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Why does Quinn suck so bad at his job?


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Seriously, Quinn will focus more on shooting at stuff then healing you. So many times I have seen him have something else targeted while you are fighting and almost dead. It is a big pain in the *** to have to target yourself and manually have this idiot heal you.


Take Dr Loken for example; if your health is falling (no matter how much), Loken will heal the heck out of to keep you alive without any interaction. Loken autopilots very well.


I have all of Quinn's damage abilities turned off (except of course his auto attack).


Is there something I am missing? His gear is pretty good and I have his heal "stance" turned on.

Edited by Laaguna
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The only thing you need to turn off is Quinns freeze ray, everything else stays on.


And gear him to the same level as yourself.


Get some classes to 42+ and up your presence and he will keep you up not matter what.

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Take Dr Loken for example; if your health is falling (no matter how much), Loken will heal the heck out of to keep you alive without any interaction. Loken autopilots very well.


Stop leaping into mobs from max distance, because as soon as you hit leap you are considered in combat. Quinn, like all healers in the game, plants himself right where he is when that happens. So if he's dpsing and not healing you, you're out of his range. You don't have this issue with Lokin because the Agent doesn't leap in like that. You're either an operative, both sneaking up first before engaging, or you're a sniper who plants yourself in cover. He will always be right next to your agent so you never had to worry about getting out of range, that's why it 'seems' he's better. In reality they are identical mechanically, they just have slightly different animations. As is Doc, Talos, Theran ...well I think that's all of the scoundrel/operative modeled healer companions.


I find 15-11m out is a good distance to leap. Either leap to the 'furthest' one from you in the mob at 15-13m or the nearest one at 11m.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Ridickilis
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We can be right next to each other say in a room....Quinn will have a mob targeted and shooting at it while I am fighting almost dead and receiving no heals.


He is geared, he is in mostly 69's with the exception of the Rakata main hand and offhand he is still wearing.


I wont leap into some mobs (melee) Ill throw my saber and let them come. For ranged mobs Ill get to almost minimum range and then leap.


Don't get my wrong when the idiot does decide to heal it's great. But I have to interact with his hotbars most of the time.

edit: I have 860 presence.

Edited by Laaguna
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We can be right next to each other say in a room....Quinn will have a mob targeted and shooting at it while I am fighting almost dead and receiving no heals.


Alright then, sorry my man. It's just this is actually a very old issue that's come up since launch, many other's have complained about the exact same thing. 80% of the time it was the leaping in from max distance. I can't say I've had this problem, or if I did it wasn't long enough for me to notice.


I will say, sometimes after a fight is over and I'm still down some HP's, he is inconsistent in topping me off. Some of the times he'll do it right away and other times he doesn't do it at all. But I don't notice this during a fight.


Or perhaps the truth of the matter is Quinn really just wants you dead. :p I kid, I kid.

Edited by Ridickilis
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You need to work around his limitations.


*Turn off all his attacks.

*Make sure you're always within range of his heals because if you're not, he'll just sit there spamming his auto-attack.

*Make sure he's always got LOS on you.


If you can't move for any reason, but he's too far, don't be afraid to set him on passive until he gets close, then turning passive off.

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There is nothing wrong with this companion, myself and several guild members are Juggernaught/Maraurders. For me a Juggernaught Tank my health will not budge. For a guild Maraurder he can not solo without him. You must be doing something wrong. I have everything turned on including Carbonize which actually helps during fights 8 seconds where a mod isnt fight you . Thats much needed CC in my honest opinion the class lacks when facing alot of Droids.


As the previous text said if you are at max range Quinn or any other companion healer will not heal they will hold ground and keep shooting. Move closer or as he said turn to passive to lue your companion closer that particular AI isnt that well but besides this Quinn in range always heals. And i do not have issues with Carbonize.

Edited by syneti
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I haven't had any major issues with Quinn, however...


I solo the 2-man daily heroic on Makeb. In the first room I place Quinn on passive, click the button and run back to the entrance and wait for the mob to turn up. I then go back to the room's doorway, throw my saber and return to the entrance and wait for the mob to run around the corner and engage me (this is so I avoid taking damage from the turrets in the room). At this point I enable Quinn who starts to heal me and I defeat the mob. When the mob is defeated I am still in combat (the turrets in the other room), and my health may be at 3/4, but Quinn will just stand there and do nothing. I can stand there for ages and he just refuses to heal me until I go into the room and engage the turrets, at which point he remembers his role and starts dishing out the heals again. Very odd.


Not a biggy, but just something I noticed whilst I was gearing up and being cautious.

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I've noticed that companion responsiveness has taken a nosedive. Mako and Quinn will often not use their cleanse on me and instead just auto-attack whatever I'm attacking. Sometimes they won't throw their kolto packs either.
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I haven't had any major issues with Quinn, however...


I solo the 2-man daily heroic on Makeb. In the first room I place Quinn on passive, click the button and run back to the entrance and wait for the mob to turn up. I then go back to the room's doorway, throw my saber and return to the entrance and wait for the mob to run around the corner and engage me (this is so I avoid taking damage from the turrets in the room). At this point I enable Quinn who starts to heal me and I defeat the mob. When the mob is defeated I am still in combat (the turrets in the other room), and my health may be at 3/4, but Quinn will just stand there and do nothing. I can stand there for ages and he just refuses to heal me until I go into the room and engage the turrets, at which point he remembers his role and starts dishing out the heals again. Very odd.


Not a biggy, but just something I noticed whilst I was gearing up and being cautious.


The Heroic you mentioned is heavily bugged it has nothing to do with the companions. As your facing in the first room companions act on the Gold humanoid and the right Turret. But if a Tank or even Dps companion engage the left Turret they all just stand there.


Maybe the issues people are having with companions are simple instance issues not associated with the companions. I Can vouch that my Healer Dps and Tank companions on that Heroic you mentioned all will stop to pick their nose because they dont know what to do with the left turret.


It's completely the Left turret i've hot keyed companion attack passive to keys to easily control them while soloing. Click attack on the Gold or right turret. 'Yes Sir' No hesitation. But soon as you get to the left turret that's when you notice a companion AI drop

Edited by syneti
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I have never had to deal with many of these issues. I usually run him with his DPS stance on, and he still heals me like a champ.


Shouldn't be any reason you have to turn off his attacks. even with the cryo freeze (thought that can be irritating at times), he still heals me just fine in most situations. the tips up to this point are spot on. a few suggestions:


1) hotkey the 'passive' button and toggle it on and off. this may get him back into action. Also make sure you don't have it off by accident...when his action bar is on the side I noticed it's hard for me to see if its on or off. remember that when it's on, he's passive.


2) watch for ground interruptions. anything that you couldn't step over yourself can impede him. if he's too far away, he won't heal.


most issues with him have been fixed. if you are experiencing situations regularly where he won't heal you at all, and you are sure that he is NOT in passive, then you need to submit a bug ticket, for that is very abnormal. I've leveled 3 juggs to 50, and have multiples in ranges from 20-40, and have yet to experience any drastic issues with Quinn.

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One thing I've Iearned about healing companions and classes with a charge is that you should be careful about leaping from the max range because the AI often isn't smart enough to move in to heal you. I always take a few steps before leaping so I know my heals will be in range.


Leveling a guardian to 50 and having Doc not heal me several times because he refused to move out of his spot taught me a hard lesson. :p

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