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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is merc overplayed, average or underplayed?


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I do mostly pvp. I don't see a whole lot of mercs, although I do see them. I would say that they are slightly underplayed.


For PVE, I think that they make decent ranged dps. As a healer, I don't think that they are preferred since their keystone healing ability is not AOE, just heals a single target.

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Overplayed in PvE, underplayed in PvP.


To elaborate, they are almost certainly the most popular DPS class for PvE. However until 2.0 they were considered one of the weakest classes in PvP and thus the player base dwindled. Even with the recent resurgence the number of dedicated Mercenaries in PvP is quite small.

Edited by Jenzali
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My main is a PVE arsenal merc and has been since launch. I honestly don't see too many endgame DPS arsenal mercs. I do see them, make no mistake, but I don't see lots of them. Most of the mercs I see are PVP healers, or PVE healers.


The one class I do see an abundance of are marauders; everyone wants two lightsabers I guess.


I also see a significant amount of dps sorcerers as well.


I'm in one of the more active guilds on Jung Ma and I'm one of about two or three active dps mercs. The rest are people's alts who rarely see any play, or are dedicated merc healers.


So I'd say mercs are about average. I noticed a lot less of them after the first hard nerf we received.

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Just to piggyback on this thread, are Mercs the most mobile range DPS now that you don't need tracer missile spam? It seems to me Lightning sorcs and snipers are less mobile with cast time abilities. Have only ever played melee other then a VG after release.


As for the question about PTs, their number is dropping in PvP as people think the 2.0 changes made them UP. I haven't played my VG in about a year so I can't say whether its true or not. Others say they just require more work now to be good at them. I have seen some rip up WZs still although it could be a lot like madness sorcs/sins just dotting **** up for large score board numbers.

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In PvP, merc healers are the least common of the three healing subclasses. In PvP, Merc Pyro is the least used of any subclass in the game. In PvP Merc Arsenal is uncommon, being seen about as often as Mara Annihil or Sniper Lethality.


In PvE, Merc Arsenal is quite common. Merc healers less common. Merc Pyro remains rare.

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Well it depends on what you mean


Mercs are not elite dps or heals so yes they are overplayed


As to how the populations looks it is probably hard to tell now with all the F2Prs. But I would imagine the force users are by far the most prevalent classes played, and they probably make the amount of mercs look average.

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