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I'm hoping I can get the attention of a dev on this thread. The pvp in this game is taking a nose dive. I'm gm of a guild that plays rateds almost every night (and has done so since rateds started) and I am hoping you can give me 2 minutes of your time to hear me out:


First, we need a new pvp map ASAP. I've heard many great suggestions on the forums, but honestly at this point you need to just pick one and move on. There are pros and cons to every map currently and every proposed idea.


Second, I think it's terrible customer service and a huge slap in the face not to address an issue that has generated over 140,000 views and clearly has the most concern from the players of this game: the commando/merc situation. (and replying back to hug corners better back in 2012 does not count as a response...) Please look at my ideas, I tried to make them easy to implement by revamping current abilities:


Hold the Line finishes the cooldown on Tech Override.

High talent in the dps trees should buff mortar volley by 10/20/30% and place a 70% slow for the duration of mortar volley on affected targets (make sure they eat the damage).

Hold the Line increases close range attacks by x% and range attacks by y%.

Curtain of Fire makes Full Auto an auto crit, hit faster (like the sage dps talent on telekenetic throw), and unable to be interrupted.


Kolto bomb heals you for double its current amount.

Hammer shot heals stack on targets. At three stacks a shield is cast over the target (similar to sage bubble).

Medical probe auto-crits on targets affected by preventative medicine.


Please implement these changes quickly in an upcoming pvp patch, or just let the merc/mandos know when we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.


PS- the cc breaker reset on death is a bad idea... trust me. just revamp the mechanics on resolve if you're concerned over "stun wars", although I am fine with leaving it the way it is.

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This was disappointingly small in scope

that's what she said



Had to try and get their attention. It got yours so hopefully this does the trick with them too. Feel free to add anything or start your own thread. Paying my subscription fee and a few hundred when the first cartel packs came out, I felt like I should give the devs a chance to hear my frustrations and a window of opportunity to at least address them with a response on the thread or a fix in the game (or both) before I leave the game.

Edited by ciTriChOtshOt
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Had to try and get their attention. It got yours so hopefully this does the trick with them too. Feel free to add anything or start your own thread. Paying my subscription fee and a few hundred when the first cartel packs came out, I felt like I should give the devs a chance to hear my frustrations and a window of opportunity to at least address them with a response on the thread or a fix in the game (or both) before I leave the game.


Well no new map is coming as stated in the comments from them yesterday, at least anytime soon. The rest is just a complaint about mechanics using an over dramatic title for attention, you should know better by now it makes no difference. Your best bet is to post in the thread that they responded to recently with new PvP ideas in it as it is clear they read them and noted some are being worked on atm.


Good luck getting a response.

Edited by Avicii
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Title will get player attention. Changing title to "unable to purchase anything from the cartel market" may get more dev attention, however. :rak_03:


I lol'd. :p


But, the OP brings up valid points, although I doubt they're addressed anytime soon.



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I lol'd. :p


But, the OP brings up valid points, although I doubt they're addressed anytime soon.




Urinating into a hurricane.

Although I'm regrettably not an active rated participant, I'm still a full time pvper and hardcore star wars fan, and even I've opted to more or less 'move on' until 2.4

I'll pop in and do my daily. Then log off.

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I sincerely hope this is a troll post. Commandos are in a good place now and can provide the ranged caster damage for a good composition. You do fine, even in ranked with it. Donkks does as well as I am sure you are aware. Yes, some out there have played the class incorrectly and had limited success, but a good merc or commando is a force to be reckoned with. Im not sure what shortcomings you are concerned with. What youre suggesting would make them well more than overpowered, at that.
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I sincerely hope this is a troll post. Commandos are in a good place now and can provide the ranged caster damage for a good composition. You do fine, even in ranked with it. Donkks does as well as I am sure you are aware. Yes, some out there have played the class incorrectly and had limited success, but a good merc or commando is a force to be reckoned with. Im not sure what shortcomings you are concerned with. What youre suggesting would make them well more than overpowered, at that.


Not sure if I'm supposed to address this. I play the class extremely well and I can ***** on people's numbers in regs, I'm only concerned with the numbers in rateds. Smasher/Gunslinger/Sniper/Sage can pump out huge numbers dps wise, and sage/scoundrel can do almost twice the hps. Cilas, can you handle my light work for me?


btw, God forbid the commando/merc gets to be the op class for a few months. :eek::eek::eek::eek:

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I guess the OP doesn't read patch notes. Today you got your Mortar Volley buffed to knock down enemies that it hits. Also, the rest of his post is completely un-viable. Commando DPS is amazing right now, only the heals need attention.
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I guess the OP doesn't read patch notes. Today you got your Mortar Volley buffed to knock down enemies that it hits. Also, the rest of his post is completely un-viable. Commando DPS is amazing right now, only the heals need attention.


