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[PvE/PvP](Imperial) <Star's End> open for recruitment for Operations and Warzones!


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<Star's End> Open for Recruitment



Star's End is a new English-speaking Imperial Guild, now recruiting for endgame PvE and PvP oriented players. Once we have the numbers for it we shall be running three Operations per week, starting with 8 player events and hopefully moving up to 16 player events before too long. We will also be running warzones on off-nights on a more casual "come-as-you-are" basis.




ALL roles and classes will be considered for PvE recruitment, as we attempt to delve deeper into Hard Mode fights and build up to 16 player raiding! We have two or three spaces in our 8 player hard mode group that need filling, so if you have the gear and the will to fight, then please contact us!



We are willing to help people with their gear and specs (we run HM flashpoints of course), so don't worry if you don't yet have full raiding gear! We firmly believe that a strong will to play the game, to learn and improve, and a friendly and social guild atmosphere are far more important, and that gear will come in time for everyone who loves to play MMO endgame raiding. So, if you've always wanted to give raiding a try but were worried about lack of experience, now is the time to give us a call and see what it's all about!


Currently our raiding nights are planned for: Thursday, Sunday and Monday from 19:00-22:00 UK time (that's 20:00-23:00 in Western Europe, and 21:00-00:00 in Finland/Eastern Europe).


We use Teamspeak 3 for communication, and all raiders will be expected to at least use the TS3 to listen (tank players will also be expected to have a microphone, as communication is so very important for the tanking role). We also use the Torparse combat-logger to monitor our own performance in raids and to ensure that we keep at the top of our game.


In short, we are looking for people who are prepared for a challenge, willing to learn and be outstanding team players. If that's you, then we'd love to hear from you!


PvP and Social Members


If you are not interested in the PvE and simply want to be a member of our PvP community, or a social member (perhaps you have a friend who has also decided to join us, and would like to share guild-chat with them!) then this can be arranged as well.


PvP in Star's End can happen at any time of the day; we often organise both max-level warzone teams, and those in lower brackets for players who are newer to the PvP world and would like to try it out in a more relaxed, less gear-centred setting! Both types of PvP event are "ad-hoc", that is, carried out as and when people want them. When not raiding, several of our officers can be found indulging in the respected and time-honoured sport of Jedi-killing, so it won't be hard to find some company on the battlefield!


All we ask from our non-raiding members is that they respect the RP community with which we have all chosen to integrate ourselves (that means, choosing a 'reasonable' character name and not having a reputation for trolling/harassing RPers).


Although we consider ourselves "RP-lite" as a guild, we do have a backstory which can be found on the guild website (stars-end.guildlaunch.com), and members are welcome to use this as a basis for roleplay, and add to it with their own contributions. We certainly have not yet ruled out the possibility of RP events in the future if enough of our members wish it, but we are focusing for now on getting our Operations Teams up and running!


Contact Information


If you have any questions, you can always contact us in-game: Zimbra, Glandridi, Za'el, Forgotten, Xu'khano and Snyk are your officers, so please don't hesitate to ask us.


You can also reach us through our forums (stars-end/guildlaunch.com/forums/).


To apply to our guild, you will find a Recruitment Forum in the 'Public' section. Please read the announcement there, and make your own application post. We hope to hear from you!


Happy gaming,



Edited by Zimbra
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  • 2 weeks later...

We have changed our Operations times slightly, now raiding from 7pm-10pm UK time (8pm-11pm Central Europe time).


We are at the moment very heavy on melee DPS and tanks, but we are very open to applications from healers and ranged DPS.


We have completed all Story Mode content in 8 player after our first full week of raiding and are looking for more people to expand into 16 player raids, as well as starting hard modes - so if you find either of these types of PvE challenge interesting, then we would love to hear from you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks,


Just a li'l bump to let people know that we are recruiting ALL Roles for PvE at the moment as we try to increase our core membership and build up to 16 player raiding!


We are also in the process of recruiting new players for PvP, if you're interested then by all means approach Snyk, Xu'Khano or Forgotten for more information.


Alternatively, you can check out our website at http://stars-end.guildlaunch.com/ and drop us a PM or a message in the forums there.


Happy Gaming!



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Still looking for 2-3 core members for 8 Player Hard Mode raiding. At this point all roles are being considered as we have a decent amount of flexibility in the line-up.


http://stars-end.guildlaunch.com/ is the place to be, to make a recruitment post and tell us a bit about yourself! Alternatively, contact Zimbra, Glandridi, Za'el, Xu'Khano, Forgotten or Snyk for more information!


Best wishes,



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  • 1 month later...

I would but your website isn't working.


Just for info though.. Level 26 Imp Operative (healer spec) being played in pvp only (Although I suppose I should level up :)) looking for a pvp orientated (or at least quite pvp active) guild.


I can be reached in game on "Guilthru"

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