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Coming clean on Bastion


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One time Wrecks lept me in the endzone in huttball. I told everbody it was lag. I really just wasn't paying attention.


One time during a raid, while the boss mechanics were being explained, I afk'd and went to the store.


I literally lol'd. XD

My dumb things are much less funny. =(


Once I tried to stop a cap with flash bang when the capper's resolve was already full.


And one time while trying to roll through a fire pit with the ball, I hit the back pole and burned alive instead. D:

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one time i got passed the huttball and had the option to either entrench and ballistic shield, or try to roll through the fire...instead burned myself to death trying to spam covered escape with 3 seconds left on the cooldown.
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Its funny, once during tfb, we had a guy who went afk and no one noticed(even though he said he as going afk), we were in the middle of kephess in tfb and he got nanites and we kept telling him to break the channel but he just stood there. Needless to say its been 5 months or so and this is still a joke in our guild. "break the channel, "name" break the channel"


When I ran ops with Contra, I afked to answer the door to my dorm during our progression against Firebrand And Stormcaller in HM back before TFB was first released but managed to get back before the shield phase. We wiped on Firebrand, the tank I was DPSing, with 7k HP left.


I then made the mistake of telling the ops group what happened after, and I am now known as "7k Zu Zu". The joke has gotten old, but I will occasionally hear people in the guild respond to me with, "What was that? Sorry, someone was at my door." in the middle of a conversation :/

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