Mortar volley knocks everyone down?!?!?!?!!?! Why didn't someone tell me?!! Show's over guys. Everyone go home. Problem solved. Smashers beware, I'm going to mortar volley you to the ground and force you to eat all 4k damage.


Without reading the notes, I'm assuming the mortar volley knocks snipers out of cover and sorcs out of force barrier all the while not filling resolve on anyone? This is going to change everything. Thanks for the heads up!

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At this point any post on this thread is going to get a sarcastic response. I hit /played now and it's depressing me considering the lack of improvements this game has made. I just want to see drastic changes that I know won't happen but will make the pvp in this game interesting again. Make the node caps in civil war 3 secs, make huttball sudden death if both teams are tied after 8 mins. I don't really care. Just do something please to change it up.


In the mean time I was catching up on the forums this morning and i see all this talk back and forth and i have three pm's asking if the pot5 guilds are transferring to the Bastion or the other way around. I really don't think there's going to be much rwz's in a few months anyways on either server if they don't change some stuff up, so i'm starting to not care at all. As much bickering as everyone has done and epeen flexing, we will probably have to take it to a more viable forum like halo or battlefield until something happens with this game.

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Im rolling a merc next double exp weekend, I think kids are just bad at DPS on them and dont know about pre kiting and positioning.


Ive seen strenx play his and he has no issues at all.


I'm probably one of the best commando/mercs in the game on any server, so i'm not sure what your going to prove. I haven't felt the need to justify my ability to make my point, but I'm sure some of the imps playing against me can vouch for what I do.


You're starting to sound like a dev by suggesting the issue is positioning. I'm waiting for someone to RP ackbar and tell me it's a trap.

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...Commandos are in a good place now ...


According to your sig, you essentially play two classes. When you've played a commando to cap, you will undoubtedly have a better grasp of the issues and will be better qualified to comment on whether "commandos are in a good place now." Until then... not so much. ;)

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I'm like a squirrel anyway. Anytime I see a bright red circle I go stand in it just to see what's going on. This new improvement has no bearing on me whatsoever :D


I bet they would love you in pve, lol

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I guess the OP doesn't read patch notes. Today you got your Mortar Volley buffed to knock down enemies that it hits. Also, the rest of his post is completely un-viable. Commando DPS is amazing right now, only the heals need attention.


I've been pvp'ing all morning. There IS NO knockdown and players run out of the circle on the ground just as easily as they did before. They aren't interrupted, slowed or anything. That description by the devs is utterly false.


Again, another useless post from someone who has not rolled a Commando yet makes such assertions as "Commando DPS is amazing right now..." Pfft.

Edited by BoushhDC
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I've been pvp'ing all morning. There IS NO knockdown. That description by the devs is utterly false.


Again, another useless post from someone who has not rolled a Commando yet makes such assertions as "Commando DPS is amazing right now..." Pfft.


*sigh* Patch note incoming:


Death from Above now knocks enemies down in their current position, making it easier to keep targets inside the blast radius.


If you're leveling on Makeb, this might be helpful to kill a mob that is somewhat spread out. No change for PvP though.

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According to your sig, you essentially play two classes. When you've played a commando to cap, you will undoubtedly have a better grasp of the issues and will be better qualified to comment on whether "commandos are in a good place now." Until then... not so much. ;)


lol. You mean having a lvl 37 assassin doesn't count??! Skolops- change of plans- change your signature so none of the levels are showing on your toons, just the name and class, then people will think you've played enough of the game to know what you're talking about. hurry and do it before people get home and actually start reading the forums.

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If you're leveling on Makeb, this might be helpful to kill a mob that is somewhat spread out. No change for PvP though.


That sucks, i was actually looking forward to getting home from work and at least having fun with everyone knocking them down with mortar volley. That's how desperate I am to have fun in this game now..


Either way, commando dps is fine, the OP has no clue what he's talking about my best friend's uncle's pet squirrel's brother posted a screenshot of him doing 1.5 mil damage and the next dps-er was around 900k in a voidstar reg, so that means the class is fine, if anything it needs a nerf.

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According to your sig, you essentially play two classes. When you've played a commando to cap, you will undoubtedly have a better grasp of the issues and will be better qualified to comment on whether "commandos are in a good place now." Until then... not so much. ;)


I have 16 characters - one of each - and have played every class to cap. I also play against all of them in ranked. The 4 characters I listed were just the ones Id considered to be my m"big two" whenever I last edited that.

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