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The mortar change is a trash mob thing. Mortar and orbital knock weak and standard npcs down, but it used to kind of knock them out of the aoe radius. The change is so that when you drop one on trash they fall down but dont fall out of the range.

As for the dps question, I do think that commandos wont often havr the top numbers in a ranked match, but this doesnt mean they arent effective or down right beastly. Think of it this way: a dirty fighting slinger will out dps an equally skilled sharpshootwr by several hundred thousand in a ranked match, but that doesnt mean the sharpshooter wasnt tearing people up and helping win the game for his team. The single target burst a commando brings is very strong in coordinated rated settings, top dps or not. A good commando makes life miserable for the other team and to be honest, is the counter for the sage/sorc which are currently reigning death on people

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I have 16 characters - one of each - and have played every class to cap. I also play against all of them in ranked. The 4 characters I listed were just the ones Id considered to be my m"big two" whenever I last edited that.


Good to know. However... and sorry to parse your words like a lawyer... you wrote that you "play *against* all of them in ranked." I note you did NOT say that you PvP with your alleged level 55 Commando in ranked war zones. Why is that? Other classes are more powerful/ more fun/ more useful to the team, in short, *better*? Or maybe, no one would invite you to a ranked team on your commando? (BTW, that is not meant to disparage your personal gaming ability, just saying that there is only so much even the best player can do with what they are given). All are true or, in terms of the invite or lack thereof, highly likely so I'm just curious which or what combination.

Edited by BoushhDC
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As for the dps question, I do think that commandos wont often havr the top numbers in a ranked match, but this doesnt mean they arent effective or down right beastly. Think of it this way: a dirty fighting slinger will out dps an equally skilled sharpshootwr by several hundred thousand in a ranked match, but that doesnt mean the sharpshooter wasnt tearing people up and helping win the game for his team. The single target burst a commando brings is very strong in coordinated rated settings, top dps or not. A good commando makes life miserable for the other team and to be honest, is the counter for the sage/sorc which are currently reigning death on people


It's hard to explain if you don't play all the classes listed above, but since I do, I can at least tell you the "filler" damage between the slinger and commando are completely lopsided. And we are all aware the difference between big dot and aoe damage numbers vs heavy burst output, but the problem is it's not sustained long enough to make it a major threat. The class needs a buff. Then when you look at healing for the commando, which was my first choice back at launch, the healing is a complete joke.


I feel like I've been in a long term relationship with Bioware when i hit /played and now it's time to break up w her. To prevent feeling like an *****hole, i've decided to list out my grievances, though i know she will refuse to change. Maybe this will help with the closure when it's finally time to leave. Who knows. Maybe she will come to my house in the middle of the night and leave a patch note at my door saying she's sorry and wants to work it out. Or maybe she will give a bj to the sentinel living across the street again like a whore. Either way, it's going to be a bumpy ride this summer.

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I feel like I've been in a long term relationship with Bioware when i hit /played and now it's time to break up w her. To prevent feeling like an *****hole, i've decided to list out my grievances, though i know she will refuse to change. Maybe this will help with the closure when it's finally time to leave. Who knows. Maybe she will come to my house in the middle of the night and leave a patch note at my door saying she's sorry and wants to work it out. Or maybe she will give a bj to the sentinel living across the street again like a whore. Either way, it's going to be a bumpy ride this summer.


lol. Priceless.

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Hold the Line finishes the cooldown on Tech Override.

- Would probably be too often, 50% chance to finish CD would be much fairer.

High talent in the dps trees should buff mortar volley by 10/20/30% and place a 70% slow for the duration of mortar volley on affected targets (make sure they eat the damage).

- Sounds good

Hold the Line increases close range attacks by x% and range attacks by y%.

Curtain of Fire makes Full Auto an auto crit, hit faster (like the sage dps talent on telekenetic throw), and unable to be interrupted.

- Take out the auto crit and you have a good idea. That procs way too often to have something that hits that hard be an auto crit.


Kolto bomb heals you for double its current amount.

