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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BioWare, do your community a solid.


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This feels much like any other useless activity in which a person asks a perceived higher power to solve a problem that all the while is within the person's capability to solve.


Though one would think that members of the EU playing on an EU server would be far more understanding of language differences than, say, 'Muricans. :rolleyes:


You must be a champion of selective reading.

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The are, surprisingly, still working on getting that free rename out to subscribers. For some reason, it's apparently very difficult to give players free stuff and takes tons of time to implement. Maybe once they figure whatever roadblock is keeping that from happening they will be able to do as you ask, should they desire to do so.


That's really getting at the heart of the issue; we didn't ask for it.


They announced it, then they reneged on it partially, and now they are stalling with the option to reneg further.


I could care less about the feature itself. It's the consistent backpedalling that is eroding my trust.

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They have spent a lot of time getting this ready they will anticipate making a large profit on it I would imagine and most people will want to transfer multiple characters.


You dont need to be Miss Cleo to predict that as anytime something changes or is released people wail in the night and "unsub" regardless how minuscule the changes are and if they even effect them. Due to this you know they are being very careful with how they approach it and that is likely what the delay is. IMO they are going to likely end up in a position where they cant win and make everyone happy.


My guess is you will be lucky to get 1 free character transfer and by no means will it be a free all character transfer and with name changes at $10 you can bet transfers will be in the $25 range (which will cause complaints and I unsub threads per the norm of course) as people will want to transfer all their alts for the legacy bonuses you receive. They likely want to control this as well so they dont create less populated servers leaving the server to die and forcing others to pay to transfer which is why I think the price will be set higher to control that to a degree.


I know I dont envy their position in this matter as they cant please everyone and its sure to be a storm of complaints, heck look at the dye release.

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Contrary to popular belief, putting price tag on services also serves other purposes, like limiting how many people use them.


Yes, that's right, BioWare doesn't want you to change servers. They won't get anything from it(other than payment for service), but it can seriously imbalance populations on all servers. Some become empty, some gain 2h queue.

You don't care, you don't have to, it's not your problem to solve. So BW doesn't allow problem to appear, not without generating some serious benefit, like transfer fee from (blind shoot) 50k people. Or 300k chars. In comparision, gratitude from part of playerbase that would benefit from it(certainly not everyone wants to transfer) and forget it with next misstep, is really really insignificant.

And don't try to fool anyone, if they delay warzone from 2.4(or whatever "OMG U LIED" kind of bad press), you wouldn't care that they gave you free transfer 4 months earier.

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Now that server transfers are *finally* coming, I want to ask against all odds for BioWare to be generous to it's older players and grant those of us who had a sub prior to server merges a free legacy wide transfer. We did *not* choose the server we are currently on and with the Legacy system being what it is, many did not want to reroll.


This would generate good press for a change, make older subbers happy and generate good will overall in the community. Most importantly, it would save those of us who stuck on our servers instead of rerolling with a ton of characters a lot of money.




So, I plead to you BioWare, do your community a solid. DO IT FOR THE KITTENS!


/signed since I have 18 characters I'd like to transfer from Begeren Colony to Bastion- 7 55's, 6 50's, 1 45, 2 22's, and 2 12's (initially covered all advanced classes over both factions with all race and gender options then felt "compelled" to make two Cathars [one of each faction]) yes, I'm an altoholic :)


At $25 per single character (just using a number from another game so I can make my point) that would be $450 to transfer the entire legacy. Methinks that would be a bit excessive since EAWare has ENCOURAGED alts and running multiple characters ever since they decided that the story was really the "only" thing this game had going for it over the competition and created the legacy system :rak_03:


Edit: I would also even be perfectly fine with EAWare charging a reasonable reduced flat fee (compared to the above $450) to transfer an entire legacy- say no more than four times the single character fee-so using the $25 example above $100 for any size legacy. But there is NO WAY I'm ever going to pay half a grand for something EAWare caused both by all the forced mergers and encouraging of large numbers of alts via legacy system :rak_03:

Edited by LrdRahvin
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