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Sorc PvP healing


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What're your tips and tricks for healing in the PvP world?


People keep telling me that Sorc/Sages should always be top in heals granted equal gear and skill in warzones, but I can never consistantly heal more than operatives. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

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The biggest thing Sorc healers have over Op healers, is that we have an awesome AOE pool heal.


So throw it under a group of dummies that just ate an autocrit Smash, and you'll be topping heal charts in no time.


Just be careful with your Force usage ;)

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With a good team, its really really hard to make the AoE heal pool work because it doesn't move. Good teams will move...a lot.


If you actually utilize that on a group of idiots that don't move enough, and lots of bubbles on everyone and their mother while throwing out some other heals, you will eclipse OPs.


As said above, watch your force usage. Follow a tank class and pray they're smart enough to guard you, and choose your positioning wisely after that (Out of sight, out of mind). Sorcs can't really move and heal well, so you want to ensure you are not getting picked on.

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With a good team, its really really hard to make the AoE heal pool work because it doesn't move. Good teams will move...a lot.


The size of the cuddle puddle is ridiculously large. Even if you're well outside of the visual it's still affecting you.


In terms of actual tips, don't always use force bending for innervate. Occasionally the crit bonus to dark heal eclipses the crit bonus to innervate when burst healing someone.


And don't forget polarity shift.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Bubble first always if not on cd for the target. Resurgence and Innervate on cd then throw down reviv. Reviv can be at the feet of our target unless they are chasing someone that is attempting to kite. If so throw it down elsewhere that healing is needed since every little bit helps or even at your own feet. In a long fight it can help when you need to do hp to force since it will heal you back up along with your presevation cd. When innervate is on cd use dark heal unless time permits dark infusion. For emergency I use polarity/recklessness and dark infusion then you can toss an innervate if needed after that. That pretty much covers it and is pretty successful I have found. Edited by skarlson
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The size of the cuddle puddle is ridiculously large. Even if you're well outside of the visual it's still affecting you.


While this is true, I always warn with this because I see a lot of Sorcs try to depend on this skill, whereas its really a secondary or tertiary minded option. It doesn't work as well as Op HoT, and it's really better utilized in a static situation or where a big duke out is happening. It's terrible for huttball or if you're more on the move in Civil War, Hypergate (pick a side people!), and novarre on the move.


The fact we have to stop to heal for all but one heal is really annoying (barring instant puddles off procs) for PvP. If were in a spot that doesn't require mobility Sorcs are pretty awesome healers. Unfortunately it seems to fit only 50% or less of situations.

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It is definately not a heal to rely on. It is in addition to your other heals because you can cast it instantly or almost instantly most of the time right after innervate. The only place it really does not work well is HB but even there it can be used in middle if you are attempting to gain control. If you run a couple of sorcs stacking this it really helps in addition to other healing. Edited by skarlson
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It is definately not a heal to rely on. It is in addition to your other heals because you can cast it instantly or almost instantly most of the time right after innervate. The only place it really does not work well is HB but even there it can be used in middle if you are attempting to gain control. If you run a couple of sorcs stacking this it really helps in addition to other healing.


I think I just need to go to another one of ya'll servers where the players hold areas of control better and aren't flying monkeys in PuG PvP. Healer for me in PvP makes me want to stab myself, although the few rateds I did in healer spec were a less stabby and more along the lines of a light slapping.

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