- I would prefer the HoT afterwards be a little stronger. Or at least have a marker on the ground so people stop running out of it.

Hammer shot heals stack on targets. At three stacks a shield is cast over the target (similar to sage bubble).

- I would prefer to have something like this happen while the target has Trauma Probe on them so that the class has a bit more depth and synergy between abilities. It would also make the fact we can only have one Trauma Probe active at a time more justified

Medical probe auto-crits on targets affected by preventative medicine.

- Since Preventative Medicine is a 100% proc it seems a bit over the top. Maybe increase the crit chance by like 25% or something would be a little bit more balanced.


Please implement these changes quickly in an upcoming pvp patch, or just let the merc/mandos know when we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.


PS- the cc breaker reset on death is a bad idea... trust me. just revamp the mechanics on resolve if you're concerned over "stun wars", although I am fine with leaving it the way it is.


Good suggestions, a little over the top but they are in the right direction. I don't play ranked but you really have to do the balancing with regs at least in mind as that is where the majority of play takes place.

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Good to know. However... and sorry to parse your words like a lawyer... you wrote that you "play *against* all of them in ranked." I note you did NOT say that you PvP with your alleged level 55 Commando in ranked war zones. Why is that? Other classes are more powerful/ more fun/ more useful to the team, in short, *better*? Or maybe, no one would invite you to a ranked team on your commando? (BTW, that is not meant to disparage your personal gaming ability, just saying that there is only so much even the best player can do with what they are given). All are true or, in terms of the invite or lack thereof, highly likely so I'm just curious which or what combination.


I dont play them all in ranked because you bring your best players in ranked at their best positions. Not only is my guild in no need of me on other classes, but they are also not my best. Most people are of course best at one class and that is the one you bring to ranked.

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Silly pls buff my class post. I want my sin tank armor rating reverted back to 1.7, together with my pyro PT. Also I need smash damage to be buffed 20%, cos i'm losing my duels vs carnage mara/veng jugg. Thanks for reading :)
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It's hard to explain if you don't play all the classes listed above, but since I do, I can at least tell you the "filler" damage between the slinger and commando are completely lopsided. And we are all aware the difference between big dot and aoe damage numbers vs heavy burst output, but the problem is it's not sustained long enough to make it a major threat. The class needs a buff. Then when you look at healing for the commando, which was my first choice back at launch, the healing is a complete joke.


I feel like I've been in a long term relationship with Bioware when i hit /played and now it's time to break up w her. To prevent feeling like an *****hole, i've decided to list out my grievances, though i know she will refuse to change. Maybe this will help with the closure when it's finally time to leave. Who knows. Maybe she will come to my house in the middle of the night and leave a patch note at my door saying she's sorry and wants to work it out. Or maybe she will give a bj to the sentinel living across the street again like a whore. Either way, it's going to be a bumpy ride this summer.


I dont know that I can agree about the sustain. Some classes bring more sustain, others more burst, etc. Think of a sorceror and the enormous burst they bring. Theres no doubt how fornidable it is and how good in ranked. In between, though, its really not that great. In fact, the really good burst only comes once a minute or so. Similarly, demolition round HIB and full auto provide great burst, so what difference does it make if the few seconds in between is weaker?

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Good suggestions, a little over the top but they are in the right direction. I don't play ranked but you really have to do the balancing with regs at least in mind as that is where the majority of play takes place.


You should ABSOLUTELY balance game-play based on ranked warzones because that's the one place where you can evaluate controlled fights. I could see how in regs you could get dellusional about a class' ability, especially commandos. I see screenshots from commandos who say everything is fine because they hit 2 mil damage. It's usually from a reg where the cross healing from three healers overcomes the focus fire so massive numbers are put up and there's only a few deaths. Ranked matches show you everything you need to know about the class and right now the sage/gunslinger/smash dps is taking a dump on the commando.

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I'm probably one of the best commando/mercs in the game on any server, so i'm not sure what your going to prove. I haven't felt the need to justify my ability to make my point, but I'm sure some of the imps playing against me can vouch for what I do.


