have a marauder one atm and Revan's works. Ive seen the Belsavis planetary token ones worked under the hood before, and there is a same skin polyplast ultramesh one but they don't work under the hood now. did some thing change?
The Polyplast Ultramesh helmet, in addition to the visor over the eyeholes, has an antenna sticking out the right side of the visor that clips through the hood.


That said, I recommend the Marauder Elite mask. Easily of the best looking masks around (the Force Sentinel mask is identical to it on Imperial characters, if you can't find a Synthweaver with the schematics), and I know for a fact that the hood of the Tionese/Columi/Rakata Imperial Agent chestpieces stays UP with the Marauder Elite mask on.


And the color matching is amazing, too!

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I am currently using the Force Sentinel mask, and i like it but i actually saw this video on youtube where the ultra mesh helmet is working under both a marauder hood and the agent renown hood. I would rather use the ultra mesh. when did they fix this?


Hm...this warrants further testing. I CAN say that the video you linked is quite old: the healer featured is using Battlemaster gear and implants. I'll get my Armormech to make a Polyplast Ultramesh helmet and send it over to my Operative.


Slap a "to be continued" on this one for now.


EDIT: CONFIRMED, the Polyplast Ultramesh helmet does NOT work under the Columi Enforcer's Jacket's hood OR the Agent's Exalted Jacket's hood. Sorry to burst your bubble.

Edited by MishraArtificer
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