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Normal Queues today??


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Just an inquiry, not QQing about premades here at all... Did something seem off with the grouping in normals today? It seemed like every solo queue I took was against at least a 4 man premade though most appeared to be double premades (or 4+3 groups and none appeared intentional)


Where the 3/4 mans seeing a lot of pugs with them or other 3/4 mans groups joined with?? Also, what did the other side look like, more full pug groups or more premade groups?


Today reminded me of the queues in Tera, it was very much the normal to have three 5 man groups matched up against all solo queued.

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Not sure if this is a reference to Unicorn, but we did have 3 groups and a group of 2 queuing at the same time tonight. A lot of those warzones ended up being "superqueues." It happens.


My pug beat one of your superqueues, lol

Edited by ace_boogie
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Just an inquiry, not QQing about premades here at all... Did something seem off with the grouping in normals today? It seemed like every solo queue I took was against at least a 4 man premade though most appeared to be double premades (or 4+3 groups and none appeared intentional)


Where the 3/4 mans seeing a lot of pugs with them or other 3/4 mans groups joined with?? Also, what did the other side look like, more full pug groups or more premade groups?


Today reminded me of the queues in Tera, it was very much the normal to have three 5 man groups matched up against all solo queued.

I've queue'd in more 4ms in the past 3 days than I have in the the last 3 months. there were a couple bloodline grps going most of the day. I'd say the number of grps in Q was up.

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Not sure if this is a reference to Unicorn, but we did have 3 groups and a group of 2 queuing at the same time tonight. A lot of those warzones ended up being "superqueues." It happens.

This was in reference to no particular guild. I didn't actually see anything that I would have figured as a super queue on Thursday. Yet anything with either Cates or Blunti is a super queue IMO. One of these days I'll get one of them to <90% health before I die.. one day.. .. I can dream right?

I don't mind the random 4+4 groups getting queued together, I don't have a complaint against them. My complaint has always been against the 4+4 that are using the same viop system or under the same guild tag. I personally think that one of those groups should always leave the warzone, wait 30 seconds and requeue. Again, just my solo queue *****ed opinion on how it should be treated though I don't see why that is asking so much of a guild to do.


This was all in reference to the number of 4+4s / 4+3's that I seen on Thursday paired with the number of 4's that I was got queued with. Just seemed like all groups were being matched together and against near full solo queuers. I wasn't able to get logged in Friday to see if things were the same or not and today is going to be hit or miss on how late I can get on (on break from building a garage atm) So not sure if it was just Thursday Premade funday or something might have been messed up with the queuing system with Thursdays patch.


Though, many days I would just like to have the 2 dailys take 3 or even 4 warzones to complete, I do enjoy going against a single group of 4 + pugs. It's damn good practice, no doubt about it. The point at which it clearly becomes a loss, I just pick someone and focus them to get a better idea on how that particular class works in PvP. I don't have the time to play one of each class/spec to learn it, so what better way then to pick out someone, make sure recording is on, go in a few times and review it later?

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