You're starting to sound like a dev by suggesting the issue is positioning. I'm waiting for someone to RP ackbar and tell me it's a trap.


Be thankful you actually play one of the few classes that still has to actually manage thier mechanic. Rage/focus has been retarded down to mindless, and so has energy and force.


Let's just revert mando back to launch where they had infinate ammo, then we can guard them with guardians and have the two of them require 7 people to kill them. That'll fix balance. People need to die in pvp.


You have to be careful with a heavy armor healing class.

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... so what difference does it make if the few seconds in between is weaker?


:confused: ......




does that help? lol. It's ranked pvp. messing up one stun can cost you the game. Clicking on a speeder too late can cost you the game. a few seconds of unsustained dps is MASSIVE. It's can be the difference in killing a class and them getting healed up, especially when a class like commando doesn't even have an execute. CILAS!!!!!! Make him stop! I play ranked every night on my commando, what the hell do i know?!

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I dont play them all in ranked because you bring your best players in ranked at their best positions. Not only is my guild in no need of me on other classes, but they are also not my best. Most people are of course best at one class and that is the one you bring to ranked.


I only asked about commando, not the other 15, but it seems to be the answer is "no" you don't play your 55 commando in ranked because you are better at another class, whichever that may be. And I understand about team composition if you have a set group as many guilds do. So do you have a commando on your ranked team or not, (because you only mentioned fighting "against" them, not with one as part of your team)? If not, why not? Is it because you have found, as most guilds have, that spot if better filled by other classes with more power/ utility if given the choice? Be honest. If Commando was in "such a good place" A) you'd either play one or B) you'd demand to have one on your team.

Edited by BoushhDC
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Or maybe she will give a bj to the sentinel living across the street again like a whore. Either way, it's going to be a bumpy ride this summer.


Im a Sentinel, I like BJs, and I stay in your house. My summer looks good... :cool:

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So do you have a commando on your ranked team or not, (because you only mentioned fighting "against" them, not with one as part of your team)? If not, why not? Is it because you have found, as most guilds have, that spot if better filled by other classes with more power/ utility? Be honest. If Commando was in "such a good place" A) you'd either play one or B) you'd demand to have one on your team.


I agree an disagree. If Commando was so good every team would have one. I also think the ultimate balance of ranked PvP is when any class can be found on teams. Not that you HAVE to have one for some gimmick or that you HAVE to have one because their DPS is so much better, but because that player fits with your style. The day you can pick your class based on your playstyle and know that you are viable in ranked (assuming you as a player are skilled) is the day class balance is perfect.


So I would be fine with his team not having one, but every team not having one because it's not viable is an issue. I'd like to lean towards the second one, but I have seen some streams of top rated teams taking mandos into ranked (surprisingly no mercs though...).

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:confused: ......




does that help? lol. It's ranked pvp. messing up one stun can cost you the game. Clicking on a speeder too late can cost you the game. a few seconds of unsustained dps is MASSIVE. It's can be the difference in killing a class and them getting healed up, especially when a class like commando doesn't even have an execute. CILAS!!!!!! Make him stop! I play ranked every night on my commando, what the hell do i know?!


My whole point is that the "in between" on commandos is ni worse than the in between on sages - its almost the same as the in between on sages, in fact - or even smash, but you seem to acknowledge that these classes are good. Im trying to understand why commandos in between is supposedly too weak when its the same as classes you think are fine compared to yours.

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I only asked about commando, not the other 15, but it seems to be the answer is "no" you don't play your 55 commando in ranked because you are better at another class, whichever that may be. And I understand about team composition if you have a set group as many guilds do. So do you have a commando on your ranked team or not, (because you only mentioned fighting "against" them, not with one as part of your team)? If not, why not? Is it because you have found, as most guilds have, that spot if better filled by other classes with more power/ utility if given the choice? Be honest. If Commando was in "such a good place" A) you'd either play one or B) you'd demand to have one on your team.


