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I recently bought a laptop to bring to college with me in the Spring and I was thinking about installing SWTOR on it in case I had some free time. So before I'm doing that do I have to uninstall the launcher from my desktop or is it legal for me to have it in two locations?
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I recently bought a laptop to bring to college with me in the Spring and I was thinking about installing SWTOR on it in case I had some free time. So before I'm doing that do I have to uninstall the launcher from my desktop or is it legal for me to have it in two locations?


Why wouldn't it be legal? SWToR is f2p, meaning that everyone can download it.

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It's already been said, but just to add some reinforcement.


The only reason that other software requires that you have it installed only on one computer is because for those softwares you only get a single license. That means that you can use that software even when you're not connected to the internet. If you were allowed to install that on other computers, they would have no way of telling whether or not you actual purchased it, since it doesn't connect to the internet.


With SWTOR, you need to login (and, connect to the internet to confirm it's you), to be able to actually launch the game. In that regard, even people who didn't have an account or play the game could have it installed on their computer.


Sorry if my explanation is a little messy, I haven't had to explain this before.

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I recently bought a laptop to bring to college with me in the Spring and I was thinking about installing SWTOR on it in case I had some free time. So before I'm doing that do I have to uninstall the launcher from my desktop or is it legal for me to have it in two locations?


better be i have mine installed on 4 computers. ( gaming pc at home, laptop, Pc at my office and pc at the cottage)...lol..


just grab whole swtor file off your hdd, copy it onto a usb drive and transfer whole thing to your laptop hdd. copy the launcher short cut to your desktop and voila..

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Thanks for the replies.


I want to add another question. I tried installing my KOTOR games and they don't work on Windows 8. If I were to buy them on Steam would I be able to play them?

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I recently bought a laptop to bring to college with me in the Spring and I was thinking about installing SWTOR on it in case I had some free time. So before I'm doing that do I have to uninstall the launcher from my desktop or is it legal for me to have it in two locations?


You can have as many copies on as many computers as you want.

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You are allowed to have it in two locations.


To save yourself some time, start the install process then once you have installed and run the launcher and the launcher starts downloading the rest of the game, stop it and copy it over from your other computer.


You have to install the launcher properly to ensure all the pre-requisites are present.

Edited by DarthTHC
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