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Looking for Imp guild for future rateds

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been playing since pre launch, fatman and no pot5 multiple 55's on the pub side. i'm finally getting around to leveling my first imp, sorc. looking for an active PVP guild that runs rateds. since 2.0 ive been pretty much exclusively playing my healing sage (luis) and will be shipping his gear over so I will be full conq as soon as I hit 55 . im on mon - fri during the days . and I can be on in the evenings / weekends for rateds when I have a little heads up
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If you are willing to have your pub toons join us as well, The Art of Warfare's <Empire of TAW> is looking for more members to fill out our RWZ team. Check out my signature for more information or send an in-game mail to Godfree, our empire pvp leader.
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