No commando because our best sorc is better than our best merc. Composition wise, they both fill a similar role and bringing one or the other, based on player skill, is what makes sense rather than bringing one of each.

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I agree an disagree. If Commando was so good every team would have one. I also think the ultimate balance of ranked PvP is when any class can be found on teams. Not that you HAVE to have one for some gimmick or that you HAVE to have one because their DPS is so much better, but because that player fits with your style. The day you can pick your class based on your playstyle and know that you are viable in ranked (assuming you as a player are skilled) is the day class balance is perfect.


So I would be fine with his team not having one, but every team not having one because it's not viable is an issue. I'd like to lean towards the second one, but I have seen some streams of top rated teams taking mandos into ranked (surprisingly no mercs though...).


I don't really see where we disagree. And I would also be fine with his team not having one if he wasn't asserting that commandos are in a sufficiently "good place." It's like that old saying, "put your money where your mouth is." He has already established that he doesn't PvP in ranked with one (doesn't mention if he PvPs in regs with one), so the only aspect to query is whether or not there is one as part of the set/regular team (not a fill in because someone else that usually does it isn't available, or the guild is so small, they don't have their pick of classes/ good players, for example). If the answer to that is also "no" then I see no basis for the statement that commandos are in a "good place."


TLDR: Commandos have been and continue to be treated as second-class citizens. Even in your observation about vids of ranked, did you notice your own subtle "taking mandos into ranked?" Perhaps you didn't intend to imply the bring along, i.e. "carry," but the implication and perception would not be inaccurate.

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Im a Sentinel, I like BJs, and I stay in your house. My summer looks good... :cool:




She looks good at the bar, when you're in walmart and you see the SWTOR cover on the magazine. So you buy her a few drinks, a few months of subscription, just to try her out. Everything seems fine. BUT THEN! Then she wants to move in, you think, "Cool, we can split the bills, plus she helps clean and does most of the cooking, I could get used to this." But when you start dealing with her on a daily basis, and getting into the minute details, like slight class balances, she starts to become much less attractive. Then you start going out again with your buddies, just to test the waters, with a Beta test weekend here, or a halo expansion pack there. Next thing you know, she starting to become a real ***** at home, and you tell her to pack her stuff and leave. But noooooo, she's not leaving. You have a subscription that doesn't run out til next month, so you're stuck with her. Plus, you just knocked her up two months ago and you can't abandon your kid, the guildies would miss you too much. So you stick around for a bit longer, just to do the right thing.


...He's 3 years old now. Maybe you can take the kid with you if you just move out??! Great idea right? The guildies would love to switch over to a new game, plus your new house is pretty pimpin with all these nice toys. But no, your girl keeps buying him ice cream and promising to take him to chuck e cheese with general statements like, "You're not gonna believe the INSANE amount of CRAZY AWESOME RIDICULOUS improvements we're working on for pvp. LOUD NOISES!!!!" So if you take the guildies with you to the new place, they will always be looking back at the old house wondering if mint chocolate chip is sitting in the freezer like she promised it would in October.


So you finally decide enough is enough and instead of moving out, you're going to throw her out, so you put all her stuff out in the driveway by cancelling your subscription and going f2p. But when she shows up that evening, she has two kids with her she adopted that day saying she wants to merge the households together to make a more complete family. The two kids are from the West Coast and they don't get along with your East Coast kid, but it makes you feel more like a unit with more action going on around the house. But you wake up in the middle of the night and realize the fundamentals of the relationship aren't there. Plus your buddy at work has been married to a girl named WoW for 10 years and though he is wifed up and she expects him home right after work every day, at least she shaves downstairs and lets him give her a dirty sanchez on his birthdays. She may be a little old, but she at least knows how to please a man. Kinda awkward he's married to her, since she's your ex, but they have been happy for all these years, so more power to them.


