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<The Jedi Enclave> Recruiting for HM and NIM ops


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The Jedi Enclave is a casual, but skilled progression raid team. We have been raiding since the launch of the game and our goal is to clear all 8 man operations content as it arrives, despite only playing for 6 hours a week.

we are Full cleared TFB HM and the only reason we are not the same in S&V is because we need more ops group members


We are recruiting a Tank and Healer and ranged dps.


We raid 7:30pm-10:30pm AEST (that's 2:30am - 5:30am PST every monday and wednesday). We raid every Monday and Wednesday currently, but when we have progression content to work on, we'll may add every other Sunday evening (we can be flexible on Sunday participation).


You can apply with us and see more details about our guild at http://www.thejedienclave.com or contact one of us in game (Papatank, Tálák, Telkesh, Squaii, or Kacoo).


Successful candidates will:


- Be skilled enough at raiding to immediately contribute to our progression work. We have been among the first to clear new content on Dalborra and aim to continue with that success in Harbinger.


- Be able to run Ventrilo and have a working microphone.

Edited by Kacoo
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