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Please allow us to opt out of double xp


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I think they will not put that " opt out " Because in my opinion will mess around with the gamming process. too many changes we´ll have to be made for an event during two days... when it comes double xp its only 6 days in a month of 30 days, wich left us 24 days to play, they struggle to make everyone happy, but i gess its impossible to do...

i´d like more stuff in swtor, it´s boring to do shadow story and sage story one after the other, its boring to do jedi sentinel and guardian... their all the same, why didn´t they create diferent stories for all the classes, please put some more saber attacks for jedi consular sage, just one more or two, sometimes when it comes close combat, and you can´t shake them off we need more than just those two....make the duration of force stun higher, just 4 seconds not enough... and so on... but this is my opinion. the game is like we see it and play it, some love them some hate them, they work hard to make everyone happy, please be patience they cannot attend to all request... In my case, i´m waiting for character tranfers for a year... hopefully 11 of june my wich will come true...


May the force be with you all

I don't think so. It is all about simple maths. You sum xp points, or don't. So a box to enable or disable double xp seems an easy thing to implement.


I think even it would be good enough an option to dismiss xp points in the mission rewards. But that idea is for another thread.



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I don't think so. It is all about simple maths. You sum xp points, or don't. So a box to enable or disable double xp seems an easy thing to implement.


I think even it would be good enough an option to dismiss xp points in the mission rewards. But that idea is for another thread.



Humm why you want that??? in your opinion: levelling trew killing mobs, and not that extra xp when you deliver the quests? is this what you want to say? It´s an idea but the levelling would be harder to do without those extra points.

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Humm why you want that??? in your opinion: levelling trew killing mobs, and not that extra xp when you deliver the quests? is this what you want to say? It´s an idea but the levelling would be harder to do without those extra points.

You will set the pace at what you want to gain levels, so you can do the planet full content. It doesn't affect other players, and you can get the pace you like. As a F2P i found the game challenging (the fun that I like). Now as a suscriber the game sometimes is too easy to enjoy in story mode. I miss that F2P challenge. Dismissing xp points in mission rewards would make the game harder at my will.

Edited by RahaylaCora
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If you do not like getting more XP than you feel you deserve, perhaps due to the possibilities of outleveling content, there are some thing you can do to battle this game-killing problem.


1. Play the game in Black & White so you cannot see the color of the quest text. If this is not possible, just play with a pair of old school 3-D glasses that will filter out reds and greens. A good pair of sunglasses might work too.

2. Do not upgrade your gear or, even better, use inferior gear to combat your hysterically inflated stats.

3. NEVER train when leveling! Doing this will kill the game for you!

4. If you, by an obvious mistake, have trained new skills you should not have in the first place, because BioFail, remove those skills from the hotbars ASAP!!


If you do the above, you will be able to play the game even when there are bonuses to the XP gain.


Oh, just to keep yourself honest, you should remove the space-bar from your keyboard so you do not risk accidentally pressing it and thereby missing out on, perhaps, the N:th rerun of the, fully voiced, quest lines. If the mere thought of missing ANY of the content makes you sweat and twitch nervously, also make sure you have a clear path to the ESC-key, just in case. That way, you can smash the little bugger as soon as the quest speech seems to come to an end and you can both read it and listen to it again, over and over. By doing so multiple times during double XP-weekends you delay those horrible extra amounts of XP.


Oh, and never run. Always walk. If you run, you might miss something, and that would also speed up your XP-gains to incomprehensible levels.

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Why mock the OP? It's a reasonable request.


Some people like to take their time and cruise through their game enjoying the scenery (and there is a LOT of scenery to look at in this game). Some people just want to make that meteorite rise to the top so they can be all-powerful and dominate the world around them Most folks fall somewhere in between the two. It's all preference.


When I'm raising an Alt, I really like the double XP so I can skip areas that were not among my favorite, but I had a lot of fun running through things my first time through.


The guy's asking for an Option. By all means, give us an option. If you don't like it, just don't use it

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