So you haven't been able to leave her, though you're unhappy. Plus you bought her a nice car, a lot of expensive jewelry, and you prepaid on a bawlin vacation this summer, all paid for in cartel packs, so you're pot committed for at least this year to her. But while on the bawlin vacation you get really high and you wake up with a distant memory of an exotic girl taking you for a night on the town with crazy sex. You can't remember her face, but in your cell phone there's a new number logged under the name... Titan.



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No commando because our best sorc is better than our best merc. Composition wise, they both fill a similar role and bringing one or the other, based on player skill, is what makes sense rather than bringing one of each.


So despite my statement that "even the best player can only do so much with what they're given" you contend that the only reason you don't bring a merc is that the guy who plays the best merc you have sucks as a player (and by extension, so does everyone else in your guild, even worse, that plays mercs)? :eek: Wow. Isn't there some small still voice in the back of your mind whispering that "hey, maybe it's the class?" Don't you see that your assertion that your guild has no good mercs (not good enough to invite to your ranked team) does not support -- in fact contradicts -- your statement that they "are in a good place?" lol


So let's lay it all on the table, and this is all in the context of what we've been discussing thus far, which is ranked. You don't play one, and you don't play with one on your team. You state that you play "against" them. It's only natural that one not want to have a class they fight against to get any better. Therefore, the fact that you state that commandos "are in a good place," in my estimation, translates that you can deal with them fine now (aside perhaps from the occasional nuisance electro-net, et. al.) but if they were better, you might start being challenged by them. You've been relatively straight forward so far, so does that about sum it up?

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So despite my statement that "even the best player can only do so much with what they're given" you contend that the only reason you don't bring a merc is that the guy who plays the best merc you have sucks as a player (and by extension, so does everyone else in your guild, even worse, that plays mercs)? :eek: Wow. Isn't there some small still voice in the back of your mind whispering that "hey, maybe it's the class?" Don't you see that your assertion that your guild has no good mercs (not good enough to invite to your ranked team) does not support -- in fact contradicts -- your statement that they "are in a good place?" lol


I never said we do not have any good mercenaries. In fact, we have an extremely good mercenary. However, we have one of the best sorcerers in the entire game, or at least we think so. As I said, it only makes sense to bring either a mercenary or a sorcerer but not both, and given that it makes sense to take the best player at either of the 2 positions.


If you had Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger on your team, the fact that you start Brady doesnt mean that Ben is a bad player. Its just that Brady is better.

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She looks good at the bar, when you're in walmart and you see the SWTOR cover on the magazine. So you buy her a few drinks, a few months of subscription, just to try her out. Everything seems fine. BUT THEN! Then she wants to move in, you think, "Cool, we can split the bills, plus she helps clean and does most of the cooking, I could get used to this." But when you start dealing with her on a daily basis, and getting into the minute details, like slight class balances, she starts to become much less attractive. Then you start going out again with your buddies, just to test the waters, with a Beta test weekend here, or a halo expansion pack there. Next thing you know, she starting to become a real ***** at home, and you tell her to pack her stuff and leave. But noooooo, she's not leaving. You have a subscription that doesn't run out til next month, so you're stuck with her. Plus, you just knocked her up two months ago and you can't abandon your kid, the guildies would miss you too much. So you stick around for a bit longer, just to do the right thing.


...He's 3 years old now. Maybe you can take the kid with you if you just move out??! Great idea right? The guildies would love to switch over to a new game, plus your new house is pretty pimpin with all these nice toys. But no, your girl keeps buying him ice cream and promising to take him to chuck e cheese with general statements like, "You're not gonna believe the INSANE amount of CRAZY AWESOME RIDICULOUS improvements we're working on for pvp. LOUD NOISES!!!!" So if you take the guildies with you to the new place, they will always be looking back at the old house wondering if mint chocolate chip is sitting in the freezer like she promised it would in October.


