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Long Running Bugs


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I appreciate that the "known issues" thread isn't intended to be fully comprehensive, but the following are some of the bugs that have been in the game for a while now - most (if not all) of which aren't in that thread.



  1. The take screenshot function sometimes (often?) stops working. The only fix for this that I am aware of is to restart the client. It's not clear what triggers this, but if you play for quite a while it seems steadily more likely this will happen. I've got into the habit of having the screenshots directory open to check it after trying to screenshot since I've lost confidence that it will work.
  2. Stealth classes (or classes with a stealth ability like Sentinels/Marauders) have a chance of becoming permanently stealthed - possibly if they die when stealthed. When this occurs, their weapons (if they're a lightsaber user) will still be visible. Manually restealthing and then unstealthing usually resolves the issue. As an aside, this seems to have become worse recently.
  3. When opening the map, initially the co-ordinates showing the players location are incorrect. I've heard it said that they are actually showing the X,Z co-ordinates (instead of the X,Y) and this could be correct I'm not sure. Moving updates the values to the correct ones. This is annoying on Datacron hunts.
  4. The announcers in same-faction warzones occasionally will be incorrect (i.e. Republic will get Imperial voice overs). This seems to happen to multiple users at the same time and is most common in Voidstar and Civil War.
  5. The announcers in Huttball sometimes stop playing. This wouldn't be so bad, but they sometimes convey useful information.
  6. The Novare Coast announcers (stating who is "Unbeatable") is almost always bugged / wrong.
  7. Occasionally, players will be kicked to the character selection screen when they accept a warzone queue. This happens to multiple people simultaneously and even when you log back in, if you requeue and it's the same warzone the same thing will happen. The only "fix" for this seems to be waiting for that warzone to finish.
  8. The lockouts screen in a players mission log will occasionally appear to be completely empty.
  9. Your focus target is lost when you travel on the speeder in Civil War.
  10. Certain values are almost guaranteed to be wrong if you inspect another player. For a start, the tooltips always show your values. not theirs but additionally :
    i) Guardian off-hands are always empty.
    ii) Accuracy is always 90%.
    ii) Shield and Absorb %'s are always missing.


There are no doubt others - I'm sure other players can think of some, these are the ones that came to mind. All of the above have been in the game for at least six months and some of them since it was first released. They also all affect multiple players are not unique to a given mission or similar.


Any chance they'll be fixed at some point?

Edited by DharmaPolice
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