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Looking for an Alliance to take down Nightmare Pilgrim


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The Hyperspace Motivators are looking for guilds that would like to team up and take down the Pilgrim.


We know he's old content, but no few of us still need 3 clears on him for the speeder. I can swing a solid group of 6-9 for Saturday nights, but with enough notice we can move that around. You can respond to this thread, PM me, or reach out to Silkbunny, Patchbunny, Nuvik, Fixi, Simz, or Festus in game.


Thanks, and good hunting.

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The Hyperspace Motivators are looking for guilds that would like to team up and take down the Pilgrim.


We know he's old content, but no few of us still need 3 clears on him for the speeder. I can swing a solid group of 6-9 for Saturday nights, but with enough notice we can move that around. You can respond to this thread, PM me, or reach out to Silkbunny, Patchbunny, Nuvik, Fixi, Simz, or Festus in game.


Thanks, and good hunting.


You don't mention what faction this is. :)

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Excellent point, Alix! This is for the Republic Faction.


And thanks for pointing that out!


Haha, of course. :)


(Reason I asked is because my Guild is, eventually, going to be wanting to take down Nightmare Pilgrim for the same reasons--at least one Guildie has this high on her priority list. We also raid Republic side. Can't promse anything, but I can ask them if they might be interested.


We're tiny, so we likely wouldn't be bringing in any more than 5-7 people. OTOH, we have some tanks and healers, and may not need the full 16m complement at Level 55 with Level 55 gear.)

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The Hyperspace Motivators are looking for guilds that would like to team up and take down the Pilgrim.


We know he's old content, but no few of us still need 3 clears on him for the speeder. I can swing a solid group of 6-9 for Saturday nights, but with enough notice we can move that around. You can respond to this thread, PM me, or reach out to Silkbunny, Patchbunny, Nuvik, Fixi, Simz, or Festus in game.


Checked with my Guild and my Allied Guild: we have at least 6 people solidly interested in this in the following roles if we can start at 7pm EDT Saturday:


2 Tanks (Level 55, artifact 66+ gear, preferred, can DPS if necessary)

2 DPS (Level 55)

2 Healers (one is Level 55, I think the other one is 50+, preferred, but one could switch to DPS if needed)


We might get more people interested over the next few days.


We're doing sign-ups here for our Guilds, if you want to keep tabs on things. We'll have our Inhibitors beforehand and be ready to go.


Although it looks like from other comments if we go diverse, we may have too many people interested. :o

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So, to put a stake in the ground: We are tentatively scheduling an attempt on the Nightmare Pilgrim, Saturday, June 8th, at 8:00 PM EDT. Anyone joining us for the attempt must be level 50, minimum, to use the Alpha Wave Inhibitor. Minimum gear level would be Rakata. Must not be flagged for PvP (if only to avoid griefers roaming the Voss countryside). Run to begin forming at 8:00 PM, and opening to PuGs at, what, 8:15 or so? Voice comms are a plus as well (we have a Vent server).


The group construction is, typically, 3 tanks (1 to manage the Pilgrim, and 2 to trade off on the dog), 3-4 heals, and the rest DPS.


Here is what I'm sure I can bring:


1) Silkbunny (tank) or Blastbunny (RDPS)

2) Fixi (heals)

3) Nuvik (RDPS)

4) Lil'nekochan (heals) or lil'midori (mdps)

5) Kinze (mdps)


I'll reach out to my other guildies and see who can make it, and what their roles are. If we get enough people, or geared alts, we might be able to look at a second run immediately following. We can use this thread for sign-ups, if you like. If not, I'm open to alternatives. And thanks for all the responses, guys.


Note: Since you need 3 kills, and the lockout lasts for a week, we'll probably be doing several of these as long as interest holds.

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So, to put a stake in the ground: We are tentatively scheduling an attempt on the Nightmare Pilgrim, Saturday, June 8th, at 8:00 PM EDT.