So you finally decide enough is enough and instead of moving out, you're going to throw her out, so you put all her stuff out in the driveway by cancelling your subscription and going f2p. But when she shows up that evening, she has two kids with her she adopted that day saying she wants to merge the households together to make a more complete family. The two kids are from the West Coast and they don't get along with your East Coast kid, but it makes you feel more like a unit with more action going on around the house. But you wake up in the middle of the night and realize the fundamentals of the relationship aren't there. Plus your buddy at work has been married to a girl named WoW for 10 years and though he is wifed up and she expects him home right after work every day, at least she shaves downstairs and lets him give her a dirty sanchez on his birthdays. She may be a little old, but she at least knows how to please a man. Kinda awkward he's married to her, since she's your ex, but they have been happy for all these years, so more power to them.


So you haven't been able to leave her, though you're unhappy. Plus you bought her a nice car, a lot of expensive jewelry, and you prepaid on a bawlin vacation this summer, all paid for in cartel packs, so you're pot committed for at least this year to her. But while on the bawlin vacation you get really high and you wake up with a distant memory of an exotic girl taking you for a night on the town with crazy sex. You can't remember her face, but in your cell phone there's a new number logged under the name... Titan.




Meanwhile this whole time, from moving in to the vacation, she is still blowing the sentinel living in a room in your house! Good summer is good...:eek:

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I never said we do not have any good mercenaries. In fact, we have an extremely good mercenary. However, we have one of the best sorcerers in the entire game, or at least we think so. As I said, it only makes sense to bring either a mercenary or a sorcerer but not both, and given that it makes sense to take the best player at either of the 2 positions.


If you had Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger on your team, the fact that you start Brady doesnt mean that Ben is a bad player. Its just that Brady is better.


I wrote that , according to you, you do not have a merc good enough to invite to your ranked team. Using your analogy, Ben is on the bench... NOT PLAYING... and neither are the mercs/commandos, who are paying the same $15/month, and that is definitively NOT a good place... not for them, at least. *That* is the point. ;)


Additionally, since you didn't address my second observation, I'll take your silence on the matter as assent. Or perhaps you didn't see it since it was added 30 seconds after the initial post? Either way, In final summation, I suspect you don't want what is "good" for commandos/mercs... you want what is best for you as an opponent (by definition, you are opposed). While it's only natural to feel that way, it is not a valid argument against the OPs points, especially when presented with an entirely different motive. Again, people who play mercs/commandos are paying the same $15 per month that others are. They're just as entitled to quality game-play and a fun experience as everyone else.

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I wrote that , according to you, you do not have a merc good enough to invite to your ranked team. Using your analogy, Ben is on the bench... NOT PLAYING... and neither are the mercs/commandos, who are paying the same $15/month, and that is definitively NOT a good place... not for them, at least. *That* is the point. ;)


Do we agree that smash is in a good place? Id think so. That doesnt make sentinels bad because every guild has sentinels "on the bench."


What it comes down to is that a good ranked compositon these days, at least with the meta in pot5, includes EITHER a merc or a sorc. When you have a sorc you would put in the top 3, your merc is gonna get left on the bench, even if hes in the top 5.


On top of this, other top guilds on our server do bring mercs/commandos, either almost always or often. There are only 8 spots. Trying to paint my words as demonstrating that mercs are no good in ranked is like saying that sentinels are no good because youd rather have a gunslinger instead of a third smash. There are only so many spots per role and certain set roles you must have.

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Do we agree that smash is in a good place? Id think so. That doesnt make sentinels bad because every guild has sentinels "on the bench."


What it comes down to is that a good ranked compositon these days, at least with the meta in pot5, includes EITHER a merc or a sorc. When you have a sorc you would put in the top 3, your merc is gonna get left on the bench, even if hes in the top 5.


On top of this, other top guilds on our server do bring mercs/commandos, either almost always or often. There are only 8 spots. Trying to paint my words as demonstrating that mercs are no good in ranked is like saying that sentinels are no good because youd rather have a gunslinger instead of a third smash. There are only so many spots per role and certain set roles you must have.


Third smash? So who are delivering the first two? As you point out, there are 8 spots. There also happen to be 8 classes. Which are being excluded and which are being doubled (or tripled) up on?

Edited by BoushhDC
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