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No reason Rodians should not be an available player race.


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I understand BW's policy of not producing non-basic speaking races. I don't agree with it but it is their decision and that's that.


That having been said...


There is no reason a Rodian could not speak basic. Listen to them in the movies. They have a COMPLETE range of consonants and vowels. In fact, all Rodian dialect sounds like is a mix of Greek and French spoken through a table fan. So rather than hire new voice actors, all they would have to do is take the existing audio files and add the proper sound-filter to get that "Rodian" speaking into a fan accent.


They are one of the most popular species in the Star Wars universe and people have been asking for them since launch. Please give this serious consideration. I bought the Cathar. I would have LOVE to purchase this.

Edited by TenTigers
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I can live with a little clipping during kissing scenes.


It's not the clipping.


It's just really really gross to see them make out with humanoids.


It's the Princess Leia test. If you cannot picture a race kissing Princess Leia without getting a sense of awkward, it doesn't get put in. That's why Wookiees, Jawas, Droids, etc aren't on the table.


And you can't chicken out and say "I can see it" when you envisioned a quick peck on the cheek. It has to be a full on snog with plenty of tongue action.


You seeing that now? You're right now thinking "O-okay I can stomach this." but you still feel that twang in your gut that it's too weird.


That's why Rodians aren't playable. Sorry.

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