Cool beans. Updated our schedule, should have a small-medium-sized group for it. We have our own Mumble server but it doesn't have enough slots to host a 16-man raid. We can join your Vent if you want everyone in one place.


I'll reach out to my other guildies and see who can make it, and what their roles are. If we get enough people, or geared alts, we might be able to look at a second run immediately following.


If more than 16 people show up, how are you going to determine who gets in the first run? I probably won't be able to stick around for a second run. :/


You can look for me as Sollyni night of; I'm one of the two (potential) tanks.

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Here's the proposed list. I think it's pretty fair, in accordance with the thread and message responses.


1) Deatch

2) <Mosaic> player 1

3) <Mosaic> player 2

4) <Mosaic> player 3

5) Cry Havoc Tank 1

6) Cry Havoc Tank 2

7) Cry Havoc DPS 1

8) Cry Havoc DPS 2

9) Cry Havoc Heals 1

10) Cry Havoc Heals 2

11) Silkbunny (tank)

12) Fixi (Heals)

13) Lil'Nekochan (Heals)

14) Simz (DPS)

15) Nuvik (DPS)

16) Anthrobeau


Alternate 1) leijae who has graciously offered to help at need.


That's what I have at the moment. <Cry Havoc> and <Mosaic> can allocate players as they see fit. Feel free to update the placeholders with character names. Again, this needs to happen several times, for several people, so we shouldn't have any trouble making sure everyone gets their shot.

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I think the simplest way to go, Alix, is first come, first served. I'll put up a proposed list of participants, based on thread and message responses, and we can make that our initial list. Fair?


Sounds good.


Cry Havoc's involvement may be less firm now--one of our DPS can't make it at 8pm EDT (we were under the misconception it was going to start earlier), and since she's the one who wants the Aratech Coral the most, we may try an earlier run (starting around 6:30pm EDT) so she can attend if we can get enough people together with our Ally Guild.


I'll try to let you know asap if we have to bow out.

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Mosaic can bring the following


Sap'phira - RDPS (can spec to heals if needed)

Devakan - Heals (also has tank if needed)

Cogohi - DPS


If any other spots open up we also have another tank and 2 other DPS that's interested. I for one would love to run NP for the next three weeks since I need it for the speeder :) And any other WB on that list lol.


Thanks and we'll see you on Saturday!



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Here is the revised list, after Sap'phira's response:


1) Deatch (DPS?)

2) <Mosaic> Sap'phira (rdps)

3) <Mosaic> Devakan (Heals)

4) <Mosaic> Cogohi (DPS

5) Cry Havoc Tank 1

6) Cry Havoc Tank 2

7) Cry Havoc DPS 1

8) Cry Havoc DPS 2

9) Cry Havoc Heals 1

10) Cry Havoc Heals 2

11) Silkbunny (tank)

12) Fixi (Heals)

13) Lil'Nekochan (Heals)

14) Simz (DPS)

15) Nuvik (DPS)

16) Anthrobeau


Still no word from Cry Havoc, so I'm going to leave their slots open. By my count, we need 1 more Healer, and 2 more tanks, with the last three slots to DPS. I'll check back in tomorrow afternoon, but me and mine will be on Voss by 7:45 PM EDT, and invites will start going out at 8 PM EDT. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Vent info will go out to the Ops Members, once we're all formed up.

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Here is the revised list, after Sap'phira's response:


1) Deatch (DPS?)

2) <Mosaic> Sap'phira (rdps)

3) <Mosaic> Devakan (Heals)

4) <Mosaic> Cogohi (DPS

5) Cry Havoc Tank 1

6) Cry Havoc Tank 2

7) Cry Havoc DPS 1

8) Cry Havoc DPS 2

9) Cry Havoc Heals 1

10) Cry Havoc Heals 2

11) Silkbunny (tank)

12) Fixi (Heals)

13) Lil'Nekochan (Heals)

14) Simz (DPS)

15) Nuvik (DPS)

16) Anthrobeau


Still no word from Cry Havoc, so I'm going to leave their slots open. By my count, we need 1 more Healer, and 2 more tanks, with the last three slots to DPS. I'll check back in tomorrow afternoon, but me and mine will be on Voss by 7:45 PM EDT, and invites will start going out at 8 PM EDT. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Vent info will go out to the Ops Members, once we're all formed up.


I should have more information on Cry Havoc's ability to contribute by later tonight. 'Cat herding' doesn't even begin to describe this lol... *sigh*

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Hear you, there, man!! Look forward to hearing from you.


Haha. :)


Okay, as of this morning, we're down to the two tanks and maybe a Healer (if his Internet comes back up before then after going down unexpectedly last night) being available. Sorry to yank everyone else out.


We'll have our Inhibitor object and I'll have a few crafted extras if PUGs need to buy them off me.

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Revised to cover the changes:


1) Deatch (DPS?)

2) <Mosaic> Sap'phira (rdps)

3) <Mosaic> Devakan (Heals)

4) <Mosaic> Cogohi (DPS)

5) <Mosaic> Honderin (DPS)



8) Cry Havoc Tank 1

9) Cry Havoc Tank 2

10) Cry Havoc Heals 1 (Internet issues, possibly unable to make it)

11) Silkbunny (tank)

12) Fixi (Heals)

13) Lil'Nekochan (Heals)

14) Simz (DPS)

15) Nuvik (DPS)

16) Anthrobeau


Alternate 1) leijae who has graciously offered to help at need.


Looks like we might need 1 heals, and we will need 2 dps. I know how hard it is to get so many people organized, folks, but most of us need multiple kills, on more than one toon, so, again, there will be lots of chances at this. I'll check back in with this thread this afternoon and see where we're at.

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Looks like we might need 1 heals, and we will need 2 dps. I know how hard it is to get so many people organized, folks, but most of us need multiple kills, on more than one toon, so, again, there will be lots of chances at this. I'll check back in with this thread this afternoon and see where we're at.


If there are a majority of toons at level 55 and moderately geared, I suspect we'll be just fine with less than 16 people as long as the tanks and at least two healers are among the 55s. (I can speak for my two tanks and 1 healer if he makes it that we're all 55 and geared)

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Just to keep the Cry Havoc Attendance Yoyo yo-yoing, one of our DPS (ranged) can make it now but still no word on our healer.


Tank: Sollyni (Guardian)

Tank: Yhan (Vanguard)

DPS: Hyperia (Commando)

Healer: possibly MIA :(

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Revised to cover the changes:


1) Deatch (DPS?)

2) <Mosaic> Sap'phira (rdps)

3) <Mosaic> Devakan (Heals)

4) <Mosaic> Cogohi (DPS)

5) <Mosaic> Honderin (DPS)

6) <Cry Havoc> Sollyni (Tank)

7) <Cry Havoc> Yhan (Tank)

8) <Cry Havoc> Hyperia (DPS)



11) Silkbunny (tank)

12) Fixi (Heals)

13) Lil'Nekochan (Heals)

14) Simz (DPS)

15) Nuvik (DPS)

16) Anthrobeau


Alternate 1) leijae who has graciously offered to help at need.


I agree that we don't HAVE to fill all 16 if we go with all geared 55's. As much as anything, this is an opening opportunity to get as many people involved as possible. These are the 14 names I'll be looking to invite, and once I've got them (assuming everyone makes it) I'll start looking to fill any open slots. I'll also be posting a sign up sheet here on the forum no later than Tuesday of each week, so long as there's an interest. Please note: Saturday at 8 EDT isn't carved in stone. If we need to adjust in future weeks, and can arrive at a consensus time, that should be doable with enough notice. I probably won't be checking back until closer to start time, today, so I look forward to seeing everyone on Voss.

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