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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Planetary Questlines: abandon = loose permanently


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I think it's a pretty obvious thing to move to the next planet when you're over-levelled for the quests you're currently doing. Also, I think I am probably not the only person that gets excited at the idea of a new planet, and rushes to check it out as soon as possible.


The quest log for SWTOR is really quite small (in terms of how many quests you can keep logged at the same time). This means your quest-log fills up pretty quickly, and the natural thing to do is abandon quests. I had NO IDEA that abandoning particular quests would shut that content off for me... forever. Yes, there's a warning. However, there's also a warning for the quests that you CAN pick up again. I read it the first time and (again I think, like most people) didn't bother to read it for the second time. Thus I didn't see the difference.


On a sidenote, as it is so important, I do think that the planet quest abandonment warning should be in red text so it's not as easy to miss. Especially if you're going to prevent people from being able to pick up that content.


My girlfriend actually unsubscribed over this issue- she didn't realise either, and really wanted to play Hoth. We were trying to pick up quests together so she abandoned a questline in order to pick it up again with me, and boom- Hoth was gone.


After 8 messages to customer support and 8 automated replies she no longer wants to play the game. Sad for me, because we were really enjoying levelling together.


From a commercial point of view I would have thought the more content you give and keep people having access to the more happy subscribers you'd have, and the longer their period of subscription will be. In the case of my girlfriend she would happily re-subscribe if this issue was resolved (or even if she simply got the Hoth questline back again). I'm sure she and I are not the only people who are vexed by this issue, and I'm sure she's not the only subscriber who's unsubbed because of it.

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You should be able to pick up any quest you have abandoned. I've never had a problem doing that.


Make sure you go to the quest giver of the last quest you were on, not the one that starts the quest chain.

Edited by Bomyne
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Not if its the main planet questline. Random sidequests you can abandon and pick up again, and many are, of course, replayable.


However, the main questline of each planet cannot be repeated, and if you abandon it then it's gone for good.

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