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Is marriage only accesable as a dark jedi or sith?


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Ive been playing the Jedi knight story line and earlier on my character kissed and dit the dirty with kira-he ended up on dark 2 at the time. now I'm tryna make him light for the sake of having a seat on the council at the end of the game but does that eliminate the chance of marrying kira?
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Ive been playing the Jedi knight story line and earlier on my character kissed and dit the dirty with kira-he ended up on dark 2 at the time. now I'm tryna make him light for the sake of having a seat on the council at the end of the game but does that eliminate the chance of marrying kira?


I was LS, but I took some DS options on my JK. I don't recall a seat on the council, just the rank of Master.

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Also, yeah. Jedi Consular becomes a member of the council, not the Jedi Knight. If you are dark side, you don't become a master as a Jedi Knight and you don't get a council seat as a Consular if you are dark side. I think you get the Master title regardless, but I'm not sure?

Edited by Raltar
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Jedi Knight won't be a Master if he's DS, regardless of the fact you actually receive the title, since Bioware decided to cave in to whiny brats.


Jedi Consular ALWAYS gets the Master and Barsen'Thor title, regardless of his / her alignment but won't be offered the seat on the Jedi Council if dark sided.


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Ive been playing the Jedi knight story line and earlier on my character kissed and dit the dirty with kira-he ended up on dark 2 at the time. now I'm tryna make him light for the sake of having a seat on the council at the end of the game but does that eliminate the chance of marrying kira?


Regarding Jedi Knight and council:


You can have a romance and marriage without dark choices. My friend never received dark choices when she romance Iresso on her consular. It depends on how you approach the romance.



Only the Jedi Consular will get a seat on the council and only if they are lightside. Jedi Knight doesn't receive that choice.


Edited by ScarletBlaze
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