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alignment change


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I wanted to check into the options of changing your alignment when you are half way through the story game.


Current level - 32

Darkside points - 5050


I want to reach max level in alignment.

If I was to change alignment now at lvl 32 and go lightside, will I be able to reach max level just through regular game play doing missions?

Or will I have to do some soft of alignment farming? And what kind of farming is involved?



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Reaching alignment level 5 without any sort of point farming is effectively impossible even if you shoot for it from level1. The easiest methods for farming points would be by running Diplomacy crew skill missions or by repeating Flashpoints (Black Talon or Esseles work best).
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Reaching alignment level 5 without any sort of point farming is effectively impossible even if you shoot for it from level1. The easiest methods for farming points would be by running Diplomacy crew skill missions or by repeating Flashpoints (Black Talon or Esseles work best).


Effectively impossible? My agent is lvl 45 with 9650 Darkside points, only 350 till max.

I have done flashpoints but I have not farmed them. I just queued up every now and then and did one. maybe two flashpoints a week. I do not have diplomacy. So it is possible to get to max without farming.


But it looks like its a pretty tight race without many extra points to spare if you decide to change sides. so if my other character at 5050 points into one alignment at lvl 32 is going to change, I guess its going to require some farming.

Edited by Gammawaves
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Effectively impossible? My agent is lvl 45 with 9650 Darkside points, only 350 till max.

I have done flashpoints but I have not farmed them. I just queued up every now and then and did one. maybe two flashpoints a week. I do not have diplomacy. So it is possible to get to max without farming.


But it looks like its a pretty tight race without many extra points to spare if you decide to change sides. so if my other character at 5050 points into one alignment at lvl 32 is going to change, I guess its going to require some farming.


I hit Light Side 4 at the end of Chapter 3 on my BH and that was with some darkside choices, but I did run a few FPs multiple